Best way to travel 5 miles to a train station?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. David

    JNugent Guest

    Point taken.

    I could and should have put it more politely (not that I resile from the
    underlying message that we all have a right to choose what transport mode is
    best for us and that government has no business in deciding to "discourage"

    Apologies to all concerned, especially to HDV.
    JNugent, Aug 15, 2004
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  2. David

    JNugent Guest

    Just zis Guy, you know? wrote:

    [ ... ]
    I think the term is normally used to denote *any* avoidance of obstruction
    and/or restriction on the "official" route by using a side-road as an
    unofficial route, without regard to speed. In normal usage, the speed of the
    alleged "rat-runners" is not of importance. But there certainly seems to be
    some element of the public authorities resenting drivers' avoidance of their
    schemes and plans, especially if those involve planned-in long-waits at
    traffic lights.
    JNugent, Aug 15, 2004
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  3. David

    Steph Peters Guest

    Meanwhile in Germany the introduction of a universal 130 km/h limit is being
    seriously discussed. The Greens had a major influence in getting it on the
    agenda, but with the primary intention of reducing fuel consumption. The
    idea has attracted other supporters for its safety advantages.
    Steph Peters, Aug 15, 2004
  4. David

    davek Guest

    I'd be fine with that as long as the camera was set up to activate only
    when I broke the law.

    davek, Aug 15, 2004
  5. Probably the same number as play "chicken" on busy railway lines. Not
    that there has ever been a residantial street such as you describe...

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  6. Untrue. 10% of child injuries are due to road traffic crashes, but
    half of all injury fatalities. So I don't know about injuries, but
    most chlidren who die of injuries, do so at the hands of a driver
    probably not related to them.

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  7. That we are a lot more tolerant of the death toll on the roads than on
    the railways or in aircraft. After Hatfield there was endless
    handwringing and calls for total safety on the railways. That is
    every bit as impracticable as total safety on the roads, but the
    railways are already an order of magnitude safer than the roads -
    where are the headlines?

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  8. I think that's correct. I've certainly seen it written before.

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  9. That certainly worked in France.

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  10. Bugger, the Nugentoid of Cager IV has arrived, This thread was quite
    good until then.

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  11. The major reason the trend has flattened is an increase in deaths
    among motorcyclists. The only class of road where deaths has actually
    increased, IIRC, is motorways - probably the least likely to have

    Maybe some people have confused Britain with SmithWorld[tm].

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  12. David

    taywood Guest

    Ok, at the edge of town is the ring road with cinema, car parks,
    supermarket etc. then light industrial units and offices, then a long way
    further out is our cul de sac. We have open country views from our
    upstairs windows.
    Typical of houses these days we average three cars per house.

    By 8am most of the workers have left and the cars have been shuttled
    around ready for the school runs, shopping trips etc, and the night
    workers are coming home.
    By 8.30 there are cars queuing on the main road to enter the cul de sac.
    The first two cars are parked in peoples drives with their engines running
    waiting for the first mum to leave on the school run. They fight for her
    space and having left the drive the next two come in off the main road,
    park in the open drive, engine running and on the phone. We presume
    he's phoning the boss to say he's delayed on the motorway and will
    be in soon as he can.
    Meanwhile the lucky guy has parked and sets off running to his office
    well over a mile away.

    I followed one guy on my bike. 150 yards on from his office entrance
    is a Council car park. Closely beyond that are all the other car parks
    as you get nearer to town.
    So when I wrote about morons I was referring to the drivers who take a
    job where there is car parking facilites nearby, where the Company
    confirm their pay settlements over the years have included a provision
    for car parking fees on nearby council car parks and these drivers make
    a decision not to pay for parking their cars.

    We live out of town, I'm not writing about city living where for 365 days
    a year you may not get a nightly park anywhere near your house.
    Our Council are not interested in restrictive parking rules here and nor
    should they be.

    So, being British we formed a committee. We take digi photos of these guys
    hanging around waiting for spaces, these are timed and dated, we follow
    the morons to their building and then send the photos to the MD or Human
    Resources Manager with our explanation of the facts.
    Sure one can park anywhere you like if you are taxed and insured for
    the road, provided you dont cause an obstruction. But if you are contracted
    to start work at a specific time or paid to use a public car park, how long
    will it be before your Manager gets pissed off with our photos and letters
    and penalises you.
    Then we can get back to the normal routine car parking problems you might
    find in a cul de sac where each house has one car in a garage, one in the
    in front of the house and the others cars any where they can park.
    Thats life.
    taywood, Aug 15, 2004
  13. David

    Gawnsoft Guest

    Tens of billions, actually.
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    Gawnsoft, Aug 15, 2004
  14. Still misssing the point. Congestion in towns is largely the result
    of more people driving more and shorter journies, combined with
    constraints on the growth of the road network due to property
    boundaries. The latter is not a new problem - Hooke noted it in 1667,
    and I don't think it's going to change any time soon.

    Everything else is tinkering around the edges, largely in response to
    local people demanding that other, less local people don't treat their
    residential road as a rat-run. And quite right, too.

    Consider Milton Keynes (if we must), where the road network was
    specifically designed around mass car ownership. One result is that
    the town is more geographically dispersed, so that fewer journies can
    be accomplished using anything other than a car (allowing for people's
    well-known aversion to travelling for more than a few minutes under
    their own steam). Result? The town is congested anyway.

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  15. As said elsewhere, the EFi was a 2.0 and went like shit off a stick.
    Massive torque-steer, mind, and woeful brakes. Not a car for the
    faint-hearted or weak-armed.

    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 15, 2004
  16. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    I dont understand, they park in your drive?

    Ever watch Brookside? The last episode to be exact. Drug dealer moves in,
    general bastard to everyone, beats up some of the close, then along comes
    barry with the tale of the stranger in the field or something (perhaps
    JNugent can remember)

    Anyway, they all gang together and kill him. As everybody did it noone can
    tell the cops.

    Cars get scratched dont they?

    Of course, if I were rich, wheel clamps are only £30. If one strangely
    arrived on a car wheel, I wonder what would happen. Naturally you wouldn't
    know anything about it :D
    Paul Weaver, Aug 15, 2004
  17. What's the difference? Both are viewable from public property. If he
    One could see into the house, the other couldn't. AFAIK cameras aren't
    allowed to be able to see into peoples' houses.
    Mark Thompson, Aug 15, 2004
  18. David

    Gawnsoft Guest

    On Sun, 15 Aug 2004 15:09:14 +0100, "AndrewR"
    True - but we could put some greater effort towards lowering the level
    of horror.

    If we're willing to spend tens of billions of pounds to prevent a
    dozen or so rail deaths every few years, surely spending money and
    attnetion on the thousands of road deaths we have every single year is
    At one of the Opens, a great golfer hit the ball from a bunker and it
    sailed gloriously over the fairway to teh green, where it promptly
    disappeared into the hole.

    A bystander said 'That was lucky!' and without missing a beat the
    golfer replied, "And you know? The more I practice, the luckier I

    Just because something is not an absolutely certainty, and nothing is
    absolutely safe, does not mean we can to nothing to change the odds.

    Earlier, you discuss 28mph and 32mph as if they were pointlessly

    They are not.

    32mph is over 14% faster - so you've just lost one part in 7 of the
    reaction time you had available at 28mph, and you'll travel one part
    in seven further before you hit the brake pedal.

    Once you hit the brake pedal, you'll travel more than 30% further,
    i.e. almost a third again as far, to come to a standstill than you
    would have to stop from 28mph.

    Or if you hit without braking, you'll hit 30% harder.

    These factors, taken together, mean that the risk of
    fatility-in-accident is over / 70% / higher at 32mph than at 28mph.

    i.e. that extra 4mph almost doubles the chance of a death should
    anything happen.

    In other words, anyone who reckons that teh difference between 28mph
    and 32mph "doesn't matter" is the one who "is simply in denial"
    Except it's currently around the 4,000 mark. We're willing to spend
    tens of billions to lower the rail death rate by an average of about 5
    people a year, so surely we should be willing to do more than just
    shrug our shoulders and demand to be allowed to keep driving fast when
    there are nearly 4,000 deaths on the roads every year.
    No, it's there to lower the number of deaths.
    I certainly care enough to want drivers in urban areas to be held to
    the speed limits, be caught when they run red lights against green
    men, be stopped when they are driving without insurance, or without a
    licence to drive, or a road-worthy car, or driving on the wrong side
    of the road with alcohol in their bloodstream on a mobile phone at 35%
    over the speed limit.

    The fine for which is, according to the court judging that last case
    (who killed four people) was IIRC less than £1000 pounds.

    Symbian/Epoc wiki:
    Smalltalk links (harvested from comp.lang.smalltalk)
    Gawnsoft, Aug 15, 2004
  19. David

    AndrewR Guest

    Because of this there'll be no more rail deaths? Ever?

    As I said, we _know_ that trains will crash.

    The only way to stop train crashes is to stop trains, which was my point ...
    it doesn't matter who pays how much for what, it still doesn't end the

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Aug 15, 2004
  20. David

    Gawnsoft Guest

    Why? The motorways are our safest roads. Why would we want to limit
    them to 20mph?

    Equally, why would I want to turn every residential street into a
    motorway, when a motorway isn't suitable to meet the needs of a
    residential street?

    But what's worst is to allow a sizable minority of folk to drive on
    urban roads at speeds nearer motorway speeds than your posited 20mph.
    This, of course, assumes they have not already changed their ways

    Symbian/Epoc wiki:
    Smalltalk links (harvested from comp.lang.smalltalk)
    Gawnsoft, Aug 15, 2004
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