The crew that kindly provided me with the escort to Austin, graciously chose one of the worst days.. We left about 10:30 AM, Saturday morning.. The wind blew and those temperatures kept falling.. I swear that mercury bottomed plumb out.. Whew.. what a ride.. We hit Taylor middle of the PM and the JailCall met us at the Wal-Mart parking lot.. invited us to his house so the Senora could make us a hot cup of coffee.. He mounted up and rode on over to Elgin with us where we finally pried the illustrious chairman, our own Sputnik, loose from the media that was interviewing him for some magazine or something.. Had a real nice catfish supper in Elgin and made our way into Austin.. Colder'n a witch's tit, I can assure one and all.. Sunday morning was icy cold and the day commenced around 8 o'clock AM.. Beverly's was the landing spot for most of the riders from across our great state.. Sheesh, I saw colors and clubs that I haven't seen in years.. They came.. they were focused and all had one mission.. By the time we got everyone registered, the Confederation of Clubs was hammered.. They are the ones who put all this together in collaboration with TMRA 2, ABATE and the other biker's rights advocate organizations.. Meetings to gear everyone up for the day in the Capitol, Monday took place till well into the night.. Many of those warriors were in place and set up in the state house, Monday morning by 7 AM.. Just after 8:30 AM.. That roar was vibrating the buildings, as those bikers came down Congress .. All of them were in parade formation and rumbling down those high rise canyons like something you just read about.. After they got parked, those warriors marched from 11th St. right up to those front steps of our Capitol.. When Legislature was called to order. our own Norma Chavez presented the full gallery of bikers to the legislators.. Awesome.. Legislature was adjourned so that those legislators could meet with their own constituents.. There hasn't been much feedback, yet.. but I'm sure that we did make an impact on them.. Until the Bills and Amendments are finished products and signed into law, we won't know how successful we were.. Brother Hdrider chose to wait with me until the crunch was over and the PM session adjourned before we visited the legislators that we wanted to see.. Again.. we caught our men relaxed and not rushed.. They welcomed us to their offices with a lot of grace ... They listened to us attentively and responded .. They were with us on the Helmet Bill, expecially when we connected it to the HIPPA Act.. They reacted to that news with surprise and actually compared the two Bills.. Whups.. this ain't right.. was their comments.. The Road Block Bill was the only one that we actually opposed and it is going to be scrutinized very carefully before it is voted on.. The Failure to Yield Bill is getting a lot of scrutiny.. Although TMRA 2 hasn't offered penalty recommendations, that Bill will probably be supported by Legislators from all over the state.. I laid over until Tuesday morning and kept the couple of appointments that I'd made and then commenced the long trip back to Irving.. One of the good brothers in Austin got me on my way with a good breakfast and a couple of the Latino Steel bros. rode to Waco with me..A couple of the locals in Waco heard that we were coming so they met us there, relieved my Latino Steel bros, and rode with me to Hillsboro.. I was on my own, then.. until I got home about 3:30 PM or so.. I gotta admit, the ride back was much better than the one going down.. A lot was happening for Texas Bikers, this week and every man and woman who gave up their weekend and Monday was impressive and can be commended for their efforts.. Each one, in his own right, is a true warrior and deserves credit for their sacrifices.. There were many who walked up to me and introduced themselves as contributors of newsgroup.. Some of them, I recognized the names, some I'd never heard of.. was represented and I'm proud of us for our part in making our Bikers Legislative Day a booming success.. They saw us and heard our voices, people.. We got the job done.. That is far from the end of this story.. Until those votes are recorded and tallied, we will not know if we've prevailed.. Till then, the pressure must be maintained, e-mails..telephone calls, and personal contact with those legislators must keep this momentum going .. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker