Big Wave

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by bob123, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Heh. It's quite simple. A comment insulting someone's religion may be
    offensive on many levels, but it's not racist. It's religionist (if such
    a horrible word exists).

    I regard it as quite a simple point, in not quite the same way that I
    regard tallbloke's ability to argue as simple.

    And it's fun to watch him dance.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2005
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  2. Nah. Too irresponsible.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2005
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  3. bob123

    tallbloke Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) wrote in
    Thankyou, at last you seem to have got my point.

    Now *you* really are starting to sound like Des.
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2005
  4. No - you see, you've snipped the essential ingredient *again*

    Let me put it back for you;

    "but it's not racist"

    And that was your original point.


    A useful rule of Usenet is that when you make a cock-up, the best thing
    to do is simply say "Yeah, OK". Constant avoidance efforts by diverting
    from the original point, selective snipping, etc only make you look more
    of a prannet.

    Des used to do it. Probably still does. Hoyt McKagen, of blessed
    carbonaceous memory, was the all-time master of it. But, for a newbie,
    you aren't doing badly.

    Now *you* really are starting to sound like Des.

    Actually, there you may have a point ;-))
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2005
  5. bob123

    tallbloke Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) wrote in
    No. it was my original jibe. I tacitly conceded *your point* posts ago,
    when I said that I was merely trying to discourage you from upsetting
    people no matter whether the insult was against their
    race/culture/religion or whatever.

    Lets not go there, Ok? ;-)
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2005
  6. Nah. Too irresponsible.[/QUOTE]

    Heh. When I was at school bamboo blowpipes were de rigeur, using
    pellets of blotting paper as a missile.

    I modified mine to accept a ink cartridge inserted from underneath,
    which imparted a liberal amount of ink to the pellet at it accelerated
    up the pipe.

    Even less popular was the big-bore version that projected an ink
    cartridge with a modeling pin mounted in the front.

    They eventually made me a prefect just before I left, but I got the
    impression they were hoping it would make me more responsible, rather
    than considering me to have achieved that unhappy state already. It
    didn't work.
    Christopher Des Clayes, Jan 9, 2005
  7. Ah. OK then. Be more explicit next time.

    And **** not upsetting people anyway ;-)
    Indeed not.

    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2005
  8. bob123

    tallbloke Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) wrote in

    Well keep it specific. Northern git, southern poof etc is more acceptable
    when aimed at an individual.
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2005
  9. But *all* Northerners are Northern gits.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2005
  10. bob123

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Heh. My weapon of choice at school was a spud-gun modelled on a
    derringer that used a cap (as in cap gun) as the propellant. I used to
    fill the space between cap and spud with gunpowder emptied from my
    stash of penny bangers. Loud bang, big flash, very fast spud.

    Actually, that puts me in mind of a gun you once described to me. Punt
    gun was it? Punchline was, IIRC, "Bugger Oi".
    Colin Irvine, Jan 9, 2005
  11. bob123

    tallbloke Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) wrote in
    Come up and tell us one at a time. That way we can take our time over kicking
    your arse back to lunnun.
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2005
  12. bob123

    Lozzo Guest

    Colin Irvine says...
    Mine was a rounders bat.
    Lozzo, Jan 9, 2005
  13. bob123

    tallbloke Guest

    Did you do P.E. with the gurls or something?
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2005
  14. bob123

    Lozzo Guest

    tallbloke says...
    Boys played rounders occasionally at middle school, they called it
    softball but we all knew it was rounders really. I nicked a bat for my
    own purposes.
    Lozzo, Jan 9, 2005
  15. bob123

    tallbloke Guest

    Our softball bat and ball was bigger than the rounders kit. More or less
    rounders rules, as you say.
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2005
  16. Lozzo wrote
    Mine was Big Eddie.
    steve auvache, Jan 9, 2005
    Phil Launchbury, Jan 9, 2005
  18. That sounds like when I was clay-pigeon shooting with an 1858 Enfield
    replica musket. Black powder makes a lot of smoke.




    From the other (downwind) side of the hedge:

    "Bugger Oi what were that then?"
    Christopher Des Clayes, Jan 9, 2005
  19. bob123

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Christopher Des

    A while back I was trying to get a recalcitrant bonfire to go. This was
    eventually accomplished with the aid of quite a lot of methanol[1].


    Followed a few seconds later by my neighbour's voice from the other side
    of the hedge:

    "That sounded like it should have had a countdown".

    [1] I had some, I used it. OK?
    Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Nigel Eaton, Jan 9, 2005
  20. bob123

    Colin Irvine Guest

    <g> That's the one.
    Colin Irvine, Jan 9, 2005
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