Back from France...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Paul Carmichael, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. ....after driving the last 975kms from Dom's flat north of Teruel. When we
    left France yesterday the temp was about 4C - nice to see the gauge go up to
    27C on the way down through Spain today.

    Good to see a few familiar faces again. Neither Champ, Ace nor Jude seem to
    have aged one day in the last ten or so years. And neither Champ nor Ace
    have quietened down one decibel. Owen made us all smile more than once (neat
    trick with me, as some will know). I didn't recognise Jen (BRC) and neither
    did she recognise me. Mind, she is a bit fatter than when we last met. Put
    faces to names FrJack, Krusty and James. Met Dom for the second time and he
    didn't recognise me (and in the dago froup has described me as a Roman
    Patrician from "I Claudius" - something to do with the grey hair and beard I
    believe). Also met Wavy Dave, who I'm convinced I've met before, although he
    says he didn't know me from Adam.

    So, en fin - it turns out that I'm not really me, rather an imposter.

    Had a lovely time and dead pleased to have re-met all those folks that I
    dreamt having met before.

    Venue excellent. I believe the dagos are currently planning to descend on
    Café 46 en masse next year.

    Knackered now. Quick shower and time to sink a few beers before crashing

    Hasta la vista, babies.
    Paul Carmichael, Oct 20, 2010
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  2. Paul Carmichael

    Krusty Guest

    It went up to a heady 10C in Rocamadour yesterday and I gave the
    obligatory 'Wow!' as the town came into view, much to Jen's delight.
    Krusty, Oct 20, 2010
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  3. Paul Carmichael

    Cab Guest

    Krusty wibbled forthrightly:
    Rocamadour is impressive, isn't it?
    Cab, Oct 20, 2010
  4. Paul Carmichael

    Domènec Guest

    Black virgin in a sanctuary on top of a rocky mountain?

    Imitation! :)

    For Switters: This place is in a diversion of the first sector that we did
    out of the A2 highway.
    Domènec, Oct 20, 2010
  5. Paul Carmichael

    BRC Guest

    Was good to meet you again, mush-brain here probably wouldn't recognise
    her own mother atm tho! And as for a 'bit fatter'...sideways on I'm
    huge!! But then that is what being imminently due to give birth to
    twins will do - nowt to do with the copious amounts of cheese here!

    Great to see you all, yes we'll do it again next year (the meet not the
    pregnancy!) and I'll make sure to order the better weather in advance
    as it's now lovely here.
    BRC, Oct 21, 2010
  6. Paul Carmichael

    Domenec Guest


    Pics anybody?
    Domenec, Oct 21, 2010
  7. Paul Carmichael

    CT Guest

    Yes, please.

    Of scantily clad ladies.
    CT, Oct 21, 2010
  8. Domenec escribió:
    Given nobody else has posted anything yet, I assume they're still to
    Paul Carmichael, Oct 21, 2010
  9. Paul Carmichael

    Domenec Guest

    Domenec, Oct 21, 2010
  10. Paul Carmichael

    Krusty Guest

    Indeed. I'll be home in about 3 hours in theory but won't be doing
    pics tonight. Then there's the video... I'm waiting to see how much
    Owen offers me not to stick it on YouTube.
    Krusty, Oct 21, 2010
  11. Krusty escribió:
    There's a video? I thought there was just a load of pictures of people
    slicing ham?
    Paul Carmichael, Oct 21, 2010
  12. Paul Carmichael

    Switters Guest

    Sounds just like every other event with Domenec.
    Switters, Oct 21, 2010
  13. Paul Carmichael

    Domènec Guest

    Same plus one pound of jamón.
    Domènec, Oct 21, 2010
  14. Paul Carmichael

    Domènec Guest

    Heh, no, Mora's Jamonerfest takes place only once a year.
    Domènec, Oct 21, 2010
  15. Paul Carmichael

    Switters Guest

    I just imagined you taking legs of pig to all your events. ;)
    Switters, Oct 22, 2010
  16. Paul Carmichael

    Owen Guest

    Was it with or without the clothes? If you put it on Youtube I will
    hunt you down and kill you for the worthless dog you are...

    *checks bank account*

    How about £1000, assuming Im able to sell both my parents...?

    Or Ill trade you a vid of Champ and Ace playing a Pink Floydd
    Owen, Oct 22, 2010
  17. Paul Carmichael

    davethedave Guest

    Isn't that on youtube already?
    davethedave, Oct 22, 2010
  18. Paul Carmichael

    Owen Guest

    I arrive in France on Thursday evening having missed the morning
    crossing due to my passport still being in Reading. Idiot...
    I checked into a hotel at Falaise. unpacked, headed down to the bar
    and got into conversation with a bunch of (mostly Beglian) aristocrats
    and minor royals, in town to take part in some parade thing at the
    Abbey. When we had finished all the calvados in the bar we moved onto
    Cognac... There was also champagne. At some point, (1 or 2 AM) I
    thanked them for the entertainment and went up to bed, tho not before
    I was presented with a lapel-badge, COMMANDERIE SAINT MICHEL DE
    BRUXELLES, got a bloke on it with wings, a cross and a shield, gold
    and red enamel. "Wear this if you are ever in Bruxelles, it will help
    you..." said The Comte de Thingy cryptically. I returned his cryptic
    remark with a cryptic look and slept cryptically well that night...
    I Packed up next morning, went over to Count Thingy and Duke Whotnot
    eating thier breakfast and wished them luck with thier parade thing.
    Didnt get to do any cryptic handshakes...

    I rode a circuitous route to Saintes near Cognac, visited Mr Bastard
    and bought a case of his finest cognac and a ditto of Pinneau Des
    Charentes. I miss-routed a couple of times that day and ended up at
    Rocamador around 10PM, having covered 1000 kilometers, the last chunk
    of it pitch-black switch-backs. The Air-Hawk saddle was worth every
    penny :) sat up with Mr & Mrs Ace, Mr & Mrs Carmicheal, James and Jen
    (who clearly has a pie problem but reckons to be able to lose most of
    her extra weight in a week or two...).

    Saturday AM had breakie, went walnut hunting with James, recieved a
    master-class in bread-making. I went out and pootled, leaving as Champ
    and Krusty arrived. visited cave nearby, brillic...
    I wont bother doing the saturday evening thing, others have covered
    it, suffice to say it was a very enjoyable evening... James is a
    superb cook...

    Sunday, had some breakie and went out on bike retracing the
    Friday-night switch-backs, fantastic route and great views, rode down
    to cahors :)
    Visited Rocamador on the way back. Excellent stuff.

    Monday morning, following the Champ/James reccomended route to
    Clermont-Ferrand via Aurillac. lovely roads. At aurillac I decided to
    detour via the Vallees Des Jourdains, this was not such at good
    I came to a sign stating that the roads across the Col was closed and
    asked a couple of locals about this. They assured me that it just
    meant that the hotels and bars along the route were closed, end of the
    tourist season kind of thing... I should have listened to the banjos
    in the background...
    The road climbs up through bend after bend, steep sometimes sheer
    drops, this isnt one of those roads where you check out the scenery.
    After about 10 klicks Im up in the clouds, the temperature is sinking
    and snow is now on either side of the road... bno room to turn around,
    so I think, well its got to start going down soon, right? Wrong.
    Evenyually Im faced with snow and ice across the road and the bike
    makes the decision for me...
    Luckily I was thrown away from the bike. If it had landed on top of me
    Idve been screwed. OK, so unload the bike, carry bags down to dry
    non-slippery road ( 400M-ish). Go back pick up box of cognac and box
    of wine (no breakages) ditto. Go and get panniers, ditto.
    I then had to drag bike back onto road propper and point in right
    dirrection. I then hads to lift the damn thing up. Cant, roads too
    slippery. Right break ice/snow and make a dryish area for me feet to
    not slip. Ditto for tyres. It is now nearly around 40 mins since the
    off, the temperature is going down, its around 3pm and no-one knows Im
    here. Phone wont work and sleeping on the mountain isnt really an
    option... I cant get the bike up and have now resolved to taking
    day-pack, bag of clothes and sleeping bag and tracking back down the
    mountain. I had a little "anger-management moment", gave the bike one
    last heave the it came up...
    Very gingerly I walked the bike down to the baggage, loaded up, and
    took a very careful ride back down.
    It was one of those stupid and foolish moments that could have had a
    senseless tragic end. What a dickhead!
    I spent most of the rest of the day feeling angry with myself, which
    was a waste of good roads and possibly contributed to another off
    leaving the autoroute for my night stop at Montlucon. Id pulled onto
    the slip-road and the back slid out too quick for me to be able to do
    anything other than roll across the tarmac. Amazingly I got up without
    a scratch.

    Next day I reached Orleans after a great ride. Met a wonderful
    Frenchgirl who worked in the fashion industry and seemed to know the
    owners of a number of tres chic bars that let us in at all sorts of
    funny hours. We got back to her place around 4 in the morning, opened
    a bottle of champagne, like you do... around 5 I had to sleep. Work up
    around 11 snuggled up to her and thinking... "I really REALLY like
    Stayed an extra day in Orleans. The owners of my friends favourite bar
    gave me a bottle of wine, and the friend gave me her email/moby/etc
    details. Maybe middle-aged crinkly road-mucked manky-leather wearing
    bikers are the new fashion accesorie?
    As I packed the bike up a few hundred demonstrators came past. It was
    kinda wierd, a happy near-riot flowing around me...

    Last night I stopped in Lisieux, Having narrowly missed running dry.
    Rode into a Garage with the first splutters of an empty tank! I pulled
    into a Garage near Evreux just as thier fuel ran out. There were some
    unhappy bunnies... There were also 3 bus-loads of CRS riot police
    having a toillet stop, all big tallguys, tooled-up with attitude. So I
    wlked over, gave them a big cheerful bonjour and asked for directions,
    how the demonstrations were going, the usual stuff...

    I bought some vintage bordeaux in Lisieux, had friuts de Mere, and
    slept well. Made the ferry on time (just) getting home around 4:30PM.

    Jen and James were excellent hosts and Id reccomend the trip to anyone
    thinking of the French EOSM, can we just call it the FREOSM?
    I met some wonderful people at various points along the trip.
    I found myself in some totally surreal situations.
    I experienced just about every possible emotion at some point.
    Good road-trip. Made me feel really alive and positive.

    Tomorrow Im taking Marina for a last ride on the bike. The familly is
    gathering near Llandridod to scatter her ashes. This trip has helped
    me feel more ready to do this. Its part of the moving on thing.
    Thankyou to everyone who took part, you have given me some really good
    Owen, Oct 22, 2010
  19. Owen escribió:
    Really? I still haven't seen one picture.
    Paul Carmichael, Oct 23, 2010
  20. Paul Carmichael

    Domènec Guest

    More than one.
    Domènec, Oct 23, 2010
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