attempt #2

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by eamonn.debarra, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. ..........It would now have changed




    GSX-R 1000 K7

    Picked it up last night in monsoon and gale.
    Thought: yes this is lighter, nimbler, firmer, arse over titter etc.,
    no surprises there then, but also thought hmmm me bird is gruntier
    than this up to NSL.
    5 mile soggy trip, then evening rearranging crap in shed to make

    Due to dry roads and sunshine, today, i have been mostly opening the
    throttle; and cornering; and both; For approx 220km. A mere handful of
    Niges, but a new dawn nonetheless.

    Jesus Tap Dancing Christ, above 7-8k in second, third and fourth, full
    throttle reveals unto the mortal, heretofore deluded, the profoundest
    insights into rapid acceleration from high speeds to vastly higher
    speeds, at em.... such speed. Then alas, one is apt to run out of'll come. I'll hunt it down. Not much in it up to illegal
    velocities, but the rate of accelaration seems not to diminish at all.
    Relatively speaking etc.
    So this is the contemporary litre bike thing. The itch i had to
    scratch. The words are cliche, obviously, but how utterly barking
    nuts, how ludicrously impractical, how bizarrely excessive in context
    of NSLs, and yet in these Nanny State, H&S, PC and Eco-religion
    zealot infested days, still entirely legal (to purchase) AND Lo: can
    be added to a nob 'eds insurance for 241 euro! This is truly a golden

    I feel vindicated. I had fretted and agonised about justification,
    expense, practicality, necessity et cetera, but be-jesus, that nagging
    'it has to be done, at least tried' feeling is now transformed to 'It
    HAD to be done, but you have much to learn, young grass hopper'
    After such a modest outing, this precision instrument has shown me a
    glimmer of its potential in more skilled and familiar hands, as well
    as how much it can teach. I've learned, out of necessity, how to keep
    the front end down under ferocious acceleration, the machine was
    disappointed; i've lost rear traction in the dry at (albeit modest)
    lean and not shat, and the machine said 'am i bov vered, do i look
    bovvered?', all the while the front held its line, nailed, lean was
    constant, the machine waited for corner end, regained traction and
    seemed to say 'Carry on, as you were'.
    I and machine became airborne (v. low altitude) off blind crest but i
    only became aware after machine had executed perfect landing,
    electronic damper providing nonchalant composure on the 'only in
    Ireland and other third world countries, lunar-topography type road
    surface', while telling me 'I'm not even trying, you know'.
    The UK bike press said, after Phillip Island release, that the British
    B roads would test the "road-bike" credentials of this machine; well
    i've rattled round some of the ropiest, lumpiest excuses for by-way,
    that the west of ireland can provide, cunningly hidden from view at
    turn in, and the machine held its rapier like swathe of a line and we
    emerged through such corners me, wide eyed, saying 'how can it take
    that corner, at that speed, on that surface and hold it's line?' it
    saying something approximating to ' Yeah and? Next!'
    The word of today is: Feedback
    I fear I am becoming effusive. Due perhaps in the smaller part to the
    effect one of the mellower irish whiskeys, but the greater, it has
    ( and has ) to be said, due to one of the juciest fruits of the finest
    japanese engineering.

    Notwithstanding our American cousins having buggered the word to
    death, i can say that I am, indeed, in awe.

    Make that Awe.

    That is all.
    eamonn.debarra, Mar 29, 2009
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  2. On Mar 29, 3:53 am, wrote:

    Attempt # 1 worked. but i was imaptient. Thought i had be done wrong
    be t'internet.
    eamonn.debarra, Mar 29, 2009
    1. Advertisements

  3. eamonn.debarra

    Catman Guest

    I thought you'd bought 2

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    116 Giulietta 3.0l Sprint 1.7 145 2.0 Cloverleaf 156 V6 2.5 S2
    Triumph Sprint ST 1050: It's blue, see.
    Catman, Mar 29, 2009
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