Bike performance?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Fwoar, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. Fwoar

    Fwoar Guest

    I want my bike to go faster than before!
    I want my bike to go through corners faster with more mid corner stability!
    I also want my bike to stop better!

    Is there one thing that will do this?

    I 've only got $400 to spend so I am on a budget limit.

    Any Suggestions??

    Fwoar, Jan 6, 2004
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  2. Fwoar

    Moike Guest

    Service the brakes. New fluid, o-rings etc.
    Give me the $400. I will stand nearby, look envious and make "Gee look
    at that bike go!" noises as you ride past.

    Moike, Jan 6, 2004
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  3. Fwoar

    sanbar Guest

    Go to computer store. Buy Moto GP2 for PC for $70. Spend the rest on beer to
    enhance the fantasy.
    sanbar, Jan 6, 2004
  4. Fwoar

    Dane Guest

    Offer rusty holland $400 to ride it for you?
    Dane, Jan 6, 2004
  5. In on Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:54:12 +1100
    Lose weight. Shed 20kgs. If you are already too skinny, then a leg
    amputation should work, although it might make some corners a bit more
    Fit a sidecar, very stable things sidecars.

    Else you could spend $300 on rider training and the other $100 on 2nd
    hand Performance Bikes stickers, guaranteed to make the bike handle
    railway iron is free if you can find it. chain it to the bike, then
    when you want to stop, throw it onto the road. This should make sense
    to all the bods who reckon that you "lay a bike down" in a crash.

    Else you can throw it in front of you so you hit it. Brick walls work
    better for this, but are less portable. For real portability and
    stopping power, have someone drive alongside you in a car. You can
    either have a chain going fro you to the car, so when it stops you do,
    or the driver can just turn in front of you when you want to stop, which
    will arrest your forward momentum very quickly indeed.
    usenet! everyone is faster, corners better, and is a braking demon on

    You will even do better in traffic, and have great mechanical smarts.
    Zebee Johnstone, Jan 6, 2004
  6. Fwoar

    paulc Guest

    I'd say rider training is the way to go.
    Get more out of what you've already got.
    paulc, Jan 6, 2004
  7. Fwoar

    Fwoar Guest

    wow - less than an hour for the right answer

    Fwoar, Jan 6, 2004
  8. I want my bike to stop falling over.


    PeterC [aka MildThing]
    '81 Suzuki GS450-s
    '87 BMW K100RT
    Peter Cremasco, Jan 6, 2004
  9. Fwoar

    paulc Guest

    well, the other option is to paint it red i guess. :)
    paulc, Jan 6, 2004
  10. Fwoar

    Centurion Guest

    Get a cheap rip-off "Repsol" paint job.

    Centurion, Jan 6, 2004
  11. Fwoar

    Doug Cox Guest

    Spend it on a riding course.

    Doug Cox.
    Work to ride, Ride to work...
    Doug Cox, Jan 6, 2004
  12. Fwoar

    conehead Guest

    Paint it Kwakka green, smoke a joint, it will go sooooooooo fast after that
    conehead, Jan 6, 2004
  13. Whose course are you trying to sell here Daron?

    Alan Pennykid, Jan 6, 2004
  14. Fwoar

    alx Guest

    Go on a diet.
    alx, Jan 6, 2004
  15. Fwoar

    Derek Guest

    Fiddle with the gearing for the speedo. You can wind it off past 250kph in
    just 3 seconds! and then stop from 250kph in even less time, let alone
    going around corners at 200kph.
    Derek, Jan 6, 2004
  16. Fwoar

    sanbar Guest

    K, so you knew the answer before you asked it. Therefore it follows, wtf
    did you ask it?
    - sanbar
    sanbar, Jan 7, 2004
  17. Fwoar

    Fwoar Guest

    Just to see what sort of answers I'd get

    I knew the answer to MY question - but alot of other ppl out here didn't !
    Thats why I asked it..

    Is it a crime?? Certainly not - tis Usenet.

    Damn I answered my own question again

    Is it a crime?? Certainly not - tis Usenet.

    Damn I answered my own question again


    Fwoar, Jan 7, 2004
  18. Errmmm, you haven't seen Daron race, have you?

    Daron, have you broken 1:40 at the Creek? Didn't you work for Superbike
    School for a while?

    Iain Chalmers, Jan 7, 2004
  19. But don't forget, this'll screw with your jetting...

    Iain Chalmers, Jan 7, 2004
  20. Wasn't "the go show" on a Ducati when he did that?


    Iain Chalmers, Jan 7, 2004
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