B12 K1 Front Wheel Removal.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by toad_oftoadhall, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. I need to change the front (and back) tyre on my K1 Bandit 1200.

    I had a quick look and there's no obvious jacking points to get the
    front wheel of the ground.

    Dr. Haynes says jack it up on the crank case. Is there a better way?

    Any further tips?

    .....and before anyone suggests it, no, I'm not letting a tyre dealer
    take my wheels off - it's bad enough trusting them with the rims.
    toad_oftoadhall, Jul 2, 2006
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  2. toad_oftoadhall

    deadmail Guest

    wrote in message
    Unless you've got a front stand that lifts from the headstock probably

    It's perfectly safe IME anyway; just put a block of wood between the
    jack and the engine.
    Slacken all of the fastners before you start. Put the rear on a stand
    (not sure if a bandit's got a centre stand, if it has use that) rather
    than jacking the front when it's on a side stand.
    Well, I don't have any worries about them removing the wheels; I'm sure
    they do this much better than I.
    deadmail, Jul 2, 2006
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  3. Use a piece of plywood or similar twixt jack and alloy casing. The
    better way, if you have a roof beam nearby, is to fasten a rope around
    the headstock and hold the bugger up, but to just change wheels it's not
    usually necessary.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 2, 2006
  4. Ta all. I can't get to the bike right now to look - what's the best
    point on the crank case to jack from? Will it be possible to get to a
    central point (unobstructed by the exhaust) or will I need to lift from
    a point on the side?
    toad_oftoadhall, Jul 3, 2006
  5. Central if possible. Do you have a centrestand? If so, see if it has a
    hole in it you can put a pin through to lock it upright. Then you can
    weight the back of the seat with throwover panniers filled with bricks.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 3, 2006
  6. toad_oftoadhall

    Macie Guest

    Bricks? Bricks? The recognised special tool for weighting down the
    rear end is three bags of sand from B&Q. Doubles as somewhere to put
    your fags out, see.
    Macie, Jul 3, 2006
  7. toad_oftoadhall

    zymurgy Guest

    'It's only a Bandit'

    I mean, it's not like it's anything sporty, is it ? ;-)

    I think only BGN needs worry about the mechanic 'not doing things up
    quite right' if recent memory serves.

    zymurgy, Jul 3, 2006
  8. I wanted a sports bike but there was nowhere to put my pipe and my
    slippers got singed by the exhaust!
    toad_oftoadhall, Jul 4, 2006
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