Battery management sustems ?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Diogenes, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. Diogenes

    gdel.remove Guest

    gdel.remove, Mar 27, 2011
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  2. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Diogenes, Mar 27, 2011
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  3. C-Tek. We have one on our MX-5 that has a high drain alarm and doesn't
    get driven all the time.

    Fraser Johnston, Mar 29, 2011
  4. Diogenes

    alx Guest

    Found link for my other unit

    Does car batteries (3.8 amp) as well as bike mode (0.8amp).

    Kit includes permanent installed leads as well as alligator clip

    I think most chargers come pre-supplied with such leads.

    Also added a power socket on the bike (phone/GPS charger) so switch
    over the plug when the battery charger is not plugged in.

    At this rate Gerry won't make any decision :)
    alx, Mar 29, 2011
  5. Diogenes

    alx Guest

    oops..Jaycar cheaper. English (not even tortured variety) at bottom
    alx, Mar 29, 2011
  6. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    OK, here's the final line-up:

    [1] CTEK XS4003: Eight stage, 0.8A- 4A, $119.34

    [2] OzCharge SW12060: Seven stage, 2A-6A, $110.00

    [3] MB3604: Five stage, 0.8A-3.8A , $62.95

    Someone PLEASE make my mind up for me. I'm an old man. My brain's
    out to lunch. I need help.




    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 29, 2011
  7. Diogenes

    bruce Guest

    On many campertrailer forums, Ctek seem to have lots of problems in recent
    times. Not sure if they are made elsewhere or what.

    I had a Projecta AC250b
    on the campertrailer which ran a 80ah battery. it was ok for that.

    Now the trailer runs a 120ah Full river I had to buy a larger charger...
    I got this one,
    and in middle of permanently mounting it on the trailer. Just working out
    where to put the plug for solar panels.
    bruce, Mar 29, 2011
  8. Diogenes

    GWD Guest

    The JayCar one pretty good to me. Put some of what you save toward a
    Powerlet plug-in system, and you will be away.
    Rocket science it is not. Charge controlled to battery tolerance? (it
    is). Pulse charge for sulphation? (yes). Float charge for extended
    periods?(yes). Charge modes to suit battery type? Yes.
    Best of luck. cya Friday.
    GWD, Mar 29, 2011
  9. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    I guess you're right. It's SO hard trying to find The Absolute
    Truth... ;-)
    I may be well pissed by the time you find me. Look for me along the
    kick-rail at the base of the bar. I'll be the guy looking up at you
    saying "Sheesh, both of you are so tall, George..." ;-)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 30, 2011
  10. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Sorry, nominations have closed. The candidate has been chosen.

    Thanks for you input though, Bruce. :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 30, 2011
  11. Diogenes

    gdel.remove Guest

    Read any Diderot lately :)
    Ah, the Face on the Barroom Floor

    I will keep my gaze suitably averted.
    gdel.remove, Mar 30, 2011
  12. Diogenes

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    You can go too high-tech.

    What? Is this the Queensland Liberal Party Forum?

    Are they really planning to have a non-elected Parliamentary Party Room
    leader? Joh would be proud.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 30, 2011
  13. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    That's what I'm thinking, thanks to GWD.
    And when we've had our fill of the Liberal party swill, we'll once
    again force down another bitter pill.

    The two party pretend system sucks.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 30, 2011
  14. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Nah... Foucault.
    Why write a short poem when a long one will do, eh...
    I would. :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 30, 2011
  15. Diogenes

    atec77 Guest

    Simple fact it's done
    Cando will probably route labour out on it's corrupt ear and from the
    amount of lies and rhetoric labour is soiling it's pants and having
    little tanties over the unusual but legal plotting against them
    Polls show a huge swing against the grinning biatch and her monkey clan
    Assuming of course he takes Ashgrove which currently is not writ in stone
    atec77, Mar 30, 2011
  16. Diogenes

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I concur. We should go to proportional voting.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 30, 2011
  17. Diogenes

    bruce Guest

    x eleventy.
    bruce, Mar 30, 2011
  18. Diogenes

    alx Guest

    oh my.. I've read about such "exclusive" clubs before. Usually
    involving ALP NSW ministers on late night research missions.

    Shouldn't there be a hole in the wall or something too?

    alx, Mar 30, 2011
  19. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    You have a sick mind. :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 31, 2011
  20. Diogenes

    gdel.remove Guest

    Interesting - ideas rooted in Kant, a real piss ant :)
    Yes, it do go on a bit but I've always liked it.
    Just to be sure, I would tug my forelock if I had one.

    Hair deprived GWD
    gdel.remove, Mar 31, 2011
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