[QUOTE="dwb"] It is rather .. damp.. at the moment isn't it? However, for Swindon at least (I can't seem to find Avebury) it's looking okay for tonight : [URL]http://uk.weather.com/weather/detail/UKXX0147?dayNum=0[/URL] - 30% chance of rain so 70% chance of no rain. Anyway, I need to try the bike in the rain at some point (find out whether the 'Deathwings' deserve the disdain the DL groups have for them) so I should be there around 7'ish assuming I can get out the office. Plus I really need a run on the bike for loads of other reasons - course I'll probably stick in it a ditch, or worse, topple over outside the pub.[/QUOTE] You wouldn't be the first to fall off in the carpark, but it's a lot better since they re-surfaced it. I promise I'll try not to laugh if you do. [QUOTE] BTW - I'm not sure I've seen you on your Tiger (as opposed to the MV) - what colour is it?[/QUOTE] It's blue - & covered with MuddyStuff stickers. [URL]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/preston.kemp/Dcp_0322.jpg[/URL] However if I decide to take the scenic route, it'll be covered in mud, & probably missing a few levers. [QUOTE] I can't imagine there'll be too many DL-1000's with oddly-sized riders so I should stand out.[/QUOTE] Heh, "oddly-sized" - how quaint ;-)