Bike Down ...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Desmond Coughlan, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. .... but only my trusty eighteen-speeder. :-(

    On the way to the 'Institut Charles V' this morning, as I'm still waiting
    for my ADSL to be connected and I can use their Resource Centre, I'm
    toddling along the banks of the Seine, when a woman ahead of me, walks
    around the back of her car, and opens her driver's door directly in my

    I brake, realise that the only way I'm going to be able to avoid the door
    is to use _all_ the braking I can muster, but don't want to do so, as one
    it's raining, and two, the Otley Road incident left its mark in more ways
    than one. At this point, there's a set of traffic lights around 200m
    ahead, and the lights are at red, so I'm 'filtering' down the inside of a
    line of cars.

    Aim for the gap between her door and the blue Nissan that's sitting on my
    left. Right side of handlebar catches her driver's door, pulling the
    steering violently to the right. The bike tips over, I throw my weight to
    the left, meaning that the left side of my torso hits the passenger-side
    mirror on the blue Nissan. I sort of 'roll' forward, letting the bike drop
    under the dumb bitch's door, and find myself sort of 'sprawled' over the
    bonnet of the Nissan.

    Driver of blue Nissan waits for me to pick myself off his car, moves
    forward, parks, hazards on. Meanwhile, dozy cow is apologising profusely,
    but justifying her action by saying that the lights are red. 'Yes,' I say.
    'They're red, but they're 200m away.'

    Walk over to Nissan driver, apologise, and ask if there's any damage. He
    says not to worry, he saw what happened, it wasn't my fault, and points to
    a black 'smear' on his passenger door. Fortunately, it was only my shoe
    that had left the mark, and a licked index finger took it off in seconds.
    He drives off, and I go to pick bike up. Bint is still whingeing that the
    red light 200m away means I should have stopped. After imploring her, as
    politely as I can manage, to _please_ look next time, I cycle off.

    So ... the question is: which UKRM poster set that one up ? [1]

    [1] ;-)
    Desmond Coughlan, Oct 2, 2003
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  2. Desmond Coughlan

    YTC#1 Guest

    A group effort to see if you would post a tired old overused attempt at
    humour subject line.
    YTC#1, Oct 2, 2003
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  3. How much did you lose ?
    Desmond Coughlan, Oct 2, 2003
  4. Desmond Coughlan

    YTC#1 Guest

    Nothing, the whole plan worked
    YTC#1, Oct 2, 2003
  5. Desmond Coughlan

    Simian Guest

    Desmond Coughlan :
    <snip... whatever.>

    Biker not down.

    ....but only on my trusty 18 speeder :-(

    Rushing down the hill into Cemetery Junction (Reading) breaking the
    speed limit by 5mph or so, when a bunch of obviously half blind college
    students wandered into the road in front of me. Tho having plenty of
    time to slow down and let them past, I decided that this was far to
    sensible a thing to do, so I kept off the brakes until the last possible

    Finally, squeezing the lever hard enough and leaning slightly forward,
    I got the back wheel about a foot off the ground, and swung it out by
    about 30 degrees. Missing a line of girls by inches, I clipped a
    handbag with the back wheel, before putting it back on the ground to
    allow me to steer into the center of a group of gormless looking males,
    scattering them like... scattery things.

    Still not as much fun as a motorbike.
    Simian, Oct 2, 2003
  6. On 2 Oct 2003 09:21:27 GMT, Desmond Coughlan
    Got to be yourself. No ther UKRM poster GAFF. :)

    Johannes Gerber, Oct 3, 2003
  7. Le 02 Oct 2003 21:09:06 GMT, Katryn <> a écrit :

    { snip }
    Desmond Coughlan, Oct 3, 2003
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