bike cops

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Stroker, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. Stroker

    Stroker Guest

    a bike cop was waiting to turn right 4 cars back from the lights, and i
    stupidly split lanes past one car to get in the right lane

    anyway i took off up the hill on my rgv doin 60 in a 40 zone

    he caught up to me at the top of the hill and nearly ran up my rear as i
    turned left , i think he thought i was takin off.

    so I pulled over and he stopped, didnt even take his helmet off to talk to

    had a go at me for speeding, splitting lanes, and not indicating,

    i made the mistake of not putting on my new rego sticker, he booked me for
    not indicating and old rego sticker, $90 for old rego sticker, i had the new
    one in my bag with me.

    i have a feelin he was jealous i split lanes in his vicinity. whats the
    point of riding a bike if you dont split lanes when the cars are stopped, u
    may aswell be in a car too.
    Stroker, Feb 19, 2005
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  2. Its illegal to lane split in some states, although the bike cops
    tolerate it in general as long as its not too much in their face.

    I think you just offended him thats all. Sounds like you got off pretty
    lightly, could have had a fine for 20km/h over in a 40 zone as well.
    Just roll with it dude and next time your about to lanesplit, check your
    Baron Von Rotter, Feb 19, 2005
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  3. Stroker

    SmeeR11S Guest

    What makes you think he was jealous of you?
    What nakes you think he couldn't split if he dien't want to?
    I have split with coppers to the front and had no issues with them.
    Wouldn't you think if he was jealous he would have done you for speeding
    and splitting?
    You got off very lightly and should be thankful.
    SmeeR11S, Feb 19, 2005
  4. Stroker

    daniel Guest

    If you dont want to be pulled over by police, perhaps its a good idea to
    obey the road rules when they are behind you - just a suggestion but i think
    it usually works
    daniel, Feb 20, 2005
  5. Well

    60 in a 40 zone!! you deserve to be booked.... These 40 zones are in place
    where there is a high risk of hitting a child. It sounds like to me you
    should sell your bike and walk... You would possibly then jaywalk or step
    out from the kerb in front of a motorcyclist.... Think about it before you
    whinge.... YOU DID GET OFF LIGHTLY!!

    Hopefully you will be more considerate of others and do the right thing in
    future.... Do you not get pissed off when cars don't indicate their
    intentions... and nearly run you off the road on your bike?? As you admitted
    you stupidly split the lanes in his face???
    Mark Donoghoe, Feb 20, 2005
  6. Stroker

    SmeeR11S Guest

    I hope you were telling stroker this and not me!

    SmeeR11S, Feb 20, 2005
  7. ....

    Like has been said, if ya gonna **** around in the lion pit keep an eye on
    the lions.
    Rheilly Phoull, Feb 20, 2005
  8. Stroker

    killer Guest

    There is just too many laws and restrictions in this country, I had more
    freedom in Vietnam (recent holiday).

    Even in the US you can ride without (in some states)a helmet and own a gun.

    In my day we didnt have 40km zones around schools, and guess what? I went to
    school and survived, may may say unfortunatly but I did. Imagine if some
    Mercedies ran over Hitler on the way to school, what a disaster.

    Some of these kids are going to grow up and be cops one day!
    killer, Feb 20, 2005
  9. Stroker

    Mad-Biker Guest

    i would have pushed for capital punishment.

    you got a good deal, why woudnt ya be happy..
    Mad-Biker, Feb 20, 2005
  10. Yes, Stroker not you.... I know that you have more sense!
    Mark Donoghoe, Feb 20, 2005
  11. Killer

    Yes you may have survived.... But in MY opinion the attitude of the drivers
    and riders has changed.... and yes before you say it .... the cops as
    well.... I can remember getting a kick in the pants and sent home.... the
    idea was to beat the cops there before they told my dad.... THEN I paid for
    my wrong doings....

    As for your comment about 40 zones I would feel much more confident in
    todays age letting my kids cross the road "hoping" that some IDIOT does not
    run them over!
    How would you feel if your kids (if you have been able to produce any???)
    are killed by a senseless IDIOT?
    Mark Donoghoe, Feb 20, 2005
  12. Stroker

    Will S Guest

    how ?

    Will S, Feb 20, 2005
  13. Stroker

    Stroker Guest

    yeah im usually vigilant with regard to cops, thats why i only split lanes
    past one car, i forgot the cop was there for a split second, i knew i was
    pushin it as soon as i did it. my prob was i was half asleep, it was on my
    way to work.
    Stroker, Feb 20, 2005
  14. Stroker

    Nev.. Guest

    You really should have spotted that his RGV was just photoshopped onto the

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Feb 20, 2005
  15. Stroker

    GB Guest
    You got a points-free kick up the arse for being a twat. You
    done good. What's your issue?

    G, must put that new rego sticker on the bike
    GB, Feb 20, 2005
  16. Stroker

    Knobdoodle Guest

    With my luck with coppers I would've gotten a ticket for each offence
    (although lane-splitting doesn't seem to be an "offence" in Qld unless
    you're being a total dick) and I probably would've scored an extra one for
    having my foot off the footpeg or arm out the window or failing to clean-up
    dog-droppings or something!
    He got a very good deal and I hope he wakes up to himself on future rides.
    Knobdoodle, Feb 20, 2005
  17. There is just too many laws and restrictions in this country, I had more
    Hmmm, care to take a stab at what the road toll is like in Vietnam?
    James Mayfield, Feb 20, 2005
  18. Stroker

    GB Guest

    That's *Mister* Schoolgirl Impressing Clem to me!

    G, waiting with bated breath for word on [weather|whether|wether]
    the schoolgirls were actually impressed.

    Or not.
    GB, Feb 20, 2005
  19. Stroker

    Knobdoodle Guest

    You already know the answer to that GB.....
    No, the schoolgirls are never impressed...... (but that'll never stop the
    man-moths from beating themselves to death on the bright lightbulbs)
    Knobdoodle, Feb 20, 2005
  20. Stroker

    corks Guest

    having a read of the op, i think stroker was cool about it and its not the
    worse carry on about getting done ive seen here.

    i agree i think he was a little grumpy at you for your transactions
    especially a lack of indicating.

    you'll be cool in the future



    corks, Feb 20, 2005
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