Good I found the source of the annoying rattle fron the front end of the bike. The RHS bar-mirror is rotating but when I touch it with my finger it stops and so does the rattle. Bad The knuckle of my gear selector 'fell out' last week and yesterday started it full time and did it no less than three times on the six mile journey to work. Angle 1: <[URL]>[/URL] The gear selector attached to the foot peg connects to that long rod so when you push the pedal down or up it changes gear. Angle 2: <[URL]>[/URL] There's a knuckle on the back of the gear selector pedal that goes into the round rubbery bit on the rear end of the rod which now falls out. I took it apart at work today and can't see anything missing, but there is something that I assume was rubber in there at one point and a round washer (although it could equally be described as a circle wire) which isn't quite continuous anymore. I went to Alford Brothers during my lunch today and described what was happening and they informed me I'd need a new gear selector unit as the bit I need that goes on the knuckle isn't available separately and it would cost me about £39 new including VAT but excluding fitting. I haven't ordered it yet, but it's due for a service in a week or so anyway but do you have any suggestions as to what is missing from what knuckle joint thinger? Is it just a piece of rubber?