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Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by BT Humble, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    And I'm having a few culture-shock issues. I mean, here in Melbourne
    there's more than 1 car passing by every hour, and the place is full to
    the gunwales with WHITE people!

    Just so that I could fit in better in this latte-enhanced city I bought
    myself a genuine $15 Rolex in Suva, and in a seriously out-of-character
    move on Monday I bought myself a brand-new 2005 model bike. I'm still
    a bit suspicious of these newfangled aluminium frames, but I'll give it
    a go.

    Pictures to follow!

    BT Humble, Oct 19, 2005
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  2. BT Humble

    Jessie James Guest

    Not the latest 250GPz?????
    Jessie James, Oct 19, 2005
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  3. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    Noooooooooooo! Say it isn't so!


    (OK, what is it? My betting is on something that has pedals that go
    round and round, given your proximity to the bike path.)
    Moike, Oct 19, 2005
  4. BT Humble

    sharkey Guest

    Weird, eh? Perhaps they bleach them or something?
    2005?!?!! Since you're obviously taking the piss about something,
    I'll just assume it's a pushie, shall I?

    Welcome to Melbourne ...

    sharkey, Oct 19, 2005
  5. BT Humble

    Birdman Guest

    Dang beaten to it.. but probably the same price as a real bike.
    Birdman, Oct 19, 2005
  6. BT Humble

    justAL Guest

    Welcome BT.

    So when are you doing the rounds?

    justAL, Oct 19, 2005
  7. Pffft! This is BT, it'll be one of those cheap jobs from Kmart (not
    that there's anything wrong with that!)

    Now when are you starting the electric assist conversion BT? I
    recommend them if it's hilly and your a fat bastard like me (which you
    aren't but anyway...)
, Oct 19, 2005
  8. Probably a replacement for bending Minx's bike!

    Welcome back BT!
    Pisshead Pete, Oct 19, 2005
  9. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    I'll have you know that I went to a proper bicycle shop, and talked to
    a proper odd-looking young bicycle salesman, and resisted his repeated
    suggestions that I needed to spend at least $750 on a proper bicycle!

    $299 bought a neat looking aluminium-framed mountain bike with basic
    front suspension, a helmet, a pair of gloves for me, a pair of gloves
    for Minx, and a new rather pervy-looking saddle for Minx's bicycle.

    The bike looked a lot better once I'd peeled 80% of the stickers off
    it. The saddle looked a lot better with Minx sitting upon it. :-D

    I'll try to make it to the next gathering in Melbourne, or
    failing that, we're having a housewarming soon (to help us get rid of
    the 6 litres of duty-free hooch...)

    BT Humble, Oct 19, 2005
  10. BT Humble

    sharkey Guest

    I'll have you know I never said those things I said about you!

    sharkey, Oct 19, 2005
  11. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    It was Hamish!

    Moike, Oct 20, 2005

  12. ****--is it 2015 already?

    Postman Pat (_My_ new bike only has a steel frame)
    Pat Heslewood, Oct 21, 2005
  13. Maybe he means 2005 according to the Sumerian calendar, as opposed to
    the Gregorian? In which case there's nothing to worry about! :p

    GPX250 -> CBR600 -> Shadow?
    homeless penguin, Oct 22, 2005
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