Back on the bike :-)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Phil Launchbury, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Centrestand is fitted (thank you Triumph for making one of the
    centrestand stop bolts impossible to do up because it is obscured by
    the footplate that you have to do up before doing up the centrestand

    Turntable is in place in the garage.

    Procedure - ride into garage, stop over turntable, put bike onto
    centrestand (not easy - it weighs a ton!) with centrestand feet on
    Lean weight onto luggage rack to lift nose of bike, walk bike round to
    point nose at garage door, relax.

    No more struggling to push bike backwards between two parked cars up a
    graveled slope..

    Happy one is!

    In fact - so happy that I went for a nice long bimble about the
    Wiltshire/Berkshire countryside last Saturday during with much fun was

    By 'eck - these Tigers are quick once you realise that it will go round
    corners like it is on rails and that (unlike my previous bikes) the
    engine is happiest round the mid-range rather than at the top 20% of
    the range.

    To all the people I overtook (2 and 4 wheels) - I'm sorry - the bike
    made me do it. Honest.

    Phil Launchbury, Apr 7, 2005
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  2. Phil Launchbury

    Muck Guest

    If it's a gravel slope, why can't you go in backwards into the garage?
    Or does the drive slope up again before it gets to the garage?
    Muck, Apr 7, 2005
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  3. Phil Launchbury

    tallbloke Guest (Muck) wrote in
    He doesn't need to. He's installed a turntable ;-)
    tallbloke, Apr 7, 2005
  4. Phil Launchbury

    Muck Guest

    Muck, Apr 7, 2005
  5. Phil Launchbury

    Muck Guest

    Well.. heh.. yes. I must admit to being a little lazy myself with my
    Land rover. I used to park so I could drive in and out in a forward

    [1]Through or over anything in the way usually.
    Muck, Apr 7, 2005
  6. Phil Launchbury

    Dan White Guest

    Three options I can think of:

    1) A garage with two main doors so you can ride straight through.

    2) A double width garage with enough room to do a 180 in.

    3) Park rear wheel in large oil slick. Apply front brake, give it beans and
    flick the bike round.
    Dan White, Apr 7, 2005
  7. Phil Launchbury

    rb Guest


    4) There is no garage?
    rb, Apr 7, 2005
  8. There is usually 2 cars on the slope - mine and my neighbours - with
    only a narrow gap between them. I just didn't fancy backing down a
    gravel slope into the small gap that is there..

    And yes - there is a small slope up into the garage.

    Phil Launchbury, Apr 7, 2005
  9. Phil Launchbury

    Dan White Guest

    Considered that. Too pikey ;-)
    Dan White, Apr 7, 2005
  10. Phil Launchbury

    Muck Guest

    In an open air car park for example, you've only usually got bushes,
    plants high curbs and the odd bank. Nothing to worry about in a Landy,
    but would tend to take the sump off a car. Metal fences can be a
    stopper, as can bits of I beam fixed in the ground.

    Basically, if I could drive out over it and not get stuck and get away
    with it, I would.
    Muck, Apr 7, 2005
  11. Phil Launchbury

    Muck Guest

    Hmm.. plus the gravel. Gravel is a right pain isn't it..
    Muck, Apr 7, 2005
  12. Phil Launchbury

    frag Guest

    Rope scribbled:
    Leave it on the road :)

    I imagine getting it up and down that driveway would be even more fun
    in the wet/cold/ice/snow conditions.
    frag, Apr 7, 2005
  13. When I say gravel I actually mean "spare hardcore chippings that the
    builders had no more use for". Some of it is in fairly large chunks and
    there is also patches where there appears to be cement dust mixed in
    with it.

    Add the fact that there is about a 2" lip at the top of the slope where
    the tarmac cresent edge stones are and getting a bike (or car!) up and
    down becomes interesting - as in "make sure you put the wheels in
    exactly the right place or you scrape the floor pan on the stone lip".

    Builders eh? Dontcha just love them? Especially when the original plans
    specified that the drive was to be block paved..

    Phil Launchbury, Apr 8, 2005
  14. Phil Launchbury

    Muck Guest

    The cement dust will be the 'gravel' eating away at the cement under it,
    because of the actions of the car / bike tyres.
    That'll get worse then. Get a Landy. Seriously though, sounds like it
    wants sorting sometime.
    Builders, and pikeys selling a few wheel barrow loads of crushed flint
    that stick in your tyres on your bikes, and that your dumb land lady
    payed £500 to have deposited.
    Muck, Apr 8, 2005
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