Centrestand is fitted (thank you Triumph for making one of the centrestand stop bolts impossible to do up because it is obscured by the footplate that you have to do up before doing up the centrestand bolts) Turntable is in place in the garage. Procedure - ride into garage, stop over turntable, put bike onto centrestand (not easy - it weighs a ton!) with centrestand feet on turntable. Lean weight onto luggage rack to lift nose of bike, walk bike round to point nose at garage door, relax. No more struggling to push bike backwards between two parked cars up a graveled slope.. Happy one is! In fact - so happy that I went for a nice long bimble about the Wiltshire/Berkshire countryside last Saturday during with much fun was had. By 'eck - these Tigers are quick once you realise that it will go round corners like it is on rails and that (unlike my previous bikes) the engine is happiest round the mid-range rather than at the top 20% of the range. To all the people I overtook (2 and 4 wheels) - I'm sorry - the bike made me do it. Honest. Phil.