Big Wave

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by bob123, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. bob123

    platypus Guest

    I reckon a big black double-headed eagle would look cool.
    platypus, Jan 3, 2005
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  2. *Snort*

    You silly bugger.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 3, 2005
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  3. bob123

    ogden Guest

    There was an article in the Indy on Sunday yesterday about a Sri Lankan
    bloke (living abroad) who's lost *two hundred* family members, and now
    has absolutely nothing to go back to.

    Which is pretty harsh.
    ogden, Jan 3, 2005
  4. bob123

    Ace Guest

    Yeah, imagine having to buy that lot birthday presents. He'll be much
    better off now.
    Ace, Jan 3, 2005
  5. platypus wrote
    A rammer and a sickie.
    steve auvache, Jan 3, 2005
  6. Another way of looking at that is to muse about third world

    Sheesh. I suppose I can count maybe 20 family members, including distant
    cousins and in-laws.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 3, 2005

  7. *Snort*

    You cnut. ;-)
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 3, 2005
  8. bob123

    ogden Guest

    Or equally it could say something about social fragmentation in
    western societies.
    ogden, Jan 3, 2005
  9. That too.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 3, 2005
  10. bob123

    Lozzo Guest

    The Older Gentleman says...
    I have 4.

    I only count my kids as family.
    Lozzo, Jan 3, 2005
  11. bob123

    Verdigris Guest

    I'm pragmatic enough that I'll take assistance from whoever is offerring
    it but I would tend to avoid those with a strong religious connection,
    (although that applies more to my own donations rather than whatever aid I
    might seek). But I wouldn't get worked up by a symbol itself: neither
    the Red Cross nor St John's Ambulance Brigade are notably religious
    despite their logos.
    Verdigris, Jan 3, 2005
  12. bob123

    Verdigris Guest

    That doesn't seem very many. I got to fifteen - not counting their
    spouses - without going past cousins. If I add in just those I have met
    I'd take it over 30.
    Verdigris, Jan 4, 2005
  13. bob123

    Bob123 Guest

    Not saying it's not bad but it could have been much worse, if it had hit
    5 years ago when most tourists stayed in little wooden beach bungalows
    rather than the multistory concrete monstrosities that have replaced
    them the death tole would have been much higher.
    The bastards, I mean these people are on holiday, you can't ruin it just
    because someone died. ;-)
    Not speaking or reading Thai we only had CNN or BBC world in Phuket but
    we got the Bangkok Post in that City which gave us a much better picture
    of the local situation, including terrible stories of a fishing village
    that has been wiped of the earth including nearly all inhabitants.

    Just got back to Hong Kong and last night the proprietor of my favourite
    Indian restaurant nearly burst into tears when he saw me.

    vstun piss ted at yahoo dot com
    If you want to email me you'll have to take the piss
    As you can probably tell I'm heavily Dyslexic so errors
    and omissions are not just excepted but expected.
    Bob123, Jan 4, 2005
  14. bob123

    Bob123 Guest

    As the death tole rises this becomes more and more obvious.

    vstun piss ted at yahoo dot com
    If you want to email me you'll have to take the piss
    As you can probably tell I'm heavily Dyslexic so errors
    and omissions are not just excepted but expected.
    Bob123, Jan 4, 2005
  15. bob123

    Bob123 Guest

    Shit, we have to hope Indonesia and Sri Lanka uses this as an
    opportunity to make peace [1] so that some good can come from it all.

    [1] with themselves not each other.

    vstun piss ted at yahoo dot com
    If you want to email me you'll have to take the piss
    As you can probably tell I'm heavily Dyslexic so errors
    and omissions are not just excepted but expected.
    Bob123, Jan 4, 2005
  16. bob123

    Bob123 Guest

    Thanks, your concern is touching.

    vstun piss ted at yahoo dot com
    If you want to email me you'll have to take the piss
    As you can probably tell I'm heavily Dyslexic so errors
    and omissions are not just excepted but expected.
    Bob123, Jan 4, 2005

  17. Ma and Pa were both only children, which limits it.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 4, 2005
  18. bob123

    ogden Guest

    Brother and sister, more like.
    ogden, Jan 4, 2005
  19. As in "neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire"?

    Phil Launchbury, Jan 4, 2005
  20. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    He still had your chit?



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 4, 2005
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