
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Steve Parry, Dec 25, 2003.

  1. Steve Parry

    Steve Parry Guest

    um well as an ex head chef I can proudly proclaim I luuuurve French
    food, British food is finally coming of age but still has a long way to
    go.... and French food vendors offer far greater variety ... you cannot
    find a decent horse steak in the UK for love nor money ;o)

    On a personal level I prefer France to the UK ... but you can stick
    Paris just as you can stick ANY large urban area in any country.

    **** is one title I personally keep for individuals who exhibit cuntish
    behaviour irrespective of race, creed, colour, religion etc.

    But what the feck do I know ... I'm a ferkin Taffy sheep shagger anyway

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 25, 2003
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  2. Steve Parry

    Champ Guest

    Ferchrissakes, Bruce. The blokes only just turned up, it's Christmas
    Day - is there any need to be quite so violently rude?
    Champ, Dec 25, 2003
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  3. Steve Parry

    YTC#1 Guest

    So say sthe man who lives in the most foreign phobic land i Europe.
    Racism is only in the eye of the beholder

    Lets try "Rosbif"
    Anyone who claims English food is supreme (apart from Roast Beef,
    yorkshire pud and roasties) is insane
    Chickory , must get some chickory
    Oh, ok then
    YTC#1, Dec 25, 2003
  4. Steve Parry

    Nidge Guest


    ......... More like they haven't realised that the 'horseshoe' black pudding
    will clamp itself on the jaw piece of a full-face helmet, allowing you to
    snack as you ride. ;-P

    And another thing...... My old dog would eat virtually anything ~ But it
    drew the line a fkn snails ..... When I couldn't stomach the b*stard things
    and tried to feed the surplus to him, he looked at me all woeful like I
    thought he'd done something wrong and was having a go at him for nowt.

    ZX6R J2 Stunning in zit yellow. Bits of CB500S in Norwegian Parrot blue.

    'Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand'.
    (Homer Simpson).
    Nidge, Dec 25, 2003
  5. Steve Parry

    YTC#1 Guest

    I like snails, swiming in garlic..and frogs legs
    YTC#1, Dec 25, 2003
  6. Steve Parry

    YTC#1 Guest

    <stops... thinks...>

    Aww, I had asked him nicely to start with.
    YTC#1, Dec 25, 2003
  7. Steve Parry

    Donegal Paul Guest

    Donegal Paul, Dec 25, 2003
  8. Steve Parry

    tallbloke Guest

    tallbloke, Dec 25, 2003
  9. Steve Parry

    Donegal Paul Guest

    "tallbloke" said to "Donegal Paul"
    no signal received apparently so looks bad
    Donegal Paul, Dec 26, 2003
  10. ^^^^^^^
    Remember kids, everyone who uses the phrase "frog" in
    such a way is clearly a racist troll and should be
    ignored or killfiled.
    William Grainger, Dec 26, 2003
  11. Mutter, mutter, good record over all mutter.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 26, 2003
  12. I heard on the TV it has 14 different software options for sending
    signals back. It will cycle through all of them again and again. The
    whole 'loop' takes several days.

    Fingers crossed for them.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 26, 2003
  13. Steve Parry

    tallbloke Guest

    Bummer. That's the second lander which has failed to parachute in isn't it?
    tallbloke, Dec 26, 2003
  14. Steve Parry

    Hog Guest

    It's never long before the local froggies sus you and you have to move on
    again then. Ireland, Scotland, France. Where next.
    Hog, Dec 26, 2003
  15. Steve Parry

    Hog Guest

    Ack Ack
    Hog, Dec 26, 2003
  16. Parachuting is the well understood bit, in comparison with the
    rest of the kit on there. Many things that could have gone wrong...

    William Grainger, Dec 26, 2003
  17. Steve Parry

    mb Guest

    I was watching a prog about the new Mars Rover tonight (National
    Geographic) and they had a lot of probs with the parachute; ripping to
    pieces, then not opening properly...
    They also had problems with the airbags.
    mb, Dec 26, 2003
  18. Steve Parry

    Hog Guest

    There's no way the Chinese will have you. Well not outside a poor man's Lamb
    Oh My Gosh that is.
    Hog, Dec 27, 2003
  19. Steve Parry

    Steve Parry Guest

    so I 'spose the BBC are wrong too then ;o)

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 27, 2003
  20. Steve Parry

    Erik The Bee Guest

    I can't wait to see the postings we'll see when the French built Queen
    Mary 2 has a prolem/sinks.
    Erik The Bee, Dec 28, 2003
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