[QUOTE="The"] Well, that's fine then. I was just ruminating that I hadn't heard a single thing about the Muslim relief, and was wondering why not.[/QUOTE] Some are sending more than others it seems as this article shows. (popup warning for those that worry about such things) [URL]http://www.hindustantimes.com/2004/Dec/29/181_1174078,001301540000.htm[/URL] [QUOTE] Three Gulf States have announced that they are sending a total of 22 million dollars in aid to the victims of tsunamis triggered by a massive earthquake in Asia, killing more than 55,000 people across the region. Qatar is sending 10 million dollars, as is Saudi Arabia, officials in the two countries said on Tuesday. Kuwait's Red Crescent Society on Monday launched a fund raising campaign after the Government said it was sending one million dollars to help the victims before increasing the figure to two million dollars on Tuesday[/QUOTE] </quote> By comparison: UAE GDP - .7 billion Kuwait GDP - .54 billion Qatar GDP - .54 billion Figures from [URL]http://www.indexmundi.com[/URL]