Bad Trike Business

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by RL, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. RL

    Calgary Guest

    Actually I enjoy Bill's ride reports. I do think they are embellished
    a little, but Bill is an eloquent writer and if you can write well a
    certain amount of literary license is allowed.

    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Dec 17, 2005
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  2. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> You forget.. This one and YOU are strictly usenet players..
    Neither of you two would dare to talk your trash IRL.. especially you..

    One other point.. I didn't mention it when you posted it in another thread..
    You can't post anything without it being a damned lie.. I've crossed the
    U.S./ Mexican border at damned near every border crossing .. Especially the
    ones in California..

    That goddamed lie you posted about some kind of ride from Canada, twenty
    years ago.. is horseshit.. Whichever crossing you claimed to have been
    turned back from, doesn't exist.. That isn't the way the border crossings
    between Mexico and the United States work, you dumb shit.. Especially the
    one in San Ysidro..

    You not only lie about and fabricate "family tragedies" to keep from getting
    your big ass handed to you on a plate... You are a fucking lying piece of
    shit about damned near everything you post..
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2005
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  3. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Horseshit... Dude.. you gotta be outta your freakin' mind.. ROTFL... No
    wonder you backed out of coming to Texas when you learned that I'd more than
    likely be in the middle of that road..

    Now .. you want to get into a goddamed boxing ring with me... BWAAAHAAAA..
    What the hell is that ?
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2005
  4. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. How long did it take for you to get out from under that porch ?
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2005
  5. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    No quite like some clown that claims he made a ride to the Mexican border,
    twenty years ago and the Mexicans turned him back... lol... You've never
    been near the Mexican border..
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2005
  6. RL

    Tony D Guest

    I'd rather cross into CA from Tecate myself. The backroads up from Ensenada
    are a hoot, then you cross into the US and get on Hwy 94 to the Sunrise Hwy,
    Julian, the Desert, ahhh, Twisties, California dreaming (stuck in flatland

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Dec 17, 2005
  7. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Tecate is one of the neatest little places in that area.. The beer gardens
    are a hoot.. I've been through there many times.. I haven't made those back
    roads from Ensenada but now that you've reminded me, I'd imagine they would
    make for a good ride..

    The other area that I like is around San Felipe, furthur south.. That's a
    good day run from Tijuana..
    I lived in Tijuana for almost a year, working in California.. That was an
    experience.. Lot's of good people there, and there are a lot of good bikers,
    also.. As I recall, there was some kind of ride every weekend.. Those dudes
    blistered paint on their motorcycles.. lol.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2005
  8. RL

    Tony D Guest

    Been there, rode quads up and down the tide line. Man, that fucking tide
    sure goes out now don't it. Guess what Bill, I like beer gardens why own

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Dec 17, 2005
  9. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    We must be talking about another San Felipe, Tony... The San Felipe I'm
    talking about is kinda in the center of the penninsula.. It's just a little
    damned place, but whooie.. there are a couple of waterholes that are worth
    the ride..

    On down furthur and on the Gulf side, La Paz is a good place to see, also..
    A ferry runs between La Paz and Mazatlan.. That's about a 13 hour trip ..
    Load the bikes and party down.. hmmm.. I heard they've opened casinos on
    that sucker, now..

    Furthur south toward Cabo, it gets too freakin' hot and steamy for my
    taste.. Regards, Tony

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2005
  10. RL

    Vic Guest

    Good for you Brian. If you recall, 'ignoreing me' was one of my
    suggestion, lol. If you truly plan to do it, it'll be the first bit of good
    advice you've taken in a long time. Now, if only we came get your old man to
    do the same, we'd have something, wouldn't we? Maybe you could talk to him?
    Take care Brian, I'm sure going to miss your witty responces, lol

    Vic, Dec 18, 2005
  11. RL

    Tony D Guest

    Yes Sir. I'm talking on the Sea of Cortez.
    Yea, hung over AND broke:)
    Same to you Bill.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Dec 18, 2005
  12. RL

    Iggy Guest

    No, actually, your father was just being a fucking usual.
    But, you never thought about that, since you usually just follow his lead.
    Iggy, Dec 18, 2005
  13. RL

    Vic Guest

    Of course I can Brian, I just thought you finally wised up and decided to
    ignore me.

    You didn't use the words 'kick my ass', I did. They were used in response
    to you and your father's assumptions 'some one like me' wouldn't have nerve
    enough to 'face up' to some one like you, 'irl'. I was simply stateing that
    if the lack of maturity and self control you show here, carries over into
    your real world, there's no way 'some one like me' would fear a personal
    confrontation with you, unless it did turn physical. I some how assumed that
    'some one like you' couldn't deal with 'some one like me', without turning
    it phisical. If I'm wrong in that assumption, I apologize, lol.

    Then there was your little senero about the mysterious Mr. *** that went
    like this:

    "Then one day when someone walks up to you, grabs onto the back of your
    jacket and says "hello, my name is ***, and I'm here to finally meet you",
    you end up turning white as a ghost and pissing yourself while watching
    those same friends who thought you were cute and encouraging you drop their
    motorcycles in a fit of panic. On that day, you find that you have been
    humiliated without someone having to drag you up and down the street kicking
    your ass. That's what happens to someone like you."

    Brian, If you can explain to me how Mr.*** can be so intimidating as to
    make some one like me 'piss themselves', and 'turn white as a ghost' without
    the threat of turning things physical, I would appreciate it. It seems to me
    that MR.*** wouldn't be any brighter in person then he was on usenet, lol. I
    mean after all, that same Mr. *** has had over a year on usenet to
    'humiliate' and make some one like me piss myself, and it hasn't happened
    yet. I find it hard to believe that MR. *** would be any harder to deal with
    irl then he is in usenet unless he could turn things physical. Now again, if
    I'm wrong in assuming you handle your real life situations the same way as
    your imaginary little friend, Mr. ***, I apologized, lol

    Vic, Dec 18, 2005
  14. RL

    Vic Guest

    lol, lol, Cute Brian.
    Vic, Dec 18, 2005
  15. RL

    Solaratov Guest

    Man, talk about sleazy - you Walkers wrote the book. When it comes to
    hateful, vitriolic invective NO ONE on this newsgroup can hold a
    candle to Pa and son.
    Your dementia surges on, unchecked.
    You are one pitiful obsessed old coot, completely wrapped up in your
    paranoid delusional fantasy world.
    You can't see it, of course.

    It sure was a nice day to ride a motorcycle in north Texas today. Pity
    you can't ride.

    Merry Christmas,

    Solaratov, Dec 19, 2005
  16. RL

    Solaratov Guest

    That's real good, Brian. Good boy!
    I can see you were on the debate team at the Denton State School.

    Solaratov, Dec 20, 2005
  17. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Typical usenet pussy .. What difference does the road make ? If you could
    handle that crotch rocket, you should smoke that "little cruiser" on ANY
    road.. Can't hack it, can you ?
    hmmm... Yep. it would be extremely "poor judgement" for someone like you to
    "show up" to challenge Brian Walker.. You don't have the skills nor the
    balls to handle it, and you know it .. LOL..
    Bill Walker, Dec 23, 2005
  18. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    It is plain to see that you are absolutely too chicken shit to let me make
    you "famous". ROTFL.. Fact is, you are so far over your head with that
    crotch rocket, Brian Walker can outride you on a 450 Suzuki. much less that
    "little cruiser" of his that you hold in such contempt.. The difference
    isn't how many CC's you sit on, the difference is the man that is sitting on
    the bike.. There you go..
    Bill Walker, Dec 23, 2005
  19. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well OK.. then.. Either get to it or STFU about it, you usenet ****..
    Bill Walker, Dec 27, 2005
  20. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO.. Almost "poetic", huh .. Nurick. Obviously you are more aware of
    your own limitations than anyone.. hmmm.. ?????
    Bill Walker, Dec 27, 2005
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