Battery Water.

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by mike, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. mike

    S'mee Guest

    Liar and a bald faced liar at that. Your cowardice is ledgend.
    S'mee, Jul 25, 2010
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  2. mike

    S'mee Guest

    Nope he just disproved you. You lying sack of unskilled uneducated
    septic tank scum.
    S'mee, Jul 25, 2010
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  3. mike

    S'mee Guest

    I hear you like to suck them out of your drug dealers ass and he likes
    it that way.
    S'mee, Jul 25, 2010
  4. mike

    ` Guest

    What, are you a gay fish?

    Why can't you people learn basic principles of flooded cell lead acid
    battery maintenance?
    `, Jul 25, 2010
  5. Charging boils away water, not electrolyte and
    as usual, you pretty obviously never practiced
    your own advice.

    If you think this proves your point, you can't read.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 26, 2010
  6. Perhaps you believe there's some difference between
    "electrolyte" and dilute sulfuric acid ?

    You've got two choices when filling a battery

    a) distilled water

    b) battery acid.

    and the right answer is a).

    WTF do you think goes into lead acid batteries ?
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 26, 2010
  7. mike

    ` Guest

    Using the term "battery acid" to describe electrolyte confuses the
    amateurs and it would be unsafe for untrained amateurs to handle pure
    sulfuric acid anyway, and that's probably the biggest reason for
    telling amateurs to never add acid to a battery.

    A secondary reason may be to keep them in ignorance of correct
    procedures for adjusting the electrolyte level after charging, which
    is what keeps motorcycle riders locked in a vicious cycle of over-
    watering their batteries so they have to replace them prematurely.
    Electrolyte, which is a carefully prepared mixture of distilled water
    and sulfuric acid.

    I mixed hundreds of gallons of electrolyte at a time in the battery

    We added water to bring the electrolyte level in batteries up to the
    correct level, and charged them.

    After charging the batteries, we added electrolyte to those batteries
    which had low electrolyte levels.

    At any given time we had hundreds of batteries being charged or being
    `, Jul 26, 2010
  8. mike

    S'mee Guest

    Oh piss off you waffling sack of bullshit. I know many a professional
    mechanic of all stripes. You'll never here them all call it
    electrolyte or battery acid. Some days it's one some days the others
    and some days it's "Krusty you faggot get out of america you pedarast"
    S'mee, Jul 26, 2010
  9. The only reason pure amateurs might need to handle
    anything other than distilled water would be if they'd
    foolishly followed your very bad advice on adding
    electrolyte at the end of the charge cycle.

    Whatever you did or didn't do in the service doesn't
    change the fact that you gave bad advice either.

    In normal service, batteries lose only water, not electrolyte
    or acid or anything else you want to call it. The only reason
    for adding anything other than water would be a spill.

    In this case, your advice to an inexperienced newby that
    he should add electrolyte is bad to the point of being
    dangerous. Shame on you for offering it you pompous
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 26, 2010
  10. mike

    ian field Guest

    What, are you a gay fish?

    Why can't you people learn basic principles of flooded cell lead acid
    battery maintenance?
    ian field, Jul 26, 2010
  11. Low self esteem seems to prevent some people
    from fessing up to their mistakes and learning
    from them. That'd be my guess anyway.

    And why do you say "people" plural ? Does anybody
    else but Krusty believe his crap ?
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 26, 2010
  12. mike

    S'mee Guest

    I suspect he was dropped on his head as fast as he could be picked
    back up.
    S'mee, Jul 26, 2010
  13. mike

    ` Guest

    Wrong. All you have to do is look at the clear plastic vent tube to
    observe the
    little droplets of sulfuric acid condensed on the inside.

    And, anybody who ever pointed his vent hose towards the swing arm,
    frame, or exhaust system has seen the evidence of acid on ferrous
    metal parts.

    In what way?
    Shame and guilt are bogus emotions that I don't indulge in.
    `, Jul 26, 2010
  14. mike

    ` Guest

    Obviously the US Air Force believed in what they trained me to do with

    They had million$ of $$$ inve$ted in lead acid batteries, and having
    some yo-yo in a maintenance department just add *water* to the
    batteries wasn't getting the job done.

    So they cycled the batteries through the professional battery shop on
    a regular basis to get *proper service*, which included charging and
    *electrolyte level adjustment* by adding *electrolyte* at the
    completion of charging.
    `, Jul 26, 2010
  15. mike

    ian field Guest

    Wrong. All you have to do is look at the clear plastic vent tube to
    observe the
    little droplets of sulfuric acid condensed on the inside.
    ian field, Jul 26, 2010
  16. So howcome, with all that experience, you're giving
    arsehole stupid advice about motorcycle batteries ?

    Also, was this one of the jobs where your path to
    advancement, promotion and prestige was blocked
    by a conspiracy of Mexican Lesbians ? Or was that
    someplace else ?
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 26, 2010
  17. Nice reference here: (note the word "basics")

    During the recharging process as electricity flows
    through the water portion of the electrolyte and water,
    (H2O) is converted into its original elements, hydrogen
    and oxygen. These gasses are very flammable and the
    reason your RV or Marine batteries must be vented
    outside. Gassing causes water loss and therefore
    lead acid batteries need to have water added periodically.


    Do I ever need to add acid to my battery?

    Under normal operating conditions, you never need to add
    acid. Only distilled or deionized water should be added to
    achieve the recommended electrolyte levels.

    See also
    Sulfuric acid is a dangerous compound and ought to
    be handled only when wearing protective eyewear.
    Way different than distilled water.
    Damn straight you're shameless.

    So please describe the procedures you use when you
    periodically added acid to your >>>motorcycle<<< batteries.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 26, 2010

  18. Decades ago, a friend had a Cossack Ural outfit and the owner's manual
    (beautifully translated into English, by the way) worked on the basis
    that when your Ural broke down, which it would, you were mostly on your

    So it advised to top up with distilled water. However, if no distilled
    water was available you could, in an emergency, use "melted snow".

    "But not," the manual solemnly warned, "from a tin roof".

    [1] For something really major[2], like replacing the main bearings, you
    were advised to contact your nearest Ural dealer. However, if there was
    no dealer within easy reach, you were counselled to "consult your local
    blacksmith". Honest.
    [2] The toolkit was probably the biggest and best I've ever seen, so
    coild cope with most things.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 27, 2010
  19. I'm wondering how Krusty the Krud can tell the difference between a
    droplet of water and a droplet of sulfuric acid, just by looking at it.

    Strike seven. He's out!
    Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Jul 27, 2010
  20. The net result of all of the back and forth on this subject is that
    anyone thinking of trying to get useful advice on this group has given up
    in disgust.

    If the 2 or 3 or 4 of you must keep it up, how about taking it to email?
    Larry Blanchard, Jul 27, 2010
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