Bad Trike Business

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by RL, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    **** you, bedwetter...I've got your wormy bullshit in the same category as
    Albert Nurick.. "Mature" my ass... ROTFL..
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
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  2. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nothing confusing, at all.. Albert Nurick is a usenet pussy .. with back
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
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  3. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Knowing the players in this fiasco, as I've already said.. "We've only got a
    small part of this tale".. As the thread continues, more and more of it is
    coming out slowly.. Those people seemed to be more upset by the size and
    condition of the builders shop.. Paint was another complaint, the paint they
    see on a dealers show room floor looked altogether different when it was
    fresh from the paint booth.. There are many discrepancies connected with
    their complaints.. I wouldn't be quick to go after a backyard builder ..
    And, to top it all off, that buyer isn't in better hands when he decides to
    get Joe Williams involved in correcting any of the complaints that are
    described.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
  4. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    For sure .. Brian rides a "little" cruiser that will smoke your crotch
    rocket.. He's got a lot less money invested in it, too.. hmmm... Wanna give
    it a shot, Bedwetter ?
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
  5. RL

    louie Guest

    Vic, hey that is some pretty funny stuff... thanks for pointing out the

    ps ... I hope it doesn't make anybody mad, aka angry.

    louie, Dec 16, 2005
  6. RL

    louie Guest

    ROTFLMAO as they say
    louie, Dec 16, 2005
  7. RL

    Vic Guest

    You're welcome, but I'm sure it was just a slight oversight on Bill's part
    while making out his list, lol. Maybe he just assumed we all knew him and
    his son so well, there wasn't any need in cluttering up his post?
    Why on earth would it upset him? He seems like an 'in your face' kind of
    guy. Certainly he's not one of those guys that 'can't handle the truth',
    right?... lol


    Vic, Dec 16, 2005
  8. RL

    Iggy Guest

    Oh, look, par for the course for a Walker....

    Hey, Brian, anyone bring up your daughter lately?
    Iggy, Dec 16, 2005
  9. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
  10. RL

    Iggy Guest

    What's the matter, you old retarded fool, can't your son fight his own
    battles...he's now got to his medicated father try and defend him? LOL
    Like he said, you've lost your mind
    Iggy, Dec 16, 2005
  11. RL

    Wakko Guest

    To take Brian anything but seriously would be unwise.

    Didn't he just spank your pale ass on the CC authorization thread?
    Wakko, Dec 16, 2005
  12. RL

    Vic Guest

    Well, it started out as a 'splanking', but then there became a gentleness in
    his touch, lol. I looked back and saw the smile on his face, and how glazed
    his eyes had become. Scared the ba-gee-bees out of me. I Pulled up my pants
    and got the hell out for there, lol.

    PS: It wasn't Brian that told you my ass was pale, was it? Damn kids, can't
    keep there mouth shut now-a-days,

    Vic, Dec 16, 2005
  13. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    lol.. I'm sure glad someone has volunteered to do that.. You can bet your
    happy, that I'll be handling the ticket sales.. <grin> Should be a great

    That "little cruiser" that Brian rides kinda makes some of the real hands
    shake their heads.. <chuckle> There's been one or two of them get off to
    see what has their motorcycles tied up.. Get off at ninety sure hurts..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
  14. RL

    Vic Guest

    Serious response this time, ok? I've only heard the above 'disclamers' used
    on two types of individules, Wako.

    The first would be a warning that I'm dealing with some one who's in a
    position of authority. Brian certainly doesn't have the credentials to fill
    that bill.

    The second would be used as a warning that I'm dealing with some one
    who's got a very short fuse, and a chip on his sholder. That trying to talk
    sence with this guy is a waste of time. In my opinion Brian Walker falls
    into this classification.

    You obviouslly know the guy, and from all indications, perhaps even like
    him. He's probably shown you a side of himself that he's never shown me. I'm
    happy for you. But, this is usenet and all we have to go by, in order to
    form our opinions, is what we are shown. My responses to Brian are just
    that, responses to what he's shown me.

    I'll have to admit, Brian is at a bit of a disadvantage in a world that
    relies entirely on words to make a point. His big muscles and his short
    temper are of no help to him here. The fact that he can barely control his
    emotions are not an asset here either.

    I do appreciate your warning (disclaimer) Wako, but my discription of
    Brian is based on what he's shown me. If that bothers him, he'll just have
    to live with it, ignore it, or show me something different.

    Best regards,

    Vic, Dec 16, 2005
  15. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    lol... I'd say that you have got it all assbackwards, as usual.. Brian
    doesn't have to show you a damned thing or prove a damned thing to you..
    FYI.. there are a lot of people on this newsgroup and in Texas, who have
    ridden with Brian .. Some know him well ..

    That makes the juvenile shit that you post, real stupid.. Of course, it is
    not mystifying to note that you are far enough away from Brian, that you
    don't need to have reservations about your schoolyard nonsense.. As long as
    you keep it that way, you don't have to "take anything serious". Yessir,
    he's got a short fuse, alright..
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
  16. RL

    Calgary Guest

    And yet we never hear him speak of riding, a riding technique,
    knowledge of how to ride, where he has ridden or what he rides.

    You know to the casual observer it would be hard to establish he
    Actually Rides.

    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Dec 16, 2005
  17. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    Really.. well, see there.. You could have seen his motorcycle and watched
    him ride it, if you hadn't lost your nerve to attend the party you'd
    promoted and organized.. right ? I suppose you could ask some of your cyber
    buddies about all that, though.. hmmmm.. That is, the ones who actually made
    the trip.. btw.. How'd all that "family tragedy" thing work out for you ?
    I'd imagine the little girl is living happily with her natural father and
    doing quite well..
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2005
  18. RL

    Calgary Guest

    Actually Bill seeing as you chose to bring my family into your
    diatribe one more time, here is an update for those who are seriously

    After Jessica lost her mother, my ex, she stayed with me for a while.
    Her Grandparents came out for the funeral and all. They also stayed
    with me. Together the four of us figured out what would be best.

    Jessie moved back east with her Grandparents. She got enrolled in a
    good school, has made new friends and is doing really well. She
    doesn't like the Ontario system that doesn't seem to have middle
    school so she is still in elementary school. Yes she misses her Mom
    and I know it is very hard for her. Her grandparents are only a few
    years older than I, have a nice home and as Jessie is fond of
    reminding me has a pool and a hot tub. And no I do not have a pool or
    a hot tub. <g>

    I think we all did good with a very bad situation and I still consider
    cutting my trip short to try to help was far more important than
    attending the party and I doubt anyone would disagree. At least anyone
    who did disagree would be displaying the lowest form of family values
    and would not be taken seriously.

    I am sorry I didn't get the chance to meet all of those Texans I have
    gotten to know here and consider friends. And after being the one
    (with a little help from my friends) who got the whole NART ball
    rolling I was disappointed in not being there for the grand finale,
    but I did what I had to do.

    By the way last I spoke with Jessie was a week ago Saturday, her

    Funny Bill, even though you brought this up as a way to try and piss
    me off, knowing how things are working out, drafting this response
    actually brought a smile to my face, and reminded me I should make a
    phone call tonight.

    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Dec 16, 2005
  19. RL

    Calgary Guest

    Ah Brian, I have tried to be civil to you two, but have you ever
    wondered why it is whenever there is a pissing contest here you and
    Bill are smack dab in the middle of it. For a while there neither of
    you were posting, I think Bill was sick, and this group stayed pretty
    much on topic and my sense was folks were starting to enjoy talking
    about bikes and riding. Now is right back where it was and has
    been for years, a cesspool of bullshit.

    Why not everyone give it a rest for a while, after all it's Christmas.

    Maybe let's let this thread morph to what's under the tree for your
    bike this Christmas?

    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Dec 17, 2005
  20. RL

    Bill Walker Guest

    <evil grin> YOU seem to be quite involved in all the pissing matches on
    usenet.. Why is all that ? Especially in a motorcycle newsgroup that is so
    far from your area ?

    It goes without saying.. "I don't like you one little bit". I don't like
    anyone who threatens to come to my home with a couple of friends to visit

    My quarrel is not with your family and I have never said one harsh word
    about them.. My quarrel is with you .. and your phoney challenges towards

    The Christmas spirit is upon me and I am giving you somewhat of a break in
    this response to you.. You'd be well advised to take advantage of my
    kindness .
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2005
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