bbc gp coverage commentary

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by WSotW, Nov 3, 2003.

  1. WSotW

    WSotW Guest

    apart from being crap, I wonder if Steve Parrish really knew what he
    was saying.

    Valentino is on the grid with the camera on him just after having come
    round form the warmup lap. He does his usual thing of cheching gloves
    helemt etc. and adjusts his leathers around the groin area.

    the commentary from Parrish, "there's rossi, as he always does,
    checking his gloves, helmet, adjusting his package"......
    WSotW, Nov 3, 2003
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  2. WSotW

    antonye Guest

    He'd obviously been watching EuroSprout a couple of weeks
    ago. It amazed me that Toby got it right down to the minute
    details - how he places his toes on the red line of the
    garage, brushes down his sliders, hugs his ankles, etc...

    It was like synchronised commentary, or something.
    antonye, Nov 3, 2003
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  3. WSotW

    dwb Guest

    heh - the bit in the middle about digital radios was unexpected too.
    dwb, Nov 4, 2003
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