Bike/Car Drags - why do you bother?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Manning, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Hi - we've been having a discussion over at and we thought
    it was time to invite the other side into the discussion.

    Why do cage drivers persist in trying to drag off bikes at traffic lights?
    This is given that there are very few cars on the market that can
    out-accelerate a 250cc Baby Blade, let alone a litre-class superbike. The
    number of WRX's and hotted-up V8's that we see revving at the lights and
    looking at us in anticipation of a contest is quite astonishing.

    To the 2-wheeled community, a bike taking on a car is about the same effort
    as a car taking on a bicycle - the outcome is so inevitable it's hardly
    worth proving over and over. But we find ourselves being continually
    challenged, and so we keep going through the motions.

    So why do you persist? Is there a genuine belief that you stand a chance,
    even when a brief consideration of the simple physics of power/weight ratios
    indicates there isn't one?

    Motorcyclists habitually like to get away from the lights very quickly,
    mainly because we like the safety of having empty space around us (you cage
    drivers being the inattentive, random-lane-changing lot that you are). We
    usually drop back to a semi-legal speed once we are in open territory. Is it
    possible that some of you misinterpret this as a desire to drag-race?

    Anyway, your thoughts.

    Manning from
    Manning, Nov 17, 2003
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  2. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Note - this reply not x-posted:

    Well let's see what happens...

    Manning, Nov 17, 2003
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  3. Manning

    Dave Ello Guest

    Sweeeeeet! Feeling alive with a naughty sense of anticipation... :))

    Dave ZZR600 => ST2 (stolen) => '03 XX
    Dave Ello, Nov 17, 2003
  4. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Hehe - did you mean to x-post that?

    Cheers Manning
    Manning, Nov 17, 2003
  5. Manning

    Anti.Troll Guest

    Go Trolling somewhere else.

    I'll Top post if I feel like it.
    | Hi - we've been having a discussion over at and we thought
    | it was time to invite the other side into the discussion.
    | Why do cage drivers persist in trying to drag off bikes at traffic lights?
    | This is given that there are very few cars on the market that can
    | out-accelerate a 250cc Baby Blade, let alone a litre-class superbike. The
    | number of WRX's and hotted-up V8's that we see revving at the lights and
    | looking at us in anticipation of a contest is quite astonishing.
    | To the 2-wheeled community, a bike taking on a car is about the same effort
    | as a car taking on a bicycle - the outcome is so inevitable it's hardly
    | worth proving over and over. But we find ourselves being continually
    | challenged, and so we keep going through the motions.
    | So why do you persist? Is there a genuine belief that you stand a chance,
    | even when a brief consideration of the simple physics of power/weight ratios
    | indicates there isn't one?
    | Motorcyclists habitually like to get away from the lights very quickly,
    | mainly because we like the safety of having empty space around us (you cage
    | drivers being the inattentive, random-lane-changing lot that you are). We
    | usually drop back to a semi-legal speed once we are in open territory. Is it
    | possible that some of you misinterpret this as a desire to drag-race?
    | Anyway, your thoughts.
    | Regards
    | Manning from
    Anti.Troll, Nov 17, 2003
  6. Why is it bikes pull up next to my work van and start the whole rev the
    engine thing, why is it some idiot on a bike proves how good he is by riding
    parallel to my workvan on the freeway whilst popping a 1/2 km mono at
    100kph, like I'm going to race him or try popping a better one with an

    Brisbane, Australia
    Who needs lockers when you got secondaries.

    VH4000-> CL3500/4300-> GH2600-> S2A2300/3000->
    GJ1600/2000->RR3500/3900 ->GQ4200
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 17, 2003
  7. Yay!

    Brisbane, Australia
    Who needs lockers when you got secondaries.

    VH4000 (rusted)-> CL3500/4300(rusted)-> GH2600(taxied off)->
    S2A2300/3000(too slow)-> GJ1600/2000(gave to mum)->RR3500/3900(too weak in
    driveline) ->GQ4200 (just right)
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 17, 2003
  8. Manning

    Dave Mojo67 Guest

    Manning you're a cruel evil calculating prick. I like that in a person. :)
    Dave Mojo67, Nov 17, 2003
  9. Manning

    Manning Guest

    With respect, I'm not trolling - this is a serious question. Please feel
    free to check into and see the discussion we've been having.

    Manning, Nov 17, 2003
  10. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Well there are wankers on bikes just as much as there are wankers anywhere
    else. It's hardly fair to judge the entire community by individual cases.
    You've all seen complete wankers behind the wheel of a car, but that doesn't
    condemn the entire car-enthusiast community.

    Cheers Manning
    Manning, Nov 17, 2003
  11. Manning

    Manning Guest

    *sniff* - I'm deeply touched.

    hehe Manning
    Manning, Nov 17, 2003
  12. Erk - Kiwipete still posting thee?

    1. I do the same in cars. Open space good. Herd bad.

    2. If some dawk on a bike is there, I 'want' him to piss off out of the way
    to his own open space, preferably ahead of me and therefore not
    hanging about hiding in blind-spots as a highly accelerative and
    therefore marginally predictable obstacle.
    And if that means tricking the bighead into grandstanding - so be it.

    This produces three zones after each TL start.
    Open space bike zone.
    Open space Car zone.

    I prefer to drive with the other OS Car Zone occupants - paranoids like us
    make safer drivers.

    There ya go.
    Simple problem - simple solution.
    Toby Ponsenby, Nov 17, 2003
  13. Why is it bikes race planes next to airstrips?
    Just because of a few, doesn't mean every car on the road want's to race

    Brisbane, Australia
    Who needs lockers when you got secondaries.

    VH4000-> CL3500/4300-> GH2600-> S2A2300/3000->
    GJ1600/2000->RR3500/3900 ->GQ4200
    Rainbow Warrior, Nov 17, 2003
  14. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Dunno - the joys of the killfile. I think he might have finally buggered off
    and formed a self-help group of one somewhere. CDIHL still drags his sorry
    arse in there though.
    Well, that is so sensible you could almost qualify as a bike rider!
    (Seriously, though - nice answer).

    Cheers Manning
    Manning, Nov 17, 2003
  15. Manning

    Dave Ello Guest

    Um... no. Could be the late night karma gods telling me that I should have
    been asleep hours ago...

    Dave Ello, Nov 17, 2003
  16. Manning

    Nev.. Guest

    You better graduate off that 250cc onto something a bit quicker then Manning.
    My 21 year old Commodore can out drag a 250 baby blade... from 0-100 kph but
    probably mph too.

    Nev.., Nov 17, 2003
  17. Manning

    Shane Guest

    Should have left the discussion over there too!
    How many vehicles does it take to conduct a 'drag'?

    So you feel you just *have to* go through the motions once again :)))))))))
    Why do you persist in meeting this alleged challenge? Why waste your time
    and petrol doing something you know the outcome of already? Why risk getting
    booked for something that's inevitable anyway? Me thinks you've got way too
    much wind blowing through your helmet and it's scrambled your brains. Get a

    Yeah that's a brilliant tactic in all the circumstances isn't it? Have all
    those imbeciles who can't drive or even recognise potential danger right
    behind you :) Me, I'd rather have people who can't drive in front of me and
    deal with those who can't change lanes safely where I can keep an eye on
    them. You treat all drivers the same way, nobody can drive properly and they
    are all a danger to you.
    Waste of bandwidth.
    Shane, Nov 17, 2003
  18. Manning

    ken Guest

    LOL, this comment after you generalise with the "cage drivers" comment.....
    ken, Nov 17, 2003
  19. Manning

    conehead Guest


    Blind-spots? Don't you have mirrors?
    conehead, Nov 17, 2003
  20. Manning

    Ron McGrice Guest

    I gather this is really an ego post and nothing more.
    How about keeping it in
    Ron McGrice, Nov 17, 2003
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