Bike buying dilemma

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG@Toil, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. TOG@Toil

    Jérémy Guest

    I know. I think I'm boring myself. If I go on much longer I'm going to
    kf me.
    Jérémy, Feb 23, 2009
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  2. TOG@Toil

    Jimac Guest

    Simian wrote in
    Probably, as do most people.
    Jimac, Feb 23, 2009
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  3. TOG@Toil

    dog Guest

    this jargon: you have to write it down to avoid the loss of precision, then?
    dog, Feb 24, 2009
  4. TOG@Toil

    dog Guest

    when you became a dad, they must have drilled a small hole in the bottom
    of your skull, and your brain has been slowly leaking out ever since.
    dog, Feb 25, 2009
  5. TOG@Toil

    Jérémy Guest

    Thanks :)

    If one particular group decides that "paedophile" and "paediatrician" are
    synonymous, does that make them correct? If they subsequently chuck a brick
    through the window of a paediatrician, what would you say to their
    justification of their action?
    Jérémy, Feb 25, 2009
  6. TOG@Toil

    platypus Guest

    "I'm not a pedophile, you stupid cunts, I'm a pederast!"
    platypus, Feb 25, 2009
  7. TOG@Toil

    dog Guest

    my substantive point is: there is nothing about spoken language that is
    inherently imprecise by virtue of its being spoken, or that can be made
    more precise by writing the same words down, as you claim. you have failed
    to back up any such assertion, which seems to be based (inasmuch as one
    can use the word) in something along the same theory that says that words
    that are written down are inherently more true than words that are spoken,
    or more "real", or more authoritative. which theory is only likely to
    find favour with illiterates, who might hold that there was some magical
    property of writing that imbues words with special magic. knowing you to
    be an intelligent man, and hardly illiterate, i'm somewhat surprised to
    hear you expounding such a theory, and can only assume that you have
    recently and temporarily taken leave of your senses.
    dog, Feb 27, 2009
  8. TOG@Toil

    dog Guest

    i have no problem with the claim that it's all imprecise[1], only with the
    claim that writing it down improves its precision.

    [1] although without some unit of measurement and something to compare it
    with, this claim is effectively meaningless
    dog, Feb 27, 2009
  9. TOG@Toil

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    It can, to an extent, I suppose. If only in that it gives the
    communicator more time to compose, and is therefore less ad hoc.
    Alex Ferrier, Feb 27, 2009
  10. TOG@Toil

    des Guest

    Yes. He seems to be .. troubled, shall we say..

    des, Feb 27, 2009
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