Arnold 2008???

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Why don't you just answer the questions and quit dodging the issues.
    My questions have not been answered. Most likely they won't be
    either. Why ?because you can't come up with a good answer to reinforce
    your argument. You may as well resort to name calling. You are
    already half way there. Typical response for somebody that is losing a

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 27, 2004
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  2. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    OK how about incest. Say a Father marrying his 18 year old daughter?
    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 27, 2004
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  3. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Hey Mike,

    I have been a musician since 1976. You like gorillas?:)
    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 27, 2004
  4. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Starwolf Guest

    A schoolmate of mine referred lovingly to NYC as the most exciting English
    speaking city to live in. My retort (having lived there and had the good
    sense to depart to more civilized areas) was "They speak English in NYC?"
    Starwolf, Nov 27, 2004
  5. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Stephen! Guest

    Therein lies the base of the problem. Why should *ANYBODY* get
    additional legal benefits because they are married?

    Marriage is a choice, not an affliction (unless you marry the wrong
    person) and shouldn't warrant "special" privileges over someone who is
    not married. Not for tax breaks... Not for health care... Not for
    income (eg: Military pay and benefits)...

    Rather than grant "special" privileges to homosexuals who marry (the same
    privileges non-homosexuals enjoy now) *ALL* special privileges should be

    For the record:

    Yes, I am married.
    No, I am not homosexual.
    Stephen!, Nov 27, 2004
  6. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Stephen! Guest

    Loss of tax revenue. In most cases, a married couple pays less taxes than
    the same individuals would if filing seperately...
    Stephen!, Nov 27, 2004
  7. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Bill Bornman Guest

    this is a misleading stateement at best - while some couples pay less, mostly those where the wife
    (usually) earns substantially less money than the husband (usually), more than 40 million people pay
    higher taxes because they're married. Instead of making up my own rebuttal here are two websites I
    found that have useful discussions of this topic: (google "marriage penalty income tax")

    "The Congressional Budget Office has concluded that more than 20 million married couples pay higher
    taxes than they would if they were single, giving rise to a marriage penalty. [avg = $1,380 higher]"

    "Uncle Sam's so-called "marriage penalty" impacts over 40% of married couples, boosting annual taxes
    for these couples. The penalty can be steep, especially for two-income couples where both incomes
    are fairly equal. When both incomes are combined, many couples are pushed into the next tax
    bracket, triggering higher taxes on April 15th.

    If one spouse makes substantially more than the other, there may be no penalty attached. In fact,
    modest changes in a married couple's tax rate could earn those couples with only one "breadwinner" a
    marriage bonus in the form of reduced taxes. However, more and more households are two-income
    families, meaning the marriage penalty may be taking a larger bite out of disposable income."

    Here's how the marriage penalty works:

    Married Couple Individual
    Adjusted Gros Income
    $100,000 $50,000

    Minus exemptions and standard deductions
    -$12,500 -$6,950

    Taxable income
    $87,500 $43,050

    Federal tax
    $19,002 $8,766 ($17,532 for two individuals)

    Marriage penalty
    $1,470 (that's 8% more than they'd pay if they weren't married)

    I have no factual basis for this statement, but I would expect that the "marriage penalty" would
    disproportionately affect gay couples.
    Bill Bornman, Nov 27, 2004
  8. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    OK how about an 18 year old man and his father marrying? What do you
    think? You think we can get some consenting here? Not only is this a
    gay relationship but, now you have incest as well. Would this be
    covered under the gay marriage law if it were to pass? I mean they
    are a gay couple after all. Can you admit that there is something
    terribly wrong with this situation? How would would feel if a gay
    incest organization formed and demanded they shall be recognized as
    viable alternative lifestyle and be allowed to marry? I mean their
    argument would be there are gay animals in the wild and there is
    incest in wild animals as well. Why is it gays get to get married and
    we cannot?

    Lots of things are common doesn't make them right. Murders are common

    What if we lower the age of consent than? What is the proper age for a
    child to consent?

    Perhaps they are aware that anybody that votes for this will never get
    reelected due to the fact that a majority of Americans from all walks
    of life and religions support the ban. I am all for a civil union that
    will acomplish the full legal benefits of marriage Unfortunatley, many
    leaders in the Gay community are not. Why is that?
    Yea so what it is over 200 years old. So is it obselete?

    Ok how about a Man marrying his 18 year old daughter? You know two
    consenting adults? Got cha! Who's next. :)
    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 27, 2004
  9. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Two consenting adults my friend. Can't use the consent excuse now. 20
    years ago nobody would have figured gays would attempt to get legally
    married. Once the gays get their marriage licenses than everybody is
    gonna want those same benefits that married people are getting. It
    will be a free for all. Why don't you demonstrate that this could
    never happen? Why don't you tell us this won't have a negative effect
    on our society while you are at it.
    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 27, 2004
  10. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Glad you brought up the Romans. What happened to Rome?

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 27, 2004
  11. As states by another, "Circular reasoning is a ... fallacy of logic."
    The offspring have a greatly increased chance of birth defects.

    Josh Rosenbluth
    Josh Rosenbluth, Nov 27, 2004
  12. I am still waiting for you to supply a logical reason for not having
    same-sex marriage. So far, you have 1) claimed marriage is for
    procreation and 2) marriage is between a man and a woman. The former is
    rejected because we allow the elderly and infertile to marry. The
    latter is circular reasoning.

    Josh Rosenbluth
    Josh Rosenbluth, Nov 27, 2004
  13. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Odinn Guest

    How about we use the previous drug laws prior to Nixon? Or the drug
    laws prior to FDR? Oooops, sorry, you're canadian, you haven't had to
    deal with our changing drug laws. Laws are constantly refined and
    changed, and many of us would prefer the drug laws prior to Nixon.
    Too bad, since you just missed a good reason to counter your "Children
    are the reason for Marriage" that points out your delima in being wrong.
    Not weak, since you convieniently snipped out the whole gist of the
    arguement above. I'll repost it just to refresh your memory.

    ----- BEGIN QUOTE -----

    And how does classifying a marriage to be ONLY between a man and a woman
    ensure children get the best chance early in life? I can show you many
    instances where a couple shouldn't be allowed to raise their kids, but
    they are married. Marriage doesn't guarantee a damn thing.

    Common-law marriage is outlawed in many of the states of the US.
    Virginia doesn't even recognize common-law marriages from other states,
    thanks to the religious right (Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Oral
    Roberts, et al).

    No, the thing called marriage is all about property, and has been since
    the beginning. Women were the property of the men, and marriage was
    about transferring that property from the father to the husband. Babies
    can happen without marriage, and often does.

    And children are not going to result unintentionally if my wife an I
    have a wild night of sex (since she's no long able to have kids). Just
    another strawman arguement.
    ----- END QUOTE -----
    No, it's not misleading. Only a married couple have a legal foundation
    on splitting assets in a breakup. Only a married couple have a legal
    foundation on retaining assets if one should die. One doesn't have to
    be married to have sex or live together (and common-law is not law, it's
    actually disputed in many states and is illegal), but without the
    marriage, they don't have the benefits of legal rights of property.
    I'm sorry, but you've just lost all respect claiming political
    correctness. This has nothing to do with political correctness, it has
    all to do with gays receiving the same benefits of marriage as my wife
    and I get, INCLUDING the marriage penalty taxes.


    '03 FLHTI ...........
    '97 VN1500D .........
    Atlanta Biker Net ...
    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Nov 27, 2004
  14. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Well at least they will be insured.
    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 27, 2004
  15. So, if we can justify not having men marry gorillas (informed consent)
    or men marrying 10-year olds (informed consent) and fathers marrying
    their adult daughters (birth defects), how can you justify not allowing
    same-sex, adult couples from marrying (other than by using fallacious
    circular reasoning)?

    Josh Rosenbluth
    Josh Rosenbluth, Nov 27, 2004
  16. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Krishna Guest

    Sure, you are not.
    Krishna, Nov 27, 2004
  17. SNIP

    Indeed, you have YET to answer my questions. Face it YOU are
    wrong...dead wrong.
    They have been AND not just answered but rebutted using the
    same book you think is so important.
    Because he and many others are tired of repeating

    Indeed you are acting like that. SHOW ME CHAPTER AND
    VERSE...SHOW ME! You can't because it isn't there. Don't
    bother with the Leviticus argument it only applies to the
    Levites who were the keepers of the temples...

    Nefarious Necroloigist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 27, 2004
  18. SNIP
    Well, geneticlly speaking, NOTHING. Now we have been raised
    socially to find this wrong. In man societies it was a
    common practice for brothers and sisters to
    marry...mentioned in the bible iirc.

    Yeah, you fell alright...your arguments are pathetic,
    ill-informed and as bright as a burnt out light bulb.

    Nefarious Necroloigist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 27, 2004
  19. Here in Canada, shacking up results in splitting of assets, just like
    what happens to married people when breaking up. Just happened to the
    couple across the street from me.
    You and I may be misunderstanding each other's positions then. I
    think it is perfectly possible for the state to grant gays all the
    rights you mentioned - without redefining what marriage is.

    Since there are other options, all that's being asked by many people
    on my side of the argument is: Don't change the definition of
    marriage. Because the change is unnecessary, it's basically a very
    reasonable position.

    In fact, earlier on in the debate, I've heard that even many gays were
    saying this idea of messing with the institution of marriage was a
    ridiculous notion.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Nov 27, 2004
  20. Larry xlax Lovisone

    ~kurt Guest

    I think the same is true for certain states here in the U.S.

    - Kurt
    ~kurt, Nov 27, 2004
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