Best way to travel 5 miles to a train station?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. Please, sir, I do, actually. Or at least the bit from my frontage up to a
    point about 18" from the middle of the road. There's a ransome strip to the
    left owned by the house on the end of the terrace opposite, and the right of
    way down the middle is owned by the house at the end of the road. Oh, and
    the rear access belongs to a house in Hemdean Road, but with a right of way
    running over it.
    Comes under the "should have thought of that earlier" heading, IMO :)

    I live 15 minutes walk or about 5 minutes ride from the station. Less if I
    hit the traffic lights right.

    May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

    88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington
    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 12, 2004
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  2. ITYM people's precious bodies.

    Ambrose Nankivell, Aug 12, 2004
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  3. David

    Tony Raven Guest


    Bloody freeloader. If you want services for the aged and infirm then
    pay for them yourself. Why should the rest of us have to subsidise your


    Tony Raven, Aug 12, 2004
  4. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    None of which will every get a speeding ticket, or even stopped for
    blatently breaking the law infront of a (admitably rare) police officer.
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  5. Alas not. Look at the relative severity of the punishments for slashing car
    tyres and killing a cyclist.

    May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

    88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington
    Just zis Guy, you know?, Aug 12, 2004
  6. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Are we in Italy? Or cloud cukoo land?
    Using it how exactly? Only time I've ever seen a car using a pavement
    illegally is in quiet residential streets up north, although that has
    changed in recent years, which did occasionally force wheelchair users
    (not that there were any on the streets I can think of) into the quiet
    road (1 car every 10 minutes normally, 1 car a minute peak)
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  7. David

    Velvet Guest

    Wheelchair users?

    Presumably parents with pushchairs/prams magically manage to get past then?
    Velvet, Aug 12, 2004
  8. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Perhaps so, but then what would road maintenece be if the only people
    using them walked?
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  9. Wow - this argument of yours has been completely destroyed,
    in public, and yet you still continue with it. And you want
    to give advice on having a "credible voice"...
    Jeremy Collins, Aug 12, 2004
  10. David

    Adrian Guest

    Tony Raven () gurgled happily, sounding much like they
    were saying :
    How much more would it cost than introducing parking discs, then
    discontinuing them, then painting lots of lines on the road?

    All with regular changes of signs and plenty of paperwork, of course.

    None of that's free.

    Besides, what's the point in changing the parking regs if they're not going
    to be enforced? Sensible parking enforcement round here would not only get
    the council some brownie points in the view of many residents (and they
    need some at the moment), but it might actually prove to be revenue-
    Adrian, Aug 12, 2004
  11. If it's too dangerous you need to learn how to ride a bike safely in
    traffic. A mirror helps a lot. If you need a shower in summer then
    either you're cycling too fast, wearing too much, or need to lose a
    lot of weight.
    Chris Malcolm, Aug 12, 2004
  12. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Can't you just fly?
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  13. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    None of which will every get a speeding ticket, or even stopped for
    blatently breaking the law infront of a (admitably rare) police officer.
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  14. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Given the number of cars is more then 300 times the number of bikes, you
    are more likely to be hit by a specific bike then a specific car.
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  15. David

    Tony Raven Guest

    Adrian wrote
    I think the mistake you are making is looking for some form of logic in
    Council decision making.

    Tony Raven, Aug 12, 2004
  16. David

    Adrian Guest

    Tony Raven () gurgled happily, sounding much like
    they were saying :
    Indeed - an MPH one instead of a KPH one, since 65km = 40miles...
    Adrian, Aug 12, 2004
  17. David

    Paul Weaver Guest

    Of course those that work nights in the middle of London dont have much of
    a choice. Somebodys got to do it, unless you think that the NHS should
    only run 8-8, TV should stop after Eastenders, shops shouldn't have fresh
    bread in the morning, etc.
    True, they (shift workers) could live in some squallorous bedsit on the
    edge of a council estate for £200k and risk their lives walking back
    through the drug dens, but why should they?

    I've got no problem stoning the 9-5 (or even 9-9) idiots in London that
    think they are justified driving their 4x4's on the school run, but the
    police that are still working at 2AM after dealing with the lager louts at
    kicking out time want to get home with no fuss or bother.

    Of course as there's no traffic at 2AM (and little at 2PM or 4 PM for a
    12/10 hour shift), there's no problem. Unless it's in the congestion charge
    zone where they have to pay £5 even though they dont drive in the
    congested hours.

    And while you and I have a (taxed) taxi home (up to a certain time) after the
    trains stop, many late workers dont have that luxury.
    Paul Weaver, Aug 12, 2004
  18. Cycling gently should be less effort than walking, and also more of a
    breeze to help you not sweat. You should be able to cycle without
    sweating on days when you couldn't ealk without sweating, wearing the
    same clothes.
    Chris Malcolm, Aug 12, 2004
  19. David

    Adrian Guest

    Velvet () gurgled happily, sounding much like
    they were saying :
    No, it's not. Nobody pays VED on a bicycle, so bicycles contribute nothing
    to the exchequer.

    Whether you ALSO pay VED for a car is irrelevant, since VED is vehicle
    based not personal.
    Adrian, Aug 12, 2004
  20. Actually that's wrong, I know of several cyclists who have been stopped
    and cautioned.

    But then, they don't stop most of the cars breaking the limit either.
    (And there are *way* more of them.)
    chris harrison, Aug 12, 2004
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