Bandit 1250 GT

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. Ben

    Drew Guest

    Heh, fair enough.
    I had them fitted to my naked Bandit 650 and they made a huge difference, to
    the extent of being able to wear summer gloves all winter, I tried fitting
    them to my B1250 but they hit the fairing long before full lock was reached
    so I didn't bother in the end, I may try again when it starts getting colder
    and experiment with angle of the handlebars.
    They only cost me £35 so about a minutes worth of salary to some on here :)
    Drew, Aug 7, 2009
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  2. Ben

    Beav Guest

    I wonder just how many working stiffs just about make it to the next pay day
    before their bank screams "Enough"? Most folk live *just* beyond their means
    (or close to) and as their monthly means increase, so does their monthly
    You wouldn't know it, it starts around the Watford Gap.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 7, 2009
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  3. Ben

    Beav Guest

    When you read things like "I paid xx for a bike/car/whatever, but of course
    I could've paid MUCH more and not noticed" enough times, you realise that
    some people could be under the impression that all of them saying it are
    actually telling the truth.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 7, 2009
  4. Ben

    Beav Guest

    Heh :)


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 7, 2009
  5. Ben

    Pip Luscher Guest

    You don't mean that people...fib?
    Pip Luscher, Aug 7, 2009
  6. Ben

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    On Fri, 7 Aug 2009 20:16:33 +0100, "Beav"

    I consider myself fairly well paid (well enough paid to buy a new bike
    whenever I want one) but I have to work one hell of a lot of hours
    and when we're busy I might get 3 or 4 days home each month. If my
    work schedule allowed it I'd have more time off, spend less money on
    holidays and sell one bike when I wanted another but I tend to think
    that if I've got the disposable then it's rude not to spend it.
    Andy Bonwick, Aug 7, 2009
  7. Ben

    Cab Guest

    Cab, Aug 7, 2009
  8. Ben

    Cab Guest

    Most folk? Whilst the press makes a lot of noise around this subject, do you
    have any figures on that?
    Cab, Aug 7, 2009
  9. Ben

    Beav Guest

    I couldn't agree more, but I still reckon that the majority of people don't
    have thousands of pounds sitting in banks/building soc's just waiting for
    something to come along so they can spend it.

    And then there are those people with kids who don't want to spend as much
    time at work as you, so they not only have an extra drain on resources, but
    the resources are less to start with.

    I did the two or three weeks out of a month away from home thing for a long
    time, but I wouldn't do it anymore.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 7, 2009
  10. Ben

    ogden Guest

    I never used to, but I make a point now of having enough in the bank to
    cover me for a rainy day or be able to buy what I fancy when I fancy it
    rather than having to save up or take out finance.

    The trick is to tuck money away when there's nothing you want. Then when
    you do want something, you might just have the money to buy it.
    ogden, Aug 8, 2009
  11. Ben

    DozynSLeepy Guest

    ogden wrote:
    I hope to grow up one day and live within my means too. In the meantime
    whilst my will is weak and credit is easy I'll be the banks best
    customer ever.
    Don't think I've ever had the money to buy anything.
    DozynSLeepy, Aug 8, 2009
  12. Ben

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I'd sooner keep the 'rainy day' fund and borrow on either low rate or
    interest free credit than blow the cash and suddenly find something
    had cropped up that needed the few grand I'd just spent.

    Smaller items such as toys for the house or bike I just buy when I
    decide I want them.
    You're right there. I'll also work a few extra hours each week if I
    want something new and the money soon mounts up.
    Andy Bonwick, Aug 8, 2009
  13. Ben

    Cab Guest

    When I bought my car years ago, I was going to pay it in one go, but the
    bank recommended taking out a loan and investing the hard cash elsewhere.
    It did make me a few quid in the longer term.
    Cab, Aug 8, 2009
  14. Ben

    Higgins Guest

    That was my view before kids but their arrival put me into the situation
    where the end of the month could be a challenge due to the joys of civil
    service salaries.

    Now that we've moved over here, I've joined the Atkinson club but saving
    for a house seems to have swallowed up the toys budget. :(
    Higgins, Aug 8, 2009
  15. Ben

    Beav Guest

    You live in that place we should all live in. "Within your means".
    Unfortunately, people tend to buy the best they can afford at the time,
    (houses being a classic example) then things change and they subsequently
    find that they should've elected to be somewhat less "on the edge". Then
    along comes a tight time (credit crunch) and they're up shit creek sans
    paddle. Mortgages costing more than the house is worth, credit card interest
    too much unless the account is cleared every months end all add up to not
    being in a position to spunk for a new acquisition.
    I agree 100% if it's possible.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 8, 2009
  16. Ben

    Beav Guest

    This is why, when this thread mentioned people NOT using credit to buy bikes
    (or whatever) I said that it's more likely that most bikes are bought using
    finance. I only ever buy shitter cars for me and reasonable ones for the
    wife. 400 quid is about the max I'll spend on a car for me, so paying 5 or 6
    grand for a bike is doable without pain, but with 0% finance deals I think
    it'd be silly to drop 5 grand in cash and lose whatever interest tha 5 grand
    would earn in a building soc/ISA. I made that mistake with the Zed. I paid
    cash for it, but it was a private deal and I had no other option, but given
    the option to finance at 0%, I'd have jumped at it and kept the 5 grand in
    the bank for later.
    And we need toys. trouble is, when I buy toys, my son usually manages to
    claim them as his. (They're usually tools oddly enough). I just bought a new
    RC heli though.
    But that's a work ethic that isn't common anymore. It used to be when I was
    "working", and I'd do whatever was necessary and for however long it was
    necessary to earn the loot, but these days that way of thinking seems to
    have gone the way of the dinosaur. Work the least hours possible, bleat for
    more money and do as little as possible when you're *at* work. And do a
    shite job too. Then whinge when you can't make ends meet.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 8, 2009
  17. Ben

    Ace Guest

    I wondered long and hard when I bought the R36 last year whether to
    take credit, but eralised that, in fact, I would never get round to
    investing the cash well enough to cover interest charges on the loan,
    although clearly it may have been possible.
    I'm sure it could, but for me it wouldn't.

    Anyway, and I know I place myself open to the usual knockers, there's
    something really, _really_, satisfying about turning up at the car
    showroon with thirty-odd grand in cash in your pocket. Yes, actually
    paying in cash money. It's still considered perfectly normal to do so
    in Switzerland, hence the continued existence of notes up to 1000 chf
    in value.
    Ace, Aug 8, 2009
  18. Ha! £23k or so is the national average I seem to recall, and for me
    that's bang on the nail. We can't ALL be bosses or there would be no
    workers. It seems to me that one thing that comes with a bit of money
    is arrogance.
    So? there's a lot of others who are not contractors. But this could
    lead us into Des's UKRM Clique but I won't go there today.

    His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
    Bishop of Rome
    Vicar of Jesus Christ
    Successor of the Prince of the Apostles
    Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church
    Primate of Italy
    Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman province
    Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City
    Servant of the Servants of God
    Joseph Alois Ratzinger, Aug 8, 2009
  19. Ben

    CT Guest

    That might have worked a few years ago when interest rates on savings
    were half decent.
    Ah, see. :eek:)
    Well, it might have worked a few years ago when interest rates on
    savings were half decent.
    The most I've done cash was a couple of grand when I bought my Z1100R.
    My last three cars were all bought on Switch.
    CT, Aug 10, 2009
  20. Ben

    Ace Guest

    I realised afterwards that in fact, being Swiss, they'd have been
    quite happy to let me take the car away without paying a penny - the
    bill would be in the post and they'd expect it to be settled at the
    end of the month.
    Ace, Aug 10, 2009
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