bike jumbles

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by CampinGazz, May 28, 2004.

  1. CampinGazz

    CampinGazz Guest

    I know i've been asking the same questions all week, anyone who know me
    knows i wont give up :)

    but i am going to admit defeat, and keep clear of 500 quid bikes, this means
    another few weeks to save up some more money, and i'm selling everything i
    can.. anyone want to buy a radio controlled nitro engined buggy?? on ebay at
    the moment :)

    Seems that if we extend our budget to about 800 or so quid, we get a choice
    of kmx's, rather than one or 2 sheds at 500 quid, find another 200 quid and
    we could get one from a dealer.. tho i prefer to avoid doing that.. it's
    just finding the bike before it goes to the dealer.. then everyone wins.. i
    get a cheaper bike, and the seller gets more money that from a dealer,

    But for the moment, we want to see what otehr bikes are out there that would
    be suitable, if i'd thought of this bike thing 2 weeks ago, then we'd have
    been at the newark autojumble, where there are always hundereds of bikes to
    choose from,

    Next one isn't untill the end of june, and nothing before,

    anyone know of any bike jumbles, bike shows or what not that are on this
    weekend?? thinking with it being a bank holiday weekend, there'd be a few
    shows on, any which are likely to have a few crosser style bikes?? kinda in
    the midlands region.. i'm near nottingham.. newark way actualy,

    Failing that, where could i find a list of crosser style road legal bikes,
    which list their weights.. i'm limited to 120 to 130 kilo's, as the bike
    will be lifted manualy onto the carrier i'll make on the back of the van, if
    it's a 125 it'll have to be a stroker, and an older one that can be
    de-restricted.. DT's and kmx's then it seems,

    but i'm going for my bike licence anyway, so i'm not limited to 125's soon
    (i hope) so i guess a 4 stroke machine could be more suitable, say a 250?
    but weight is the problem i think.
    CampinGazz, May 28, 2004
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  2. <snip>

    Buy one of those cheap Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, whatever Honda

    They're less than 1500 quid brand new.

    But buying a used KMX125, when you're as clueless (no offence, but you
    are) as you are means you will get stitched up.

    You have no idea how fraught with danmger buying an old learner
    two-stroke dirt bike can be.
    The Older Gentleman, May 28, 2004
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  3. CampinGazz

    CampinGazz Guest

    wasn't seirousely looking for a bike untill after the last autojumble, the
    day after to be precice.. that's when i found out i was 2 days too late for
    a DT 125 that the local bike school bought.. for £400.. didnt have the
    actual money in the bank untill the tuesday mind, so couldent have bought
    one at newark even if we thought about going then.

    now we have to wait untill mid june.. but by that time we'll hopefully have
    nearer 800 quid for a bike.. depending on how we go about our bike tests,

    did the assesment thingy today, Sam has never been on anything more than a
    twist and go in greece didn't do too badly, forgot to pull the clutch in a
    few times.. bit wobbely and that, but she was learning, only got about 15
    mins on the bikes each, but she was defiantely a lot better at the end than
    the begining.. as youd expect, she had a nice big grin on her face and
    thanked me for taking her for the assesement.. woohoo.. i may be on for a
    leg over tonight then ;)

    i haddnt been on a bike for 10 years, last one was a kmx 125, so was a bit
    strange going on a yamaha cruisie thingy.. very low seat hight, i had me
    knees bent when they were on the floor and me sat on the seat,
    picked it up again pretty fast.. they rekon i'll need a 2 day course to get
    me my test.. only going for the light motorbike test mind, i can wait 2
    years to get on owt more powerfull, we only want something light anyway, as
    it has to sit on the back of the motorhome.

    gotta faff about with a theory test first tho, was told the motorcycle
    theory test is harder.. but isn't a theory test a theory test?? i.e if i had
    taken my car test in the past few years and already had a car theory test,
    would that count for a bike test?? not that im that bothered, we scored 33
    out of 35 on the mock theory at the bike school, just thinking of ways to
    make things easier.. even if we have to cheat a bit :)
    CampinGazz, May 29, 2004
  4. CampinGazz

    Nidge Guest


    This is simpler

    Last night's Local Paper Ad:

    1995 Honda CB 500 excellent condition

    Askin a grand - prob take, what, 900 maybe?

    tel: 01525 402986

    Which is somewhere in mid Bedfordshire.

    IF its as described it'll work and be fairly reliable.

    IF you page and bribe Lozzo well enough he *might* even check it out for you
    as it almost on his doorstep.
    Its also nearly on mine, but if your smart you'd trust Lozzo's checking more
    than mine ;-)

    ZX6R J2 Stunning in zit yellow. KX 125 MX 'I'm snot green -fly ME'. A few
    bits of CB500S in Norwegian Parrot blue. BOTAFOT#63

    'Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand'.
    Homer (Simpson).
    Nidge, May 29, 2004
  5. CampinGazz

    CampinGazz Guest

    Needs to be a trailie type bike, i'm very long in the dick departmen... erm,
    leg department you see,

    also it needs to be a light bike, as it'll be shoved on the back of a
    motorhome, and i don't want to faff about making a ramped loading carrier or
    owt, so 2 hoops the size of the wheels (at the bottom, so they dont fall
    through) will be made up, welded to a bar that has a couple of bits that
    stick out to slot into the sockets i've already put on the back of the van
    to take the cycle carrier i made earlier,

    so we'll need to be able to lift the bike up about 2 foot to get it into the
    carrier.. do the front first, then both of us will lift the rear into the
    back hoop.. then some clamps will go through sockets welded to the frame of
    the bike.. i.e this carrier will be totaly custom, and only fit the bike we
    have, and likewise the bike will be modified to be secured to the carrier..
    so something with an exposed frame is needed for me to be able to weld the
    sockets of the clamps to.. not decided what to use just yet for the clamps,
    could just be a pun in a tube type affair, with a hole at 90* in the end for
    an R clip.. a few of those as well as the tyre hold downs (which will be
    modified long shackle padlocks.. it works in me mind :)

    But we won't have anymore money for a few weeks, i'm currently trying to
    seel everything i own that i don't need on ebay.. which reminds me.. if
    anyone wants to buy a brain.. hardly used..... :)
    CampinGazz, May 29, 2004
  6. Your problem is that you're looking at the most overpriced sector of the
    bike market. Everyone, absolutely everyone, wants a decent used dirt
    bike as a hack and for off-road fun and prices are silly.

    For anything half-decent, in the 125cc class, you'll need a minimum of
    800 quid. For anything bigger, you need to budget a grand.

    Don't think you can buy a cheap faulty hack and sort it out - you can
    only do this if you really know what you're doing. I mean, really,
    *really* know.
    The Older Gentleman, May 29, 2004
  7. CampinGazz

    AndrewR Guest

    Oh I dunno - I could probably get him a good deal on a Suzuki Beamish 250.
    Well, the bike in question even _I_ can see what's wrong with it, but it's
    got an MOT and everything. In fact, it hasn't been used since being MOT'd.
    What more could you want?

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, May 29, 2004
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