Be Carefull

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by IceMan, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. IceMan

    IceMan Guest

    IceMan, Jan 22, 2004
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  2. IceMan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good post, IceMan.. This is undoubtedly a prime example of the criminal lack
    of responsibility of some many among us.. Hopefully, she will be prosecuted
    to the fullest extent of the law.. The sad part of this commentary is that,
    our system rarely considers the fullest extent of the law.. In these types
    of cases, we mostly see the slick trial lawyers manipulate the system to
    usurp sympathy for the defendants.. The child abuse indicated here is a
    blatant disregard for the well being of her own child, much less the respect
    of the other lives she endangers.. Not to mention the life that she has
    taken.. I feel that the death penalty is not the answer, the prospect of
    many, many years behind bars without possibility of parole would be more
    meaningful and terrifying.. The woman is obviously a menace to society and
    should be put away for a very long time.. Thanks for this post..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2004
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  3. IceMan

    Brian Walker Guest

    The worst thing about being in law enforcement is that you walk a line
    of only to enforce the laws. You're not *supposed* to be in a position
    of forming opinions one way or the other of how the law is to deal
    with people on one side or the other. It's hard to do, no matter how
    horrible the still have to look past it and stop at the
    boundry of enforcing the laws.
    Brian Walker, Jan 22, 2004
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