Arrrrrgh! (ot & not particularly interesting)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Simian, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Simian

    Simian Guest

    I knew this would happen.

    We're moving house tomorrow, and after the last time, 'we' decided
    that instead of doing the packing and cleaning ourselves, we'd get
    a man in.

    I booked the removals people, the packers, and the cleaners - so far so
    good. The packers came round on Friday, and packed 95% of the stuff,
    leaving the other 5% to be done tomorrow morning. Still going smoothly.

    Recently, Amanda has been saying that she'll clean the house:

    "It won't be a problem I'll do it, you go to work, there's not much to do."

    To which I've been saying things like:

    "Let's just let the cleaners do it, much less stressful for both of us.
    We can go and look at furniture instead or something."

    Anyway, the cleaners are coming on Thursday, so she'll not have time to
    do it, I thought, being cunning.

    This morning, she started packing stuff. Half an hour of gentle persuasion
    later she's leaving the packing to the packers... I think... Happy that
    she was too tired to do much, I went down to the garage to prepare that
    for the movers.

    Two hours later, "back love, garage is all do... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU
    DOING! STOP!" The oven was in half a dozen pieces around her, and she
    was busy scrubbing away at the grease on them, spraying Mr Muscle oven
    cleaner as she went.

    "You're not meant to use it like that, it's dangerous stuff, just leave
    it for an hour and then rinse it off. You can do serious damage to
    your skin and eyes and lungs like that; it doesn't work properly
    if you just use it like normal cleaner either"

    "But I haven't got time to leave it, I've got the rest of the house to do.
    And I've got to get some more gloves, these ones have gone all funny."

    "Aaaaargh! No you haven't! The cleaners! Stop!"

    <half hour argument>

    I've now given up. She's still cleaning the oven, using Mr M. Oven
    Cleaner like it was soap. On her third pair of gloves.

    Thank you for listening, I feel better now, and I'm going down to the
    offy to get something to drink.
    Simian, Aug 25, 2003
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  2. Simian

    Ginge Guest

    make sure it comes in cans so she doesn't have to wash anything up...
    Ginge, Aug 25, 2003
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  3. Simian

    Simian Guest

    Ginge :


    Oddly enough, that's exactly what I thought.
    Simian, Aug 25, 2003
  4. Simian

    Simian Guest

    Bear :
    Awww, she's lovely really; I think we've managed to take in some sail,
    and now she's on a more even keel, iykwim.
    Simian, Aug 25, 2003
  5. Simian

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    Wimin, what what are they like?
    Alan.T.Gower, Aug 25, 2003
  6. Simian

    Badger Guest

    Don't worry, Alan, I'll explain it when you're big enough.
    Badger, Aug 25, 2003
  7. Simian

    Ben Blaney Guest
    Ben Blaney, Aug 26, 2003
  8. Simian

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    Alan.T.Gower, Aug 26, 2003
  9. Simian

    Onejob Guest

    Don't think much of his van. On the other hand, he could get way with
    doing his rounds on a pushbike with a squeegy, bucket and a can of Mr.
    Onejob, Aug 26, 2003
  10. Simian

    Ginge Guest

    Stylish. Soon everyone will want one.
    Ginge, Sep 2, 2003
  11. Simian

    darsy Guest

    ^^^^^ ^^^^^

    is that some sort of japanese "Greatest Morning Greetings to
    Honourable Spouse or Girlfriend! Now to eat Breakfast for more
    enjoyable life!" thing?
    darsy, Sep 2, 2003
  12. <chortle>
    Paul Corfield, Sep 2, 2003
  13. Simian

    Simian Guest

    darsy :

    No, but it would be better if it were.
    Simian, Sep 2, 2003
  14. Simian

    darsy Guest

    "it pays to increase your engrish word-power".
    darsy, Sep 2, 2003
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