Bike mileage

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Charders, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. Charders

    Charders Guest

    Well, when I rang to renew my policy I honestly had no idea that I'd
    done over 5000 miles. I thought I'd maybe done 3000. So it was a
    genuine mistake on my part. However, I've just rung them and upgraded
    to unlimited mileage for an extra £15.....[1]

    Thanks for all the advice xxx

    [1] That's with MCD
    Charders, Oct 2, 2003
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  2. Charders

    Verdigris Guest

    What you *really* mean, I guess, is "do you have the faintest idea what
    you're talking about?" To both questions, the answer is no.
    Verdigris, Oct 3, 2003
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  3. Charders

    Kiran Soar Guest

    Heh, summat like that. Never assume they ask something that isn't relevant
    to their underwriting decision. Personally, I think what mileage one does a
    year is a factor that the prudent underwriter would want to take into
    account. As I said up there, all you can only answer with a genuine estimate
    but if you get it completely wrong, that might be evidence of material
    misrepresentation giving them a good excuse to avoid the policy.
    Kiran Soar, Oct 3, 2003
  4. Charders

    pete boyall Guest

    I wonder, though, if they regard low mileage as just as dodgy as high
    mileage, if it is your only vehicle of that type (hence the "access to
    any other vehicles" question?). i.e. Mr. PowerRanger gets back on his
    bike in May having not ridden for 6 months and finds he can't remember
    how to go round corners. Is he more of a risk than Mr. Skint who rode
    his Bandit right through the winter as his only means of transport?
    pete boyall, Oct 3, 2003
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