Odd how the Sethastrayan one is identical to the Canadian one, and is set up for use in a place where traffic drives on the right..... Moike
That is old news. Here in the Adelaide Hills, the local constablishment poke radar instrumentation out of cows arses. If the wife swapping, pokie rage and inflected accents aren't bad enough !! fred
Why wasn't I notified about the wife swapping dammit? If I saw one of those wheelie bins I would have to stop and dispose of a bundle of shitty nappies.
On the way home last nigth there was a marked car on the side of the highway in a prominent place. On the other side of the hill past it, about 1km away, was a roadside radar. They were doing good business when I stopped and had a look -- must have been the "Oh there's the cops, now I'm safe" reflex. - sanbar