I took the carbs out of the Bandit and started stripping them down to find the problem. When I took the diaphragm cover off no 4 carb the small spring connected to the needle jet was laying in the top of the diaphragm. I am thinking that this may have been the cause of the fuel overflowing.........any views? Anyway cleaned it all up and started to put the carbs back in and then was faced with the hassle of the throtle cables again. I left the carbs half out of the bike and went into the garage to get some pliers......fuck, fuck, fuck.........the carb bank fell on the floor and has smashed the diagraphm cover so now I don't know if the problem has been fixed. Anyway tried a temp repair with some superglue and the bike starts and runs ok but I didn't ride it as I want to replace the cover first. Hope it is ok as I want to get to the NEC on Friday. Would the above needle jet spring problem be a cause to have fuel pissing out everywhere? Cheers, Mark