a bike cop was waiting to turn right 4 cars back from the lights, and i stupidly split lanes past one car to get in the right lane anyway i took off up the hill on my rgv doin 60 in a 40 zone he caught up to me at the top of the hill and nearly ran up my rear as i turned left , i think he thought i was takin off. so I pulled over and he stopped, didnt even take his helmet off to talk to me. had a go at me for speeding, splitting lanes, and not indicating, i made the mistake of not putting on my new rego sticker, he booked me for not indicating and old rego sticker, for old rego sticker, i had the new one in my bag with me. i have a feelin he was jealous i split lanes in his vicinity. whats the point of riding a bike if you dont split lanes when the cars are stopped, u may aswell be in a car too.