Around town

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BiffB, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. BiffB

    BiffB Guest

    Ok, so Saturday morning started off by me going in to work waaay early,
    so I could leave early so I could get a kid to football practice.

    Got home from that to find out practice had been canceled.

    Then in the process of helping the kids pack up to ship them off, I
    picked up the XBOX before unplugging it, and ruined a $60 game they had
    purchased less than 12 hours previously, and had to repurchase said game
    for them.

    Decided at that point any long motorcycle trips would probably be a bad

    Later that day I remembered a place where I could take the game to have
    it resurfaced, so I headed out.

    Mind was wandering when i got to an area where the road goes from two
    lanes, to three, to two, right after an intersection. And traffic just
    kinda stopped. Fortunately, the dude in the big Ford pickup moved over
    and gave me extra stopping distance. Not sure if he saw that I was about
    to plow into him, or if he was making the same mistake as me and had
    moved over to avoid plowing into the guy in front of him, but either way
    he pretty much saved my ass. So, props to Mr. Big Ford Pickup Dude on
    the Cell Phone.

    So, what i learned was, I really need to go hit the parking lot and work
    on not locking that back tire up, and i need to change the pads and
    brake fluid in the front. Also, i should probably remove my head from my
    ass when riding.
    BiffB, Aug 10, 2008
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  2. BiffB

    bj_kana Guest

    ========glad you managed to get home in one piece. I guess we can
    expect more close calls when riding on a two-wheeler. Yes, we
    probably all should do a little practicing on our stopping skills.
    regards, MrJayT=
    bj_kana, Aug 10, 2008
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  3. BiffB

    BiffB Guest

    Jerry wrote:
    It should be legal to shoot stupid drivers.
    But then there would be a shortage of lead.
    BiffB, Aug 10, 2008
  4. BiffB

    SKooter Bum Guest

    After one of those events it's usually underwear and maybe
    a new seat or recovering job that I have to order.
    SKooter Bum, Aug 11, 2008
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