Back from France...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Paul Carmichael, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. Paul Carmichael

    BRC Guest

    Owen wrote:

    You are very welcome, it was really good to see you again after all
    these years, as it was everyone. We look forward to next years EOFSM
    too. Glad you managed to get home ok after your off's & had a good
    time overall.
    Very glad to do a small part, we'll raise an extra glass here for her.
    BRC, Oct 24, 2010
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  2. Paul Carmichael

    Owen Guest

    We left for Llandrindod in glourious sunshine, got to Swindon and it
    bucketted down. Right, waterproofs over the winter gear, sorted.
    Before the bristol turn-off a 20 mile tail-back, filtered through at
    15-20 mph. Crossed the bridge, all ok. then it tipped down again till
    I was a little bit emotional by this point, youll appreciate it was a
    big day for me and the rest of the familly. I could hear Marina in my
    head... Right, so you could have taken the car, been warm and dry, a
    wheel at each corner, radio on, satnav on, sorted. Instead, you chose
    to take me on the bike, getting lost twice, on twisty slippery roads,
    with the heavens tipping down on you... You stupid, silly romantic
    And then we started on the next part, on of Marinas favourite
    streaches leading up to Llandrindod and the clouds dissapeared, the
    sun came out and I really opened it up. Up, down twisties all the
    way... The tears stopped and I arrived in Llandrindod with a big fat
    grin... It was a wonderful ride...

    After a meal, we pootle in/on our various vehicles to Clefnllys.
    we walked up onto the hill by the old church and scattered most of
    Marinas ashes... We took it in turns to relates funny tales, momories
    of Marina. I hadnt realised how important Clefnllys was to her
    daughters and sister, it was just a place that was important to Marina
    and I. I picked the spot not knowing, syncronicity or what?

    Needless to say it was a very moving day, wonderful really.

    I slept better last night than I have for a long time, I really felt
    at peace...

    I rode back via Platys, had a supper ride, perfect roads... Something
    has changed, I dont know what, cant quite put my finger on it... But I
    feel easier within myself...

    Its good to talk...
    Owen, Oct 24, 2010
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  3. Paul Carmichael

    TOG@Toil Guest

    She was a great lass. I found her funny and liked her immensely. And
    now your life can move on.
    TOG@Toil, Oct 25, 2010
  4. Paul Carmichael

    Ace Guest

    I'm so glad.
    Indeed. Keep talking.
    Ace, Oct 25, 2010
  5. Paul Carmichael

    Krusty Guest


    Bloody hell. Speechless. You won't forget that one in a hurry.
    Krusty, Oct 25, 2010
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