Best way to travel 5 miles to a train station?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. Excellent, I can get away with not paying tax. Top stuff, where do I
    sign? That wedge I will no longer be paying Gordon Brown every month
    will come in handy for that Colnago I've got my eye on ...

    Oh, just for completeness, what have I opted out of?
    chris harrison, Aug 12, 2004
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  2. David

    Velvet Guest

    Ah, long since accepted you'll never measure up to a Proper Bloke, then.

    You have my sympathies.
    Velvet, Aug 12, 2004
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  3. David

    Porl Guest

    Get a fold up bike and put it in a cab. Half way to your destination, get
    the bike out and cycle the rest of the way. If you're feeling lazy go the
    whole way in the cab and then use the bike to do a runner at the other end.
    Porl, Aug 12, 2004
  4. David

    davek Guest

    The comparison is between doing 25 minutes gentle exercise in two
    different forms. What's stupid about that?

    The fact that for the same level of effort as walking you can cover
    about four times the distance on a bike is one of the benefits of
    cycling - it means you can combine your exercise requirements with your
    getting-from-A-to-B requirements. Yes, you can combine the two by
    walking or jogging, but how long it takes and how much exercise it
    involves depends on how far apart A and B are.

    Cyclists may well be tree-hugging sandal-wearing loonies but you don't
    need to be a lycra-clad nutter to see that in the case under discussion
    a bike of some sort (ie including motorbikes) is the most viable form of

    davek, Aug 12, 2004
  5. David

    Tony Raven Guest

    Your inferiority complex is much much worse than I expected.

    Tony Raven, Aug 12, 2004
  6. Traffic jams, I think.

    Oh, if you find what form we should fill to stop paying taxes, would you
    please let me know? I tried phoning the IRS but they were astonishingly

    Eugenio Mastroviti, Aug 12, 2004
  7. David

    Mark Mcn Guest

    Reply to Tony Raven
    If somebody says "inferiority complex" and he immediately thinks of
    "dick size", he *has* got a problem! :-D
    Mark Mcn, Aug 12, 2004
  8. David

    Ginge Guest

    It's not as good as the foolproof scheme involving five magic beans.
    Ginge, Aug 12, 2004
  9. David

    davek Guest

    Jump on the back of a Womble and tell him someone dropped a crisp packet
    in Tilehurst.

    davek, Aug 12, 2004
  10. Tony Raven wrote
    There is no argument that getting at least some people out of their
    cages and onto buses or two wheeled transport is a Good Thing but some
    poor bastard has to pay for it. The people powered lobby conveniently
    seem to forget this and as yet have failed to be seen to be asking to
    pay some form of road duty to have all those nice white van free zones
    painted on the roads.

    You would get a lot of support from the likes of me if you did but as it
    is you are still a bunch of freeloaders.
    steve auvache, Aug 12, 2004
  11. David

    dwb Guest

    *so* much safer than a moped or bicycle.
    dwb, Aug 12, 2004
  12. David

    Adrian Guest

    Whinging Courier () gurgled happily,
    sounding much like they were saying :
    Not *strictly* legal?

    Not even vaguely legal.
    Adrian, Aug 12, 2004
  13. David

    dwb Guest

    As a resident of a street about 1 mile from the station, rest assured this
    is viewed in a very dim light.

    Either move nearer the station, change jobs or bloody well PAY FOR THE
    dwb, Aug 12, 2004
  14. David

    Tony Raven Guest

    I'd certainly agree with your first sentence. As for the second one,
    almost all cyclists are insured for public liability under their home
    policies. You don't need any more insurance for cycling on the road
    unless you chose to insure your bike against theft, damage etc.
    I'd love to hear the logic behind that bit of nonsense. Of course
    taxing us to extinction would mean we'd get in our cars instead and make
    the traffic congestion even worse for you.

    Tony Raven, Aug 12, 2004
  15. David

    Velvet Guest

    steve auvache wrote:

    Suggest you find out if you don't know. Obviously you have no idea what
    you're talking about...

    Many cyclists pay VED, and all the other taxes too. By cycling
    sometimes, in fact, they don't cause as much wear to the road as other
    vehicles do.

    Many cyclists ARE insured, too. Suggest you check your facts, rather
    than just injecting yet more flaimbait, troll.

    Whereas yours is based on - what, exactly? So far, it seems mere
    supposition and incorrect assumption.
    Velvet, Aug 12, 2004
  16. David Martin wrote
    Who gives a toss about damage to the roads? That is to do with kin huge
    French lorries. A different subject altogether.

    You want the infrastructure changed to separate 2 wheeled transport from
    4 or more? That will cost money. Rebuilding junctions and traffic
    signalling systems to take into account new traffic patterns will cost
    money. Compulsory safety training, licensing, enforcement, all of that
    shite costs money.

    Why should the powered travelling community be expected to pay out for
    benefits that don't include them? Especially when you lot boast about
    how much more you earn. It doesn't do your argument any good you know.

    I don't carry pillions, the bitch can get her own ride.
    steve auvache, Aug 12, 2004
  17. David

    David Martin Guest

    It's an old canard that is still untrue.
    That is not true. I am insured when I cycle, as a re a significant
    proportion of regular cyclists. Many others will also be covered for third
    party claims through household insurance policies. Pedestrians typically
    aren't insured for walking. Should they be banned from the roads?
    Where does the damage to roads come from?

    It's proportional to the fourth power of axle weight. So even if your
    motorbike is only twice the weight of my pushbike (both with rider on
    board), that is still sixteen times the damage. Now add on the costs of
    scraping idiot motorcyclists off bits of the scenery that they have spread
    themselves over and the secondary costs become larger still.

    Where does the money of maintaining the roads come from?

    Oh, it is out of general taxation. My local council pay for most of the
    roads I ride on. I pay council tax. Does that make me a freeloader? Does the
    income tax I pay qualify me as a freeloader, or maybe it is the VED or fuel
    tax I pay. It could even be the VAT on the bike parts I bought last weekend
    that make me a freeloader.

    If you'd like to point out where I avoid paying tax then I'd like to hear
    it. As far as I can tell I pay all taxes I am supposed to.
    OK, take the pillion passenger on your motorcycle if you carry passengers.
    In as much as the tax rates in the UK are broadly equivalent, then the
    experience in one locality of having to pay tax is transferable to another.

    David Martin, Aug 12, 2004
  18. Ambrose Nankivell wrote
    If you want the state or it's agents to provide you with facilities to
    enable you to use both your car and your bicycle then don't expect them
    to provide one of them for free.
    steve auvache, Aug 12, 2004
  19. Ben wrote
    A sort of BABs and Power Rangers thing then?
    steve auvache, Aug 12, 2004
  20. David

    Adrian Guest

    Andrewr At Work () gurgled happily,
    sounding much like they were saying :
    Round here, there *is* usually parking available at the station - for
    something ludicrously cheap like £2/day - but that doesn't stop people from
    parking on the surrounding roads (including double parking on junctions and
    half-blocking drives).

    We're likely to get parking restrictions and resident permits (which we'll
    have to pay for) as a result.

    See why residents get pissed off?
    Adrian, Aug 12, 2004
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