Background checks and further information: advice, please

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Fr Jack, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    Anybody know of any legal ways to obtain information about a 3rd
    party, such as criminal offences, tax evasion, business interests,
    etc. without needing to inform the person concerned?

    Can't discuss why, at present, other than a group of ordinary people
    are about to get mightily fucked over.

    Any not so legal ways can be taken to email - frjack-AT-gmail-DOT-com.
    Fr Jack, Jul 9, 2010
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  2. Fr Jack

    Hog Guest

    Yup PI and it could be a couple of grand. Also, he will be doing things for
    you that are technically illegal.
    Hog, Jul 9, 2010
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  3. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    Looking that way. There's a few people involved, so the cost may be
    spread about between them.
    Fr Jack, Jul 9, 2010
  4. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    Would a PI tell you which stuff could safely be used if one was about
    to hurl the excrement into the aircon?

    The people concerned could do with info that would be safe to
    print/broadcast (this could well go to local press and media) and
    could be used in a court, if it went that far.
    Fr Jack, Jul 9, 2010
  5. Fr Jack

    Hog Guest

    I guess they would.

    PNC records are harder to get these days from a copper but Umbrella
    Companies that do record checks can "assist". Same goes for friendly bank
    Hog, Jul 9, 2010
  6. Fr Jack

    DR Guest

    boots posted:
    ABI membership (Association of British Investigators) is a good thing
    to look for; it's as close to a reputable trade body as you'll find
    and they don't accept just anybody.
    DR, Jul 9, 2010
  7. Fr Jack

    Jim Guest

    FWIW you could try Companies House.
    Jim, Jul 12, 2010
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