Baby Skunks

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Up until a couple of years ago, one of the frequent visitors to the
    Mexican's patio was a mother skunk.. She'd gracefully shared that patio with
    us for several years .. For a long time, the little animal would
    nonchalantly ignore me or the wife while she examined everything out there..

    In the beginning of this bizarre relationship, we'd been leaving food out
    for birds and a few squirrels that live in the many huge trees in the
    trailer park.. that's what I credited her attraction for my patio to being..
    Seldom seen during the day, but early in the morning and evening, she'd
    wander in and just kinda meander about, carefully nosing anything that
    attracted her.. Later, she began to approach either of us as we sat in the
    area.. Finally, she'd accept morsels from our hand and casually raise up on
    her hind legs like she was begging for attention..

    We eventually started calling her "Lady" and damned if that skunk didn't
    commence to act as though she recognized her name.. Each year, about this
    time, that skunk would have her litter of babies.. about two or three, and
    she'd proudly bring them onto our patio, seemingly to show them off to us..

    Abruptly then, she stopped coming to visit.. a couple of years ago.. We
    missed seeing the beautiful little animal and her proud display of
    offspring.. Yesterday.. Lady came home again.. and you guessed it.. she
    brought her current litter with her.. Like she'd never been away, Lady
    marched into our patio, trailed by three tiny little fur balls of black and

    I was busily doing some last minute touch up on the Green One.. getting it
    prepared for this trip down into Mexico.. All of a sudden, a movement that
    caught my attention out of the corner of my eye, and there she was.. She
    busily walked her brood past me and went directly to the place where we'd
    formerly placed food for her.. Nothing there.. she turned and gave me a
    "what's up" look and then demurely walked her brood around the motorcycle ..
    Exactly as if she was explaining something to those babies of hers, that
    little skunk escorted them around and under the Green Vulcan.. She'd stop
    and raise up slightly to indicate that things were safe for those babies..

    Not sure if it was the same mother skunk that had been a friend of the past,
    I slowly eased my way back to the porch and quietly called the Mexican to
    bring some crackers or something outside.. When Magda came out and saw our
    company, she exclaimed immediately... "She did come back, didn't she?"

    When she sat on the steps of the porch and held out a cracker, Lady quickly
    waddled back over to her and gently took it from her fingers.. Still a
    little dubious, I was carefully keeping my distance, but that little skunk
    continued to accept food from the wife and was obviously showing of her new

    Our visit lasted for most of thirty minutes .. Needless to say.. we were
    very happy to see that our old friend, Lady.. had survived and was still
    productive, in spite of her longevity.. LOL.

    Even though, that little skunk has never shown any aggressive or hostile
    behavior towards either Magda or me, she has had some unpleasant encounters
    with some of the other neighbors here.. Some of those encounters have been
    outrageously funny and some were downright tragic.. One guy got locked out
    of his house till he'd stripped all his clothes off and washed with a garden
    hose, then drenched himself with Old Spice until he was again bearable to
    his mother's sensitive nose.. Lady had really unloaded on him.. Hopefully
    she'll educate those little ones and teach them that we are the good guys..
    I don't know much about skunks, but this one has particularly endeared
    herself to us and we look forward to her visits, more often.. now..
    maybe..... Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 15, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill, that's a right cute story.
    I never hurd of such.
    Never much thought about having a friendly relationship with a skunk,
    who would have thunk it.
    It goes to show, that anybody or anything has a good side, along with
    their other side. Little varments like that Lady Skunk, are 95% on the
    defensive, and about 5% on the offense, an ol'e codger once allowed.
    Thanks for sharing, regards, ~BJAY~
    BJayKana, Mar 15, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    triker3 Guest

    When I was a kid up north(yankee world) every summer we had a mama skunk
    thar would come up on the retaining wall bejind the house and eat what we
    left out for her. many summers she would bring her babies. Fond memeroies
    of country living
    triker3, Mar 16, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    My neighbor's teenage son came home late one night .. When he parked his
    van, he noticed some movement next to my storage building and investigated..
    Lady was foraging and evidently she perceived some sort of threat by the
    guy.. Man, she did a number on him and he screamed bloody muirder while
    trying to escape from that irate little skunk.. Not having a key, it was
    necessary to rouse his mother to let him in the house.. The horrific smell
    was obvious and she wouldn't open the door.. By this time, all the
    excitement and that odor had pretty well set off alarms in the area.. When I
    got outside to check it out, Lady had nonchalantly resumed foraging, the
    neighbor's son was stripped to his jockey shorts while he was hosing himself
    down.. His mother was standing behind the storm door, refusing to let him in
    the house.. The young man had tears streaming down his face and pandemonium
    was evident..

    Seeing me, Lady seemed to think she was going to get a treat or something
    and she had followed me to the neighbor's patio. With all the screaming and
    commotion that was going on, someone.. evidently panicked and called 911.. A
    fire truck (one of the smaller ones) and two police cars showed up.. Lady
    assumed the posture, with all the excitement .. Lights were on all over the
    place.. Quite a spectacle was unfolding in the Meadow Oaks Mobile Home

    LOL.. I had a mental flash and calmly walked past that little skunk, toward
    my patio.. Sure enough, she relaxed a bit and waddled along behind me, to
    familiar and friendly territory.. With that crisis being averted, Lady
    became known as part of the Walker family and hasn't been molested since
    then.. She'd had a couple of encounters with some of my neighbors, but
    nothing quite as serious as all that.. Other than an occasional
    confrontation with somebody's cat, she just kinda does her own thing and
    never causes too much commotion.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 16, 2006
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