Bias in media

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Manning, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. Manning

    Manning Guest

    An interesting little story about my day...

    This morning while reading the online news at work, I found an article
    posted at the ABC's "News Just In" site which mentioned that a woman
    pedestrian was critically injured in a collision with a motorcycle in
    Adelaide last night. I then searched the ABC site and discovered that in
    their entire weekly bulletin there was no mention of any MV accident
    anywhere in the country (apart from a minor one that involved a current
    federal politician).

    I emailed the ABC and asked why they saw fit to publish an article about a
    non-fatal (at the time, turns out the woman died later on)incident that
    appeared to be noteworthy simply because it involved a motorcycle. I also
    pointed out that there were numerous fatal MV accidents in NSW alone last
    week, (eg. check out the listings at ) yet it seems because they
    only involved cars, none of them were deemed newsworthy enough to get
    written up. I asked what editorial perspective felt that motorcycle
    accidents should be publicised nationally, while the greater number of fatal
    car accidents should go unmentioned.

    Anyway, I never heard back, but to my surprise, by the time I got to my home
    PC (all ready to bitch about it on, I checked in at the ABC site
    again and the story has mysteriously vanished (!)

    The woman later died, and that particular story is still listed at (Fri 14 Nov, 10:40 AM). I didn't complain to because they always write up every fatal MV accident ever from
    anywhere in the country, so this isn't particularly out of character.

    Manning, Nov 14, 2003
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  2. Manning

    Nev.. Guest

    You want the national broadcaster to censor the news?

    '03 ZX12R
    '02 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Nov 14, 2003
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  3. Manning

    Dave Ello Guest

    It appears they already are.

    Dave ZZR600 => ST2 (stolen) => '03 XX
    Dave Ello, Nov 14, 2003
  4. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Are you still only ever reading just the last line Nev? :)
    Manning, Nov 14, 2003
  5. Manning

    Nev.. Guest

    No, I read the first line, and the last line. :p

    In the case of this accident... presumably the ABC internet news website gets
    it's news from the major news carriers (Reuters etc) and from it's own network
    of local radio and TV newsrooms. In sleepy Adelaide, the instance of a
    motorcycle colliding with a pedestrian is probably big news because, well,
    just go to Adelaide and see for yourself. Just because they list one
    particular accident on their news website is probably not an indication of
    bias against motorcyclists, its probably because all of their other newsrooms
    don't consider run of the mill, ordinary, everyday, garden variety car crashes
    resulting in fatalities to be particularly newsworthy.

    '03 ZX12R
    '02 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Nov 14, 2003
  6. Manning

    Boxer Guest

    The ABC biased, never happen :)

    Boxer, Nov 14, 2003
  7. Manning

    Johno Guest

    Huh? - You taking the piss out of Adelaide again Nev??

    Johno, Nov 14, 2003
  8. Manning

    Manning Guest

    I see your point Nev, but my issue is *why* is a motorcycle accident
    newsworthy and a car accident not? I was annoyed because "selective
    reporting" of this kind simply adds to the negative perception of
    motorcycling. We're living in a time when insurance premiums for motorcycles
    are completely out of proportion to the statistical risk, and an NRMA survey
    of riders indicates that 94% of car drivers do not feel they have to have
    concern for the welfare of a motorcyclist on the road (mentioned in Two
    Wheels this month). Yes, I've got a bee in my bonnet about this issue, but I
    think there's a little bit of justification for it.

    What I found interesting was the fact that in my original email to the ABC I
    didn't ask for the story to be removed, I simply asked them to explain why a
    motorcycle accident was deemed more newsworthy than a car accident.

    But I have been to Adelaide... oh my, it's a sleepy little place :) Nice
    roads thoughs.

    Cheers Manning
    Manning, Nov 14, 2003
  9. Manning

    Doug Cox Guest

    It made the news because it's rare for anyone other than riders/pillions to
    be killed in motorcycle accidents.

    In fact, for other road users, we're 10 times safer than cars.

    Doug Cox.
    Work to ride, Ride to work...
    Doug Cox, Nov 14, 2003
  10. Manning

    Knobdoodle Guest

    They probably just posted this story to break up the monotony of only
    reporting the serial-killers and sex murders.
    [besides; the pedestrian should never have been where the motorcycles
    travel; between the letterbox and the house!]
    Knobdoodle, Nov 15, 2003
  11. Manning

    Biggus Guest

    and I thought this would be something original
    Biggus, Nov 15, 2003
  12. Manning

    Johno Guest

    Now I know you are taking the piss :)

    Johno <holder of letterbox #001>
    Johno, Nov 15, 2003
  13. Manning

    conehead Guest

    It doesn't leave much else, does it johno?
    conehead, Nov 15, 2003
  14. Manning

    Manning Guest

    Is this a common thread topic at I've never seen it before, so I'm
    sorry if it is.

    Manning, Nov 15, 2003
  15. Manning

    smack Guest

    So, email them again, and keep doing it till you get an answer. Or better still, ring during business hours and ask to speak to the
    Head of news.

    ABC TV
    smack, Nov 15, 2003
  16. Manning

    Nev.. Guest

    All well and good. There has been a LOT of negative press regarding speed
    cameras in Melbourne lately. All the news services have been covering it. It
    seems biased too. Should I complain? It's giving all speed enforcement a bad
    Let me get this straight... you're proving your point about bias by quoting
    the results of a survey of RIDERS indicating how CAR DRIVERS "felt".
    Interesting concept. I find car drivers "feel" softer when I'm wearing my
    winter gloves. YMMV.
    As stated previously. Most probably for it's novelty value.

    '03 ZX12R
    '02 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Nov 15, 2003
  17. Manning

    sharkey Guest

    Eh? Yes, I go on about it all the time. Don't hate the Media,
    become the Media, then write whiney Saturday-morning editorials
    about Media Bias!

    Anything unusual is going to get articles written about it.
    Anything typical doesn't. It's the whole "Dog Bites Man" syndrome.

    sharkey, Nov 15, 2003
  18. On 15/11/03 5:13 PM, in article

    It has a head? Uuuurrrrgggghhh!

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 16, 2003
  19. Manning

    Joe Murray Guest

    as Peter Allen sang..
    "When my baby..., when my baby smiles at me, I go to Truro, I'm a lucky

    Joe M.
    Joe Murray, Nov 16, 2003
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