Bike collections

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lozzo, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    Today, whilst I was there for other reasons, I had the pleasure of
    viewing a private bike collection in the wilds of Cumbria. Amongst the
    huge amount of old Brit bikes and Italian stuff that I know little
    about, the owner has a brand new and unregistered Yamaha OW01 and an
    unregistered MV F4 that will never be ridden, an immaculate 400 Four F2
    in burgundy with gold stripes, a similarly immaculate H1A Kawasaki,
    Bimota Tesi, one of Barry Sheene's old Heron Suzuki RG500s, two of Mick
    Grant's old Kawasaki KR race bikes and a few other oddities that have
    been restored to as new condition. He doesn't have any RDs though, which
    is a shame.

    It was worth the 570 mile round trip on a bike with a chain that is so
    fucked it causes vibes through the pegs, and an unbalanced front wheel
    just to see those bikes.
    Lozzo, Jul 2, 2004
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  2. Lozzo

    Gavsta Guest

    You need to meet Desi Collins, you do.

    Z750 Race Bike.
    R6 Endurance bike (2003 Restricted class Endurance Winners. Team NFG).

    Take out your bollocks to reply!
    Gavsta, Jul 2, 2004
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  3. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    Gavsta says...
    Can he balance my front wheel properly?
    Lozzo, Jul 2, 2004
  4. Lozzo

    Gavsta Guest

    TBH, Probably yes.

    Have you *seen* the bikes he sponsers?

    Z750 Race Bike.
    R6 Endurance bike (2003 Restricted class Endurance Winners. Team NFG).

    Take out your bollocks to reply!
    Gavsta, Jul 2, 2004
  5. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    Gavsta says...
    Possibly saw some at the NW200 a couple of years ago, but thb there were
    so many there and so many new names to take in that he probably didn't
    make an impact on me. Besides, I have a shite memory anyway.

    Who is he?
    Will he balance my fucking front wheel or not?
    Lozzo, Jul 2, 2004
  6. Rope wrote
    I fucking resent that. I am about the only fucking one around here who
    doesn't witter on endlessly about the old days.

    Bikes I have ridden, books I have read, meals I have eaten and places I
    have been. You lot are the fucking worlds experts at variations on past
    tenses. There is not fucking one of you who looks to tomorrow as fondly
    as I fucking do. Not fucking one. And fucking shame on the lot of you
    for it.
    steve auvache, Jul 2, 2004
  7. Lozzo

    darsy Guest

    bollocks - I'm looking forward to tomorrow - it's Saturday.
    darsy, Jul 2, 2004
  8. Lozzo

    porl Guest

    Calm down or you won't even get there.
    porl, Jul 2, 2004
  9. darsy wrote
    Is it? Bugger, if I had known I would have saved that until Monday.
    steve auvache, Jul 2, 2004
  10. Indeed. And then I'm looking forward to Monday. I'll get to ride my bike
    for the first time this year.
    Richard V. Giles, Jul 2, 2004
  11. Lozzo

    darsy Guest

    losing track of time is a sure sign of senility.
    darsy, Jul 2, 2004
  12. Lozzo

    darsy Guest

    still got the B12?
    darsy, Jul 2, 2004
  13. Hopefully.
    Richard V. Giles, Jul 2, 2004
  14. You silly old sod
    oldbloke at work, Jul 2, 2004
  15. darsy wrote
    Look, I am not arguing ok. It is not funny I can tell you. It is going
    to happen to you sooner or later too, it may well be all ready.

    The odd word here and there gone. Not on the tip of your tongue, or at
    the back of your mind, or any other of those places that you can get it
    back from, but gone. Disappeared, like wimmin when I am feeling horny,
    totally out of your life.


    Disquieting innit?
    steve auvache, Jul 2, 2004
  16. Lozzo

    Ferger Guest

    steve auvache secured a place in history by writing:
    Bollocks. I am looking forward to tomorrow bigtime, since I am going on my
    first pikey English beach holiday since I was about 12 years old. Buckets
    and spades, fish and chips, processed ham and tomato sandwiches for lunch
    and I will try and find a pub that serves Watney's Red Barrel for good
    measure. It's for the sake of the children, who will not appreciate the
    sophistication and elegance that a continental holiday can provide. Or,
    more to the point, I am not scraping the bottom of my wallet to fly them to
    foreign climes so they can be sick and get sunburnt at my expense. They
    need to understand their heritage, if it was good enough for me etc etc

    Anyone here been to Portland Bill? The consensus amongst my friends and
    colleagues is that it is 'ming-mong land', which, strangely, makes it all
    the more attractive.
    Ferger, Jul 2, 2004
  17. Lozzo

    porl Guest

    It's good enough for a family holiday. Especially one that you'll spend in
    your caravan as it pisses down.
    porl, Jul 2, 2004
  18. Lozzo

    Ferger Guest

    porl secured a place in history by writing:
    In this respect, it differs from my childhood holidays. Modern wealth
    allows me to house my family for a week in a cottage furnished with TV,
    Playstation and CD player, amongst the other trappings of modern existence.

    I did look for a rusty old caravan with no bog so the little ones can
    experience the delight of waking in the night and pissing in a bucket, then
    having to cart it off in the morning to the communal public toilets, but
    no-one seems to offer holidays for the truly nostalgic any more.
    Ferger, Jul 2, 2004
  19. Lozzo

    Ace Guest

    Yeah, been down there a couple of times, staying with some mates who
    ran a climbing shop there. Good for diving/snorkelling as well, but
    not much in the way of life. Couple of semi-decent pubs, I suppose,
    but that's about it.
    Ace, Jul 2, 2004
  20. Lozzo

    porl Guest


    What kind of fucking holiday is that???!??!!!111111

    If you took them somewhere foreign at least it'd open their tiny minds a bit
    and get them thinking "Eurgh! People are weird here! I want to go back to
    porl, Jul 2, 2004
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