Bike recommendations, please

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Timo Geusch, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. Timo Geusch

    GungaDan Guest

    GungaDan, Jul 15, 2007
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  2. Timo Geusch

    muddy cat Guest

    Welcome to the new german italian alliance,
    muddy cat, Jul 16, 2007
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  3. Timo Geusch

    GungaDan Guest

    I think it's known as an axis...
    GungaDan, Jul 16, 2007
  4. Timo Geusch

    deadmail Guest

    Bummer. But since you've already broached the subject...
    deadmail, Jul 16, 2007
  5. Timo Geusch

    muddy cat Guest

    Of doom, eh?
    muddy cat, Jul 16, 2007
  6. Timo Geusch

    GungaDan Guest

    GungaDan, Jul 16, 2007
  7. I meant the modern one, actually.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 16, 2007
  8. Ti.. Oh. Ah. Maybe not. Narrow the Tiger ain't.

    Phil Launchbury, Jul 16, 2007
  9. Timo Geusch

    Molly Guest

    OK I'll say it. Harley Sportster with a bigger tank. [1]

    [1]They are quite awful.
    Molly, Jul 16, 2007
  10. Timo Geusch

    Hog Guest

    I know I know, my record is getting stuck. Ducati ST4S. It meets all your
    criteria and looks/goes/stops/handles better than any of the above.
    The 6th gear overdrive is a boon on M-way work.
    Hog, Jul 16, 2007
  11. Timo Geusch

    MikeH Guest

    In a "really short Italian with really long arms" way?
    MikeH, Jul 16, 2007
  12. Timo Geusch

    Hog Guest

    Hog, Jul 16, 2007
  13. Timo Geusch

    MikeH Guest

    MikeH, Jul 16, 2007
  14. Timo Geusch

    ogden Guest

    The S does have a reasonably sporty riding position, not so sure about
    the naked version. On the plus side, if ridden enthusiastically, it's
    about as fast as a blade, an R1, a 10R or whatever else Cane happens to
    be riding at the time.
    ogden, Jul 16, 2007
  15. Timo Geusch

    wessie Guest

    1000s of Frogs and Boxheads can't all be wrong...
    wessie, Jul 16, 2007
  16. Timo Geusch

    Domènec Guest

    Worst of all, it lacks the power of fire of similarly concepted vehicles.

    Parental advisory: Explicit froggy lyrics below (shamelessly stolen from

    Diversion 900 - Porte avion Clemenceau

    Le poids a sec est à peu prêt le même, mais c'est vrais qu'une fois tous
    pleins faits, la div est avantagée car elle ne transporte ni eau douce ni
    carburant aviation .
    Les moteurs sont tous deux des water colled
    Au démarage la div se montre plus vive avec son cardant alors que les deux
    hélices du PA l'emporte tranquilement jusqu'a ses 32 noeud de vitesse maxi,
    ce qui est peu prêt celle de la div .
    En revanche le PA vire beaucoup mieux que la div, sur place en fait, pour
    peu qu'il ai un remorqueur de 2500 cv à l'AV et à l'AR .
    En virage donc la prise d'angle est plus iumportante sur la div, même avec
    30° d'angle de barre j'ai jamais réussi a faire toucher les genoux (par
    contre j'en ai fait gerber plus d'un).
    Pour ce qui est des colories celles de la div sont un peux plus jolie mais
    au moins le "gris Marine Nationale" cache astucieusement les chiures de
    mouettes et les moucherons, mais dans les deux cas la devise est la même :
    "peinture sur merde
    = propreté" ;o)
    l'accessibilité mécanique est meilleur pour le "géant des mer" (je l'aurai
    bien appelé "grosse vache" mais il pourrait y avoir confusion) : pour
    changer une pièce du moteur de la div il faut tomber les flancs de carénage
    long et fastidieux) alors que sur le PA il suffit simplement de découper
    deux trous de 5m x 5 m dans le pont d'envol et celui du hangar pour sortir
    la pièce (véridique)
    et en plus le PA il flotte, lui
    Sans oublier que l'antivol du PA est bien plus efficace que les U starndard,
    se compose d'au moins six cables aciers de 5 cm de diamètre, et il ne faut
    guère que 2 heures et une bonne trentaine de boscos pour le mettre en place

    alors quel est donc l'intéret du porte-avion par rapport à la div ? il est
    lent, il angle pas en virage, il se traine partout ailleur,pour se faufiller
    dans les embouteillages c'est la galère je parle même pas du stationnement)
    ; c'est vrais, mais en revanche le premier couillon qui te déboite dessus
    sans cligno ou rétro, tu as le choix
    pour l'allumer : canon de 100 mm, missiles "crotal", super étendart ou
    encore plus vicieux : la chasse d'eau (ben ouai sur un PA c'est le "tout à
    la mer")


    tien puisqu'on accepte les gold et les div pour le calcul du coef, pourquoi
    pas les porte-avions : ça me ferait un coef de 360 546,29 !!! indétrônable
    avec mon Clemenceau

    voici les chiffres : poids a sec : 22 000 T
    réservoir : mazout 3600 T
    : gazoil 207 T
    : carburant avion 2000
    : eau douce 2100 T
    soit un poids de 29907 T pour une hauteur de selle de 40m
    Domènec, Jul 16, 2007
  17. Timo Geusch

    SteveH Guest

    Does it?

    It's no fireball, but it's perfectly adequate - and was pretty much in a
    class of one. Closest thing I can think of to a Divvy 9 is a K1100RS -
    which is also not all that powerful.
    SteveH, Jul 16, 2007
  18. Timo Geusch

    Domènec Guest

    Er, the text in French that I quoted compares it to the Clemenceau, which
    is... er... this:


    - I could never drag my knees on a Diversion 600... similarly fun the 900
    must be.

    - But looks like the sort of bike I'd choose for thravelling a gazillion
    miles in confort.
    Domènec, Jul 16, 2007
  19. Timo Geusch

    Des Guest

    Well since I'm bored..
    Diversion 900 - Clemenceau aircraft carrier
    The 'dry' weight is almost the same, but it's true that once she's filled
    up, the Div is at an advantage, because it transports neither water nor
    aviation fuel.
    Both engines are water-cooled.
    On start-up, the Div is a bit livelier with its shaft whilst the two
    propellers of the aircraft carrier asily carry it up its top speed of 32
    knots, which is roughly on a par with that of the Div.
    On the other hand, the aircraft carrier corners a lot better than the Div,
    almost on a sixpence in fact, on condition that there's a 2,500-BHP tug at
    either end.
    In corners, the angle of 'attack' is thus greater than on the Div, even 30?
    over, I never managed to get the knee down (having said that, more than
    passenger has become seasick).
    Insofar as colour schemes are concerned, the Div's is a bit prettier, but
    at least the 'Navy Grey' hides the fly and seagull smears, but in both
    cases, the criteria come down to the same thing: 'no shit on the paint' ==
    Maintenance access is a bit better on the 'giant of the seas' (I'd have
    called it 'fat cow' but this might have led to some confusion): to change
    an engine component on the Div you have to take the fairing panels off -
    a long and difficult job) whilst on the aircraft carrier you just have to
    cut two 5m by 5m holes in the launcher pad and in the hanger to get the
    component out (this is true).
    Aside from that, the aircraft carrier _floats_, and let's not forget that
    the antitheft device on the aircraft carrier does a better job than a
    standard 'U' lock; it's made up of six steel cables, each 5cm in diameter,
    and it takes a tad over two hours and thirty or so seamen to move it into
    So to sum up, just how good _is_ the aircraft carrier compared to the Div
    It's slow, it wallows in corner and it's a slug just about everywhere.
    It's a disaster if you want to filter and don't even get me _started_ on
    parking the thing! Having said that, the first time some twat pulls out in
    front of you with neither mirror nor indicator to warn you, you've got the
    choice between wiping him out with a 100mm cannon, 'crotal' missiles, a
    Super-Etendard [1], ou even more sadistic: water cannon (yep, on an
    aircraft carrier, the sea's _everywhere_).


    [1] look, get off my fucking back, I'm just _translating_ the thing..
    Des, Jul 16, 2007
  20. They are? News to me. But then, you can't expect the Frogs to get it
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 16, 2007
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