Best way to travel 5 miles to a train station?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. Surely we can all agree that people who advocate bicycles as a
    Mr Armstrong is serious about it. I don't think he qualifies as a
    scrounger - plus he gets to shag Sheryl Crowe. Bastard.

    May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

    88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington
    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 12, 2004
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  2. David

    Tony Raven Guest

    Because everyone keeps on about how dangerous it is to ride on the road,
    so dangerous in fact that they ought to wear polystyrene HGV deflectors
    on their heads.

    Again I'm with you. I ride on the road. I mostly don't have trouble
    with motorists thinking I should be out of their way on the pavement but
    that's mainly because they are all parked line astern in their traffic
    jams as I cycle past.

    Tony Raven, Aug 12, 2004
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  3. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Anecdotal evidence. Walk down any road, even London roads, and you'll see
    over 300 cars driving past for every bike.
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  4. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    In many cases, yes. But how do you get back from Wimbledon to Reading at
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  5. David

    David Martin Guest

    Mine just paid me to ride to Glasgow.. It was cheaper than the return train
    fare so was perfectly acceptable to put in 90 miles at 20p/mile.

    Nearly paid for the extra cake and tea at the Falkirk wheel as well..

    David Martin, Aug 12, 2004
  6. Ah, so you made it up. Thought so.

    May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

    88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington
    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 12, 2004
  7. Just zis Guy, you know? wrote
    I am intrigued. Is there a difference between those who ride push bikes
    and cyclists? In the same way that there is a difference between
    motorcyclists and bikers.

    Nope. I can deal with a "cyclist" with a single well placed boot. Cages
    take a bit of effort.
    steve auvache, Aug 12, 2004
  8. David

    David Martin Guest

    Especially in London it's the same car 300 times still looking for a place
    to park..

    Take my place of work. Most of the senior management (in a department of
    over 600 employees) either walk or cycle. Those that don't typically live
    too far away for convenient cycling[1].


    [1] that which would typically require a change of clothes etc.
    David Martin, Aug 12, 2004
  9. Tony Raven wrote
    If we are talking about relative dick sizes, never.
    steve auvache, Aug 12, 2004
  10. Ah, that's OK then. I thought you meant cyclists. No doubt you reserve
    equal contempt for scum in cars.

    May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

    88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington
    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 12, 2004
  11. David

    Ben Guest

    Even those who own bikes that are worth more than their car and nearly
    about half as much as their motorbike? :)
    Ben, Aug 12, 2004
  12. David

    Tony Raven Guest

    Doubt it. Cycles represent 1% of all journey miles and given their
    lower average speed, would represent about 1 in 30 vehicles passing
    (Source: DfT Transport Statistics Bulleting 2003)

    Percent of journeys to work by bike:

    Cambridge - 28%
    Oxford - 16%
    York - 13%
    Hull - 12%
    Norwich 9%
    Peterborough 8%


    Tony Raven, Aug 12, 2004
  13. David

    Tony Raven Guest

    How long have you had this inferiority complex?

    Tony Raven, Aug 12, 2004
  14. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Where did I say that?

    In my expeirence spotting bikes on the road is very rare in Exeter and
    Warrington, and somewhat more frequent in London (well, most are on the
    pavement, but we'll include them too). Around here in West
    London, you typically see 3 or 4 bikes on the main roads (Shepherds Bush
    Green) in a few minutes. You see about 150 cars in that time. However once
    you go onto Sinclair Road (a residential road), there are hardly any bikes along the entire

    The issue isn't how many bikes there are, but how often they are on the
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  15. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    80% of helmet statistics are made up, according to reliable sources. Do
    you think these stats are any different? Go to your local road (say the A4
    past the Kensington Tesco) and count the number of bikes riding past compared
    with number of cars.
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  16. David Martin wrote
    Yeah right. Gonna ignore me are you?

    Oh no, apparently not....
    I dunno about paying VED and stuff. Figures suggest that in excess of
    10% of car drivers do so uninsured. Certainly 100% of cyclists do.

    You are a bunch of freeloaders as far as travelling the Queens highway
    is concerned and the sooner you are taxed to extinction the better imho.

    I would have thought that bandying this kind of bullshit suggests a
    group who are more interested in acquisition and status seeking.

    I don't own a car. Nor do I want one.
    So it seems safe to assume that your experience and so called knowledge
    are based on a very localised world view.
    steve auvache, Aug 12, 2004
  17. David

    David Martin Guest


    So the fact that 90% of adult cyclists own a car (and presumably pay VED),
    adult cyclists are more likely to have a job than non cyclists, and to have
    a higher income has nothing to do with your reality?

    Or do you consider the passengers in your car to be 'tax avoiding scum'
    because they are not paying VED or fuel duty?

    FWIW I do a bit more than half the mileage per year on the bike than I do in
    the car, and that is only because of the one long trip by car each summer.
    Otherwise it would be more or less the same.

    David Martin, Aug 12, 2004
  18. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Good for you, but some people do, regularly. 30 miles in a cab aint cheap,
    and 30 miles on a bike aint fast.
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  19. David

    David Martin Guest

    Why not pick a road that cyclists prefer to use rather than the A4? or do
    you just want to bias the figures?

    Your maths is also faulty. 2/3 bikes per 150 cars is 1 in 50, not 1 in 300.

    David Martin, Aug 12, 2004
  20. David

    Velvet Guest

    The number of bikes vs cars at a single point on a single road is NOT
    representative of the ratio of cars/bikes over many roads.

    Picking any single survey point will skew the results one way or the
    other, which is why surveys measure at multiple locations, to get as
    accurate a figure across as broad a range of roads/locations as possible.

    Your figures from a single location are valid for that location only,
    and cannot be used to extrapolate information about any other location
    with any hope of accuracy whatsoever.
    Velvet, Aug 12, 2004
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