Bike NCB expiry

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by MikeH, May 8, 2009.

  1. MikeH

    MikeH Guest

    Being bikeless at the moment, does anyone know if there is a general
    period for which bike NCB is retained without actually having a bike, or
    should I go out and get some old 100/125 to insure and keep my bonus
    going as I don't think I'd fancy anything I could afford to insure if I
    had to start again in 6 months time?

    Also, can we introduce a newgroup stat for longest sentence?
    MikeH, May 8, 2009
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  2. MikeH

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Normally 2 years, but best check with a broker/insco.
    Simon Wilson, May 8, 2009
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  3. MikeH

    CT Guest

    CT, May 8, 2009
  4. MikeH

    T i m Guest

    I lost my 9 years NCB whilst being bikeless (well not less, just none
    on the road) after two years but for an old git like me it seems to
    make little difference, especially on the smaller low value

    Comp on the CB Two Fifty with the 9 years NCB would have been = £123,
    without the NCB, £117.

    I got a fresh quote yesterday on the YP250 (Comp) and that was £98 and
    was also with no NCB (2nd bike start again etc).

    As I've given up trying to get daughter on the YP250 on the CIHAGM
    deal I've stuck it on a multi bike with the CB for now (£142 Comp). I
    might take it off MB later and insure it on it's own with her as a
    named rider (£414 TP only).

    T i m

    p.s. Comp is generally only a few quid more for me in most cases.
    T i m, May 8, 2009
  5. MikeH

    Beav Guest



    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, May 8, 2009
  6. MikeH

    T i m Guest

    It was at renewal time I innocently enquired if there was a policy for
    bikes being rebuilt / restored (as that's what I was doing to the RT
    at the time). They then said if the bike hadn't got an MOT it wasn't
    'road legal' so they couldn't insure it anyway?

    I explained I couldn't easily get an MOT (as it was spread across the
    garage and garden at the time) but just wanted to continue insuring it
    against say theft? (Thinking there must be such a policy for very
    valuable bikes whilst being restored etc)?

    But apparently not from them, so I didn't renew and two years later
    I'm 9 years NCB down (but better off in cash terms). ;-)

    T i m
    T i m, May 8, 2009
  7. MikeH

    Cab Guest

    Cab, May 8, 2009
  8. MikeH

    Higgins Guest

    It depends upon your insurer. Mine was maintained for 3 yrs when I went
    to Canada.
    Higgins, May 8, 2009
  9. MikeH

    Pip Guest

    I'd give the **** more than two years for that.
    Pip, May 8, 2009
  10. MikeH

    platypus Guest

    platypus, May 8, 2009
  11. MikeH

    davethedave Guest

    can you guarantee full stops and Capital letters across the groups
    posted text

    are you volunteering to count words and letters

    without any way to figure out just what a sentence is it becomes
    difficult to count


    so how many sentences was that?
    davethedave, May 10, 2009
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