Or get your picture in the mail: <http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/18/1800.asp> <Quote> Texas DOT to Install Federally Funded Highway Speed Cameras Despite the opposition of the state legislature, the Texas Department of Transportation proposes a federally funded speed camera test. TxDOT logoDespite the near-unanimous opposition in the state legislature to the use of speed cameras, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is moving forward on a proposal to deploy photo radar on state highways using federal gas tax funds. Legislation awaiting Governor Rick Perry's signature prohibited only municipalities -- like Marble Falls and Rhome -- from installing automated speeding ticket systems. It was silent on the possibility of a state-run system. <end quote> My feeling on this is that Texans are way too independent to accept this, and DPS will have to assign troopers to protect the cameras 24-7. This is what happens to speed cameras in Great Britain: <http://www.speedcam.co.uk/gatso2.htm> I'm sure creative Texans can find unique ways to rid the roads of this menace.
..338 or 30.06 or any other decent large game round will destroy those cameras at a nice distance...while providing good deniability. Just a thought and I'd never suggest a person do anything violent and or condone it. It was just a thought, wouldn't want your picture taken would you. Be kind of odd if there was a rash of round bales falling off and taking out said cameras. How many here have ever hit a road sign with beer bottle while going 90mph +\-? Not that I ever have or ever would. ;^)
We have had photo radar up here for years and although we have gun controls, it has not been the gun controls that have stopped the cameras from being shot up. They use a different system here. Our photo radar are units set up in a police cruiser, and monitored by a Commissionaire. Shoot the camera and you might just shoot the Commissionaire too. Besides, those black and white grainy photographs make up the most expensive art I have hanging in my house. I am very proud of the few I have framed on my rec room wall. <g> -- 24 hours in a day & 24 beer in a case Coincidence? I think not
Anything new happening with this? Like the whole bad idea being scragged? I mean as soon as people start getting the ticket in the mail I predict interesting things will happen to the cameras... College students coming up with the most interesting destruction wise. Closely followed by guys with access to portable power tools, flammable products and possibly explosives (though I doubt because of the tags in the explosives) p.s. currently Montana is NOT contemplating doing this. I'm also glad my house in Killeen didn't flood. Then again it is on the highest place in Killeen. 8^) That was a selling point...owning the high ground.