ATTN Everyone

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Anonymous, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If you don't already know about Derek Hornby you can read
    about some of his activities from the links below.

    Derek Hornby currently uses the email address

    and is currently infesting uk.people.disability where he
    is hated and loathed by many for his activities.

    Over the comming months this post will be posted to many
    newgroups and internet sites, eventualy millions are
    going to read all about Derek Hornby and his disgusting
    activities. Aplologies if you have read this befor in
    another group, but it is important for all abused people
    to know about this man.

    He claims to be totaly blind yet by his own words in his
    own posts it is clear that he can see although his vision
    may be affected. He boasts of a twenty five year plus
    flying history, and travels two or three times a year
    by air on his own, where he goes to he will not say. How
    he pays for all this travel plus the costs of his prostitute
    activities while his only known income is state benefits
    again he will not say.

    Report of Grooming activities by Derek Hornby


    D.J Hornby

    Textphone, prefix 18001 text or 18002 voice (01695) 422596

    5, The Grove
    L39 6RA

    The 13 year old, Maria, went to a teen newsgroup looking for
    friends aged 13-20. She did not ask for a 46 year old man who
    misrepresented himself as a youth worker.

    Derek Hornby took advantage of the fact that Maria was attacked
    by others in the group, so she was vulnerable. He defended her
    to win her favour. He proceeded to gain Maria's trust, and he e-
    mailed her privately.

    Derek Hornby lied to Maria when his extensive use of prostitutes
    was revealed, and tried to say someone else must have used his
    computer. He is the only one who used deafblind equipment for
    communicating, and there are ample records of him using
    prostitute newsgroups since 1998. The type of services he used
    show a liking for kinky sex, as he replied to adverts for bi-
    sexuals and multiple partners.

    Maria was frightened when Derek Hornby told her he was coming to
    see her in Moscow.

    Derek Hornby has attempted to remove the evidence of his posts
    from various newsgroups.

    Maria's 1st post aged 13 (in 2000), requesting a teenage friend:$196q$&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

    Hi my name is Maria, i was born in 1986. I speak French,
    English, Russian, a little bit Spanish. I like sports, listening
    to music, chatting and
    travelling. I live in Moscow but i'm going to England this
    summer. I'd like to find a friend from England between ages 13-

    Proof he contacted teenager, Maria, privately by e-mail:$rfi$&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

    Misrepresenting himself to gain the trust of a young girl:$a2$&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

    yes.... you are a youth worker?

    maybe we should tell your boss that his 'youth worker' has been
    looking at naughty things (we've been doing our research into
    your prostitition games). Sure, look in, see if we care, just
    leave us alone.. we want to talk amongst ourselves, the - ok, maybe you are UK.LONDON, but no TEENS, see?

    how old are you? 30, 40, 50?

    sure, you've been expressing your view too much, and nobody
    wants to read it no more...

    now, let's get back on with what we normally do, without the
    Russians, or the Old Folks.

    This is Maria after being warned Derek Hornby used prostitute

    wow he posted a lot! are you sure it was him? - Derek didn't
    answer when i asked him if it was all true. i never thought he
    would do that.

    Trying to lie about posting to prostitute newsgroups:$cp3$&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

    I, agree with you, 100% that you did see my name, and account
    number, at top of the posts, and I've not said different. All
    I've said, and still say, is that I did not personally post. I
    accept, that I can't porove it, but then neither can anyone
    here, prove I did, personally post.

    Maria is worried about Derek Hornby coming to see her:$1uhl$&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

    4. He asked me to be his tour guide in Moscow! And i won't
    because i'm not sure!

    Repeated messages to get rid of him from teen newsgroup:$3ri$&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

    seriously. This is not the place for law-suits, or a place where
    people take things seriously.

    Look: We're teenagers.

    This is NOT your place Derek, we're all friends here, and we all
    seem to be sticking up for each other. You come in, start
    telling us what to do, and act as if you own the place.

    NOW!!! OUT NOW!!! OUT!!! OUT!!! YEAH!!!

    10 - 15 years experience of prostitutes would make him
    unsuitable company for a 13 year old girl:

    On Tue, 20 Jul 1999 04:21:05 -0400, Derek Hornby
    > wrote:

    Hi Sue,

    You're right, and to be honsest, I have been with other escorts
    in past with no problems. The reason I can't see my usual girl,
    is because she is
    away on holiday at moment.

    you know, all the girls I have seen in past mmmm 10 15 years,
    have had no experience of the blind, deaf, or deafblind, but,
    have been willing to *gain* such experience, by acceptting such

    Proof that he does more than hold hands, and is used to
    travelling to find multiple partners:

    On 15 Sep 2000 20:46:02 GMT, Derek Hornby
    She charges £700 for overnight

    For that you could get a cheap flight to bangkok a cheap Hotel
    and have well over 7 girls, most of whom would probably be far
    more attractive and give you a better ****

    Proof that he likes teenagers:$&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain

    friend Reanne for a good time .

    Perhaps she'd read some of your other whinging postings? p-)

    This is the ad from the prostitute, who he falsely accused of

    size 6), 5ft 5, busty 32d-23-32 and bi-sexual. I am available
    for hotel and home visits for gentlemen, ladies and couples in
    the Midlands and London. I am very intelligent and sophisticated
    and love dinner dates, parties and functions, evenings in,
    evenings out, shopping trips and erotic massage. If you are
    looking for a fun and relaxed time then I am the girl for you.
    about the size of your average eight year old, sporting a pair
    of 32... D....! boobs.

    Derek Hornby has used the fact that he is categorised as deaf
    and blind to excuse all his behaviour. He is able to fly abroad
    on his own, so he has no limitations.

    The act of enticing a child by means of false information to
    gain their trust is known as "grooming":

    "The second reading of the draft legislation relating to electronic sexual
    content received overall support in the UK House of Commons this week. A
    draft Bill is on the books and is set to make "Internet grooming" a crime.
    "Internet grooming" is the practice of adults who solicit under-age children
    on the Internet with the express intention of sexually abusing them. The
    legislation will seek to make this type of activity an offence under The
    Sexual Offences Bill. It will create a "Risk of Sexual Harm Order" which
    will prohibit adults from sending sexually explicit content to children
    online. MPs are in favour of this new Bill, in light of recent events and
    its magnifying of the dangers of chat rooms to children. (17 July 2003)"

    Reform of Computer Misuse Act (pdf):

    Governing Child Pornography (pdf):

    Governance of Pornography:

    Legal interception of communications:
    Anonymous, Oct 20, 2003
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  2. Anonymous

    Purditer Guest

    Did the Gatso flash once or twice?

    would know, plus the hacker. So that issue can only be an opinion.workiers, or volunters, not looking into a youth club.poster was, been insulted, for no good reason. I still fell same, and still
    feel that some of you could have been more frienly to Maria.
    Purditer, Oct 21, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. I hope you realise if you can't prove what you have written, then that
    is libelous.
    MeatballTurbo, Oct 21, 2003
  4. Anonymous

    Phil Stovell Guest

    He's spammed this libel to a number of NGs that I read.
    Phil Stovell, Oct 21, 2003
  5. Anonymous

    Muck Guest

    Could you two clueless cunts stop cross posting this shit to[1].

    [1]I'm aware of the irony of cross posting this, but I'm not sure what
    groups you activly read.

    Bandit 600n(With added ducktape); CG125(MSOHPR)
    "I've got a CG125, and I'm not affraid to use it."
    DS#1 ; DOMO#1 ; SH#2 ; ICQ: 166144431
    Remove _TEETH_ to e-mail
    Muck, Oct 21, 2003
  6. Anonymous

    Muck Guest

    Heh.. Just a bit of a 'dope' so it seems. ;)

    Bandit 600n(With added ducktape); CG125(MSOHPR)
    "I've got a CG125, and I'm not affraid to use it."
    DS#1 ; DOMO#1 ; SH#2 ; ICQ: 166144431
    Remove _TEETH_ to e-mail
    Muck, Oct 22, 2003
  7. Anonymous

    Pip Guest

    No, it merely confirms that you are - of course, you could have many
    clues but be stoned out of your box, which perhaps is a better
    alternative ;-)

    However, if you were to include the name of the group you are posting
    _from_ in a crosspost, then that would really help.

    Am I penetrating the fug, yet?
    Pip, Oct 22, 2003
  8. Anonymous

    Richard Wood Guest

    How do you post _from_ a newsgroup? I _read_ from a newsgroups and post
    _to_ a newsgroup.

    You could of course include the name of the newsgroup you're reading...
    Nah, just creating more of it with those rollies you and Loz smerk ;->

    Richard Wood, Oct 22, 2003
  9. Anonymous

    Muck Guest

    If you read Pips post ... oh never mind....

    <fx: mumble mumble... mutter... too much wacky backy... mumble..>


    Bandit 600n(With added ducktape); CG125(MSOHPR)
    "I've got a CG125, and I'm not affraid to use it."
    DS#1 ; DOMO#1 ; SH#2 ; ICQ: 166144431
    Remove _TEETH_ to e-mail
    Muck, Oct 22, 2003
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