Bandit 1250 GT

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    If one was in the market for a new[1] year-round commuter and tourer,
    and one was a bit partial to Suzukis, it appears one couldn't really
    go wrong with one of these. Particularly as Suzuki are giving them
    away free at the moment.

    Anyone got any other ideas?

    [1] If a bike is on 0% why buy secondhand?
    Ben, Aug 6, 2009
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  2. Ben

    CT Guest

    Do fucking *what*?
    Anyone that doesn't have the money. £6700, in this case.
    CT, Aug 6, 2009
    1. Advertisements

  3. That doesn't mean they are selling it for 0% of the purchase price (i.e.
    giving it away) - it merely means they aren't charging for credit - which
    can't make that much difference to most people as even new bikes are
    generally not expensive enough to warrant taking out a bloody loan. Who
    bothers with a loan for a bike?

    So a second hand bike is cheaper - in that it costs fewer pounds.

    Simon Atkinson, Aug 6, 2009
  4. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Well, I wouldn't actually need a loan, I'd be selling my car which is
    worth more than that. I'd just bung the money in a decently paying
    savings account for the term of the loan. Effectively stooze a new
    bike out of Suzuki.
    Ben, Aug 6, 2009
  5. Ben

    Krusty Guest

    I doubt the salesmen make a wedge on the finance deals with these 0%
    offers, so you might find some hard haggling for a cash sale will save
    you more than you'd make in interest, or get you several hundred quid's
    worth of extras you can flog.
    Krusty, Aug 6, 2009
  6. Ben

    Krusty Guest

    Bar defenders? What's that then?
    Krusty, Aug 6, 2009
  7. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I was going to go back and see the chap who sold me the ZX-10R and the
    GSX-R. He did a very good price on the 10R on 0% and likewise on the
    GSX-R although that was a cash sale. I'd want heated grips,
    scotoiler, bar defenders and mushrooms fitting so it's all negotiable
    Ben, Aug 6, 2009
  8. Ben

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Simon Wilson, Aug 6, 2009
  9. Ben

    Krusty Guest

    Not really, no.
    Krusty, Aug 6, 2009
  10. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Krusty


    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Aug 6, 2009
  11. Ben

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Simon Wilson, Aug 6, 2009
  12. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Aug 6, 2009
  13. Ben

    Krusty Guest

    Ah - bark-busters.
    Krusty, Aug 6, 2009
  14. If you get one let me know how you get on. It's possible I'll be getting
    something similar next year.
    mike. buckley, Aug 6, 2009
  15. Ben

    Beav Guest

    Lots of people do, hence the number of advertisements for cheap finance. At
    a guess.
    But will need work doing on it sooner rather than later.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Aug 6, 2009
  16. Ben

    Eddie Guest

    .... or hand-guards. I've got some on the 'Fant.
    Eddie, Aug 6, 2009
  17. Could you keep me informed on this?

    Paul Carmichael, Aug 6, 2009
  18. Ben

    CT Guest

    You can get a three year bond paying 5%, so over the three years[1] he
    could make a grand in interest by paying in £6700[2]

    It's not great, but it's nothing to be sniffed at.

    [1] Assuming the equivalent 0% is over three years.
    [2] The purchase price of the bike.
    CT, Aug 6, 2009
  19. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Certainly not, it's the insurance for those three years.
    I'd probably need to meet the repayments out of salary though and
    leave the money in the bond to get that return. Plan was to find the
    highest paying account that I could still take money out of, and have
    the payments go out of that. Hence the capital will be decreasing all
    the time and hence the return. It's not like the money is necessary,
    it's just a nice sweetener to offset some of the depreciation.
    Ben, Aug 6, 2009
  20. Ben

    CT Guest

    The best you'll get at the moment for instant access is 3% (or just
    over) and most of those will have a 2.5% bonus for 12 months, so you'll
    have to shop around every year.
    CT, Aug 6, 2009
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