Our Daughter & SonLAW, are riding here this afternoon, from Forney. In the morning, saturday 4/02/05, by 830am, we'll be packed, and ride south. We're riding to Natchitoches, La. This'll be our third trip, to the oldest town in Louisana, They claim to be older than Nor'leans,La. We expect the weather to be fairly coolish, when we pull out. Possibly, 45 ta 50'. But to be nice by noon, down south, hopefully. My Honey and I, and Angie and Keith, just the two Bikes and the Gals, this year. My Honda rarely leaves, without Honey aboard, atleast riding very far. (grin) If none of ya', have'nt rode to, and around Natchitoches, La. ya' need to be puttin' that trip on yer agenda, folks. The little town, in mid-Lousiana, 75 miles south of Shreveport, attracks lotsa Motorbikes. <>bjay<>