(calgary,) maybe someone else, were talking about me, in the 3rd sense/person: SAID ‘‘he, (Bjay), is enjoying the attention’’. / I think he also insenuated that the Walkers were saying how they admired me, and something or another, because of my day or two argument with a few guys in reeky, or something. Not sure how it was put. / My answer is, Yes, I ve enjoyed the attention. Now if Odinn hears about this, or accidently takes off his rose colored glasses, he Again, will be amazed that I am forth coming, (truthful) BUT, what I mean is, I enjoy the spirited discussion, that we've done down the thread/line topic of ''motorcycles''. I faulted the thread line, and that caused a ''frakus''! / There's no doubt in my mind that (calgary) RGD, Tim, the Pirate,bownse, who else?, all enjoyed the attention they get when the F Wars get good and started I base this on their many, many, many post/responses, to the walkers. / Next about the walkers being complimentary or something. I get along pretty dern good with Bill walker. He's done/said nothing to me. nor Brian.!! / But to say there's a comparison, or whatever (calgary) was insenuating, well it's pretty dern opposite. Their issues and my issues were nothing similar, surely all in here recognize that.....I never took issue with anyone, in the debates between the Walkers and the Reeky few.