Bike dies when battery is dead?

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. I'm pretty sure it's a starter/alternator combo. Which part would the
    brushes be on? The stator or flywheel or what?
    Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 23, 2006
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  2. Neato - okay so the stator is attached to the flywheel? I see in the manual
    that the stator sits inside the flywheel.

    I just started the bike up today and it was running rough as all hell... my
    apartment complex got all retarded and decided to disallow my current
    covered parking spot to boot! Where (in the mail) is my fargin battery!?!?
    Phil, Squid-in-Training, Mar 23, 2006
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