Bike/Car Drags - why do you bother?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Manning, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. Manning

    st3ph3nm Guest

    3 per offence. Einstein lost his licence very early in his career. ;)

    st3ph3nm, Nov 22, 2003
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  2. Manning

    Lurkalot_au Guest

    whats beaten at the lights by a
    Lurkalot_au, Nov 22, 2003
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  3. Manning

    Damien Guest

    And therein lies the source of the problem. You are only looking out for
    what you EXPECT to see - how many accidents are caused by things people
    expected? None. Accidents are caused by the UNexpected - people didn't
    anticipate it, and got caught out. If you want to be a lot safer on the
    roads, start expecting the unexpected, and you might be just that little
    better able to handle it when it happens.

    How about you try something next time you go out for a drive? Instead of
    just checking your mirrors (assuming you know where they are) to see how
    close the guy behind you is, why not try looking a bit further back and
    seeing where some of the other vehicles are as well? And when you look
    again, see where they are now. And when you note that a vehicle that a
    moment ago was a lot further back than it is now, get ready to be
    overtaken - and guess what? This time, when that vehicle magically appears
    from "nowhere" it won't be a surprise, because you will have seen it coming
    for once!

    Open your eyes. You might be surprised at just how much you can see when you
    look for it.

    GPX250 (stolen) -> CBR600
    Damien, Nov 22, 2003
  4. Manning

    Charlie Guest

    it's a matter of filtering. if you started worrying non stop about the
    unexpected, the expected would catch you out one day. Rather than cut a
    hole in the roof, mount a telescope, and scan the sky for aliens coming
    to get me, it works better just to forget about that level of

    if you want to be expected, you have to do semi-normal things.

    Charlie, Nov 22, 2003
  5. Manning

    Smee Guest

    There's knowing then there's thinking.
    I know
    You only think.
    Think about that one Dene.
    Smee, Nov 22, 2003
  6. Manning

    Damien Guest

    I'd heard it was a postie bike...

    GPX250 (stolen) -> CBR600
    Damien, Nov 22, 2003
  7. Manning

    Damien Guest

    When you expect something to happen, you can take action to avoid it,
    thereby preventing an accident. If you expect it, but still hit something,
    I'd say it is more an act of deliberate stupidity than an accident!

    GPX250 (stolen) -> CBR600
    Damien, Nov 22, 2003
  8. Manning

    Damien Guest

    If we were at all interested in accuracy, do you really think we'd still be
    discussing it in a newsgroup?!

    Damien (besides, you can stir people up a lot more easily when you get it
    GPX250 (stolen) -> CBR600
    Damien, Nov 22, 2003
  9. Manning

    reg-john Guest

    thanks sir. great road safety lesson. i like the added condescension!
    reg-john, Nov 22, 2003
  10. Manning

    reg-john Guest

    you know then? you must be terribly depressed.
    reg-john, Nov 22, 2003
  11. Manning

    Smee Guest

    reg-john wrote:

    About what in particular?
    Smee, Nov 22, 2003
  12. Manning

    Damien Guest

    Not a problem - all part of the service!

    GPX250 (stolen) -> CBR600
    Damien, Nov 22, 2003
  13. Manning

    Damien Guest

    I thought you knew?

    GPX250 (stolen) -> CBR600
    Damien, Nov 22, 2003
  14. Manning

    Smee Guest

    I do
    the other poster thought he did.
    Smee, Nov 22, 2003
  15. Maybe not accidents but they seem to be the irritated riders that are
    flipping the bird at the drivers who just missed them.
    Whats a SMIDSY
    One idiot on a bike can achieve it with 20 times as many cars as an idiot in
    a car can.
    Believe or not maybe they didn't, how often would you hit anything you did
    Well if the bike was the one doing the unexpected is the cars fault for
    indicating and performaing a lane change, maybe it's abit of both, but don't
    try and pin it exclusively on cars.
    Anyone stupid enough to get hit by a train on a bike deserves what he gets,
    better chances playing with a B-Double.
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 22, 2003
  16. And of course you can achieve 100% concentration 100% of the time to achieve
    this so have never been surprised. And it you were it would be your fault.

    Brisbane, Australia
    Who needs lockers when you got secondaries.

    VH4000-> CL3500/4300-> GH2600-> S2A2300/3000->
    GJ1600/2000->RR3500/3900 ->GQ4200
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 22, 2003
  17. What's up when you tried to pick up the kids, 2 pushbikes and a trailer of
    pavers your mighty 125 failed you? :p
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 22, 2003
  18. At least it wasn't likely to be stolen. :)
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 22, 2003
  19. Manning

    Charlie Guest

    happens too often on the dirtbike... 'don't stare at the tree, don't
    stare at the tree... *thud*'

    Charlie, Nov 22, 2003
  20. --
    Brisbane, Australia
    Who needs lockers when you got secondaries.

    VH4000-> CL3500/4300-> GH2600-> S2A2300/3000->
    GJ1600/2000->RR3500/3900 ->GQ4200
    May explain some people driving technique, but doesn't mean you would be
    safe from them if they were on a bike instead of in a car.
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 22, 2003
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