
Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by K2, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. K2

    K2 Guest

    Hey, i was woundering if anyone has got any decent website addresses
    for a real beginner to find out about motorbikes? ive decieded to buy
    a motorbike, but 1st i can only buy a Moped (ages issues etc)- now
    this is all well and good but i no absolutely nothing about either - a
    50cc Piaggo saw one in the paper for £500 now this sounds really good
    to me, but what are cc's how many do i need? any kind of tech info for
    a real beginner would be helpful - thanx

    K2, Nov 8, 2004
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  2. K2

    Sloper Guest

    You really ought to seek out a local training course. The instructors
    there will be friendly and be able to advise you. Any decent bike dealer
    will know of local courses.
    Whatever you do, don't venture onto the road without training.
    I know of a local young lad of 16 who was killed on his very first ride
    on his new 50cc scooter.
    Sloper, Nov 9, 2004
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  3. K2

    Dave H. Guest

    HI Matt,
    *SOME* of what Krusty writes is correct - if you're in the UK (as the
    price in £ would suggest) then before you even ride on the road you'll need
    to complete the CBT course (compulsory basic training - an off-road test
    involving riding around cones, starting + stopping under control etc.). Once
    you've done that, you can hit the road on L-plates as a learner - no
    passengers, if you're under 17 limited to the 50cc Moped (N.B. learner
    legal mopeds since about 1977 are limited to 2.5 BHP / 1.8KW, with a
    "maximum design speed" of 30 MPH / 50 KMH in line with the rest of Europe
    (although the UK rider can't hit the road at 14 like in France, Italy,
    Spain, Greece... Hmmm...). Over 17, you can take a couple of different paths
    to bigger bikes, as described on the dvla website at
    A good place to start might be the BMF (British Motorcycle Federation), a
    broad group for those on two wheels (

    Hope that helps,
    Dave H.
    (The enginer formerly known as Homeless)

    "K2" wrote
    Dave H., Nov 22, 2004
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